  • 陶器总称用有孔的黏土在较低火温下烧制成的器皿。一包括上彩釉的陶器、荷兰白釉蓝彩陶器和文艺复兴时期意大利出产的花饰陶器
    Pottery made from a porous clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures. Faience, delft, and majolica are examples of earthenware.
  • 这位被卷入漩涡中的姑娘名叫德维亚尼·拉娜(devyanirana),她并不是一人想象的那种出身贫寒的灰姑娘,拉娜有着很深厚的家庭背景。
    The Hindustan Times reported that Rana left grief-stricken Kathmandu for safety reasons on Saturday afternoon onboard a flight to New Delhi.
  • 努斯和英国出生的赛义德是在印度新德里的一家餐馆里相遇的,并受到赛义德朋友的招待。努斯形容赛义德是个友好的、善于言辞的、好学的年轻人,他邀请努斯到他家里吃饭。
    Friendly, well-spoken and intellectually curious is how Nuss describes the young British-born man who befriended him in a New Delhi restaurant and invited him to eat with his family.
  • 一个年轻美貌的姑娘正斜靠在壁板上,她的头发黑得象乌玉一,眼睛象羚羊的眼睛一温柔,她那富有古希腊雕刻之美的纤细的手指,正在抚弄一束石南花,那花瓣被撕碎了散播在地板上。
    A young and beautiful girl, with hair as black as jet, her eyes as velvety as the gazelle's, was leaning with her back against the wainscot, rubbing in her slender delicately moulded fingers a bunch of heath blossoms, the flowers of which she was picking off and strewing on the floor;
  • 熟食一不需另加烹调便可食用。
    Delicatessen usually require little preparation for serving.
  • 所谓的改革一上是要求“问题国家”变得更像美国或英国,或者他们理想中的民主社会。
    Often the reform requires the “delinquent”country to be more like America or Britain and its idealised democratic society.
  • 界碑是人造的,地图上绘的若断若续、点线相错、电报符号的界线,也不是生成的。
    The lines of demarcation are all man-made. What are drawn on a map - where the lines break, where they continue, where they intersect - just like the symbols of the telegraphic code, are not at all the work of nature.
  • 讲政治体制改革都讲民主化,但民主化的含义不十分清楚。
    When people discuss reform of the political structure, they always talk about democratization, but they are not clear about what that means.
  • 仿佛恶魔附体凶残疯狂的。
    in a murderous frenzy as if possessed by a demon.
  • 像魔鬼一的精力;一阵着魔似的突然发作。
    demoniac energy; a demoniacal fit.
  • 他内心魔鬼似的东西——会很残忍的东西;烈火点燃了邪恶的景象;受魔鬼影响的恶魔似的男巫师;残忍的暴君;地狱的严刑拷打;邪恶的战争机器;邪恶、残忍;邪恶的鬼脸。
    something demonic in him--something that could be cruel; fires lit up a diabolic scene; diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils; a fiendish despot; hellish torture; infernal instruments of war; satanic cruelty; unholy grimaces.
  • 魔鬼的智能魔鬼或恶作剧的表现,如表现在绘画或写作上的才能
    Representation of devils or demons, as in paintings or fiction.
  • 粗蓝布一种结实,一为蓝色的粗斜棉布
    A sturdy, often blue denim fabric.
  • 比方搬迁的“搬”,是应该有手旁的,中国字的动词多数加手旁,此在中国六书中,叫做“形声”,一边以“手”形表示动作,一边以“”字表示读音。
    For example, the word 搬 ban (meaning "to move or change position") as in 搬 迁 ban qian (meaning "to move house") should have the radical shou (meaning "hand") by its side. In Chinese words, most verbs have the radical shou. In the structural analysis of the Chinese written word 六 书 Liu Shu ("The Six Categories of the Written Word"), the two components of a Chinese word is called 形 声 xing-sheng (form and sound or "radical" and "phonetic").One part of the word 搬 which is pronounced as ban uses the radical shou (hand) to denote action; the other part uses the word , also pronounced ban (meaning "sort" or "class"), simply as the phonetic to indicate the pronunciation.
  • 人口密度比一的少或者比期望的少。
    having a lower population density than normal or desirable.
  • 这些恐怖活动能够破坏钢铁大厦,但却摧毁不了美国人民钢铁的坚强意志。
    These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
  • 用牙线洁牙;一是牙齿。
    use dental floss to clean; of teeth.
  • 在这种情况下,我们不能背离一的作法。
    We cannot depart from our regular practice in such cases.
  • 文职人员方面,也有272名一职系及188名部门职系人员因退休、调往其他部门、被终止服务、合约届满或被撤职等理由而离开警队。
    Likewise, 272 general grade, and 188 departmental grade civilian staff left the Force through various means such as retirement, transfer to other government departments, termination of their service, completion of contract or dismissal.
  • 由于一部门的预算不支持应用服务器15,000~100,000美元的价格,故(对cgi来说)这是件好事,所有的网站服务器都内装有cgi。
    That's a plus because departmental budgets generally don't support the $15,000 to $100,000 price tag of an application server -- compared with CGI, which is built in to all Web servers.
  • 我知道你也跟一人一样,都是见机行事。
    Your conduct would be quite as dependant on chance as that of any man I know;
  • 带著像婴儿的依赖她不由自主地把目光投向了她的丈夫。
    Her unconscious looks wander to her husband with infantile dependency.
  • 一九八六年——ibm公司的研究人员盖尔德·贝尼格和海因里希·罗利尔发明扫描筒状显微镜的五年之后(他们因此而获得诺贝尔奖)——埃利克·德莱克斯勒所著《创造的动力》一书轰动一时,因为书中描写了如上帝控制物质的能力。
    In 1986-five years after IBM researchers Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer invented the scanning tunneling microscope, which garnered them the Nobel Prize-the book Engines of Creation, by K.Eric Drexler, created a sensation for its depiction of godlike control over matter.
  • 莫罗:我们这我的设备折旧率一为十年,所以它还值原来价值的五分之三。
    And we usually depreciate our machinery in ten years, so it still has three-fifths of the original value.
  • 他的阅读能力低于一水平。
    His reading achievement is depressed.
  • 税务局:可以。一有申报、核定和换算三种形式。
    Tax official: I will try. Generally speaking, there are three levying methods, namely return, assessment, and the derivation.
  • 的,通有的有关或描绘完整的一种或一类的;普遍的
    Relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class; general.
  • 该市4万2千名寄养儿童中有15%是需要特殊照料的,被委派担任特殊照顾者可获得每月700—1,200美元的薪金。而一的寄养父母每月收入420美元。
    About 15 percent of the city's 42,000 foster children require special care, a designation that qualifies caretakers for stipends of $700 to $1,200 a month, compared with the $420 that other foster parents receive.
  • 我们设计的会徽不同一
    The emblem was specially designed.
  • 如果你用的是桌面计算机,一就不会问你这个问题。
    If you are using a desktop computer, you will most likely not be asked this question.
  • 命运给予一个天才神一的天赋,却不给他以人的力量。
    A genius to whom Destiny had given the gifts of a god and denied the powers of a man.
  • 从法律上确定……的价值;一采用法律手段。
    determine the court costs of; in court actions.