  • 其次,一般主妇都喜爱栽种卉,并把五颜六色的盆排列在窗外,以美化环境,所以,我们无论去到哪里,都看到五彩缤纷的朵摆设在设计优美的窗户外,构成一幅幅美丽、幽静的景致,可见瑞士人能自动自觉地保护环境,使整个国家整洁美观,获得全世界的赞许。
    Most Swiss housewives have green thumbs and like to arrange their colourful potted plants and flowers on their windowsills. Wherever we went, we could see all the windows dotted with splendid colours, each a pretty little vignette of serenity. It can be seen that the Swiss take it upon themselves to beautify their country and keep it clean, and in the process, earning praise from the world over.
  • 有锯齿状叶子和大黄的中国铁线莲。
    Chinese clematis with serrate leaves and large yellow flowers.
  • 亚洲藤蔓攀援植物,有锯齿状长叶和白色总状序,结黄绿色可食果实。
    high-climbing Asiatic vine having long finely serrate leaves and racemes of white flowers followed by greenish-yellow edible fruit.
  • 到处存在的有很强香味的欧亚的一种药草,生长于荒地,篱墙和牧场上;具有窄的齿状叶和小白;在北美被广泛种植。
    ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets; widely naturalized in North America.
  • 如果你有一辆昂贵的车,不舍得钱保养它是愚蠢的。
    If you have an expensive car, it's foolish to try to economize on servicing it.
  • 五十年后,文艺复兴崛起,巴黎这种如此严格,却又如此丰富多采的统一性,掺入了华丽的气派,叫人眼缭乱,诸如各种别出心裁的新样,各种体系,五八门的罗马式半圆拱顶、希腊式圆柱、峨特式扁圆穹窿,十分细腻而又刻意求精的雕刻,对蔓藤饰和茛菪叶饰的特别爱好,路德的现代建筑艺术的异教情调,不一而足。这样,巴黎也许更加美丽多姿了,尽管看上去和想起来不如当初那么和谐。
    Fifty years later, when the Renaissance began to mingle with this unity which was so severe and yet so varied, the dazzling luxury of its fantasies and systems, its debasements of Roman round arches, Greek columns, and Gothic bases, its sculpture which was so tender and so ideal, its peculiar taste for arabesques and acanthus leaves, its architectural paganism,contemporary with Luther, Paris, was perhaps, still more beautiful,although less harmonious to the eye, and to the thought.
  • 爵床,茛苕一种常年生爵床属草本植物或小灌木,生长于地中海地区,有叶边带刺的羽状裂片基叶,及由白色或紫红色朵构成的艳丽穗状
    Any of various perennial herbs or small shrubs of the genus Acanthus, native to the Mediterranean and having pinnately lobed basal leaves with spiny margins and showy spikes of white or purplish flowers.
  • :每周吃5份或5份以上十字科蔬菜的人,在10年内,其患膀胱癌的可能性是很少吃十字科蔬菜的人的一半。
    Broccoli : Those who are five servings or more per week of cruciferous veggies were half as likely to develop bladder cancer over a ten?year period as men who rarely are them.
  • 无柄;无柄藤壶的壳是直接附着在底部的。
    sessile flowers; the shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate.
  • 美国中部的一种延龄草,无柄、黑紫色。
    trillium of central United States having dark purple sessile flowers.
  • 美国东北部的一种延龄草,具有无柄的叶和红色或紫色的,有刺激性气味。
    trillium of northeastern United States with sessile leaves and red or purple flowers having a pungent odor.
  • 金发状毛梗,欧洲一枝黄一种欧洲植物(麻菀紫菀属),叶子狭长,无柄,伞状序,盘上浓密的小而亮的黄
    A European plant(Aster linosyris) having narrow, sessile leaves and dense corymbs of small, bright yellow, discoid flower heads.
  • 金合欢属树一种豆科金合欢属通常多刺的树木或灌木,有复生的羽状复叶或由扁平的叶茎和小头或穗代替的叶子
    Any of various often spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia in the pea family, having alternate, bipinnately compound leaves or leaves represented by flattened leafstalks and heads or spikes of small flowers.
  • 儿茶树一种亚洲生多刺木(儿茶金合欢属),有两羽状复叶、穗状黄和深色心材
    A spiny Asian tree(Acacia catechu) having bipinnately compound leaves, spikes of yellow flowers, and dark heartwood.
  • 布拉德福,威廉1590-1657美洲的英国清教徒殖民者。五月密约的签署人和普利茅斯种植园的开拓者,被推选为30个一年任期的总督之一,领导殖民地度过了艰难的早期岁月
    English Puritan colonist in America. A signer of the Mayflower Compact and a settler of Plymouth Plantation, he was elected governor for30 one-year terms and led the colony through its difficult early years.
  • 其中有些货品,特别是用来出口的货品,是仿自十七世纪法王路易十四制造的边织物。
    Some of them especially the ones made for export, are copied from some seventeenth century lace articles made for Louis XIV of France.
  • 黄山上有一些山峰是由整块的岗石造成的,由看得见的基础到峰尖共有一千呎高,而且有半英里长。这些东西鼓动了中国艺术家的灵感;这些山峰的静默、伟大和永久性,可说是中国人喜欢画中的石头的原因。一个人未旅行过黄山之前,是不易相信世间有这么伟大的石头的;十七世纪一些黄山派的画家,从这些静默的岗石山峰得到了他们的灵感。
    There are peaks in Huangshan or the Yellow Mountains which are formed by single pieces of granite ; thousand feet high from their visible base on the ground to their tops, and half a mile long. These are what inspire the Chinese artists, and their silence, their rugged enormity and their apparent eternity account partly for the Chinese love of rocks in pictures. It is hard to believe that there are such enormous rocks until one visits Huangshan, and there was a Huangshan School of painters in the seventeenth century, deriving their inspiration from these silent peaks of granite.
  • 苘麻一种热带亚洲的一年生草本植物(苘麻属苘麻锦葵科),原产于美国,具有大而光滑的心形叶子和黄色朵。它是中国北部的一种重要的纤维植物
    A tropical Asian annual herb(Abutilon theophrasti) naturalized in the United States, having large, velvety, heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. It is an important fiber plant in northern China.
  • 缝上做为一种装饰。
    sew on as a decoration.
  • 唐松草属的任何一种草本植物;有根状茎或块茎,四季生,生长在潮湿而荫凉的地方、草地或河边;有带边的叶和大量的紫色或黄色的
    any of various herbs of the genus Thalictrum; sometimes rhizomatous or tuberous perennials found in damp shady places and meadows or stream banks; have lacy foliage and clouds of small purple or yellow flowers.
  • 我被骗得多花了钱。
    I was shafted into paying too much.
  • 有相对宽大的叶子和羽毛状圆锥序的一个高大北美芦苇属;广泛分布于潮湿地区;用作席子筛子和矢柄。
    tall North American reed having relative wide leaves and large plumelike panicles; widely distributed in moist areas; used for mats, screens and arrow shafts.
  • 大树下失去照顾的蓬乱的草坪以及根纠结在一起的香和灌木——威廉·福克纳。
    shaggy untended lawns of old trees and rootbound scented flowers and shrubs- William Faulkner.
  • 他们在这一地区种了许多
    They planted flowers in great abundance in this area.
  • 弗吉尼亚页岩荒地的一种晚多年生植物,有顶端扁平的簇。
    late-blooming perennial plant of shale barrens of Virginia having flowers in flat-topped clusters.
  • 切碎的腌菜、有时是腌马槟榔蕾和青葱、欧芹、煮硬的鸡蛋做成的蛋黄酱;海味用沙司,尤其是油炸鱼。
    mayonnaise with chopped pickles and sometimes capers and shallots and parsley and hard-cooked egg; sauce for seafood especially fried fish.
  • 葱属植物百合科葱属的大量植物,通常指球茎植物,长茎上开有不同颜色的簇,还包括多种装饰性植物和粮食作物,如洋葱、韭葱、细香葱、大蒜和青葱
    Any of numerous, usually bulbous plants of the genus Allium in the lily family, having long stalks bearing clusters of variously colored flowers and including many ornamental and food plants, such as onions, leeks, chives, garlic, and shallots.
  • 那些在这个女人的神女生涯上搞过投机买卖的人,那些在她身上发过大财的人,那些在她弥留之际拿着贴了印的借据来和她纠缠不休的人,还有那些在她死后就来收取他们冠冕堂皇的帐款和卑鄙可耻的高额利息的人,所有那些人可全都是正人君子哪!
    Honest, men all, who had speculated in the prostitution of this woman, had obtained a one hundred per cent return on her, had dogged the last moments of her life with writs, and came after she was dead to claim both the fruits of their honourable calculations and the interest accruing on the shameful credit they had given her.
  • 阿富汗披肩针织或钩编而成的有多彩几何纹的羊毛披肩
    A coverlet or shawl of wool, knitted or crocheted in colorful geometric designs.
  • 是美的,但美本身是抽象的。
    Flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.
  • 她服饰典雅,穿着一条镶满边的细纱长裙,肩上披一块印度方巾,四角全是金镶边和丝绣的朵,戴着一顶意大利草帽,还戴着一只手镯,那是当时刚刚时行的一种粗金链子。
    She was elegantly dressed; she wore a muslin dress with full panels, a square Indian shawl embroidered at the corners with gold thread and silk flowers, a Leghorn straw hat and a single bracelet, one of those thick gold chains which were then just beginning to be fashionable.
  • 叶舌舌状结构,如舌状序枝冠或木科木植物草叶和茎之间的膜状或茸毛状的草叶
    A straplike structure, such as the corolla of a ray flower or a membranous or hairy appendage between the sheaf and blade of a grass leaf.