  • 调弦,调音乐器调音以达到所期望的音高或音调
    To adjust an instrument to a desired pitch or key.
  • 超文本一种计算机的文本查寻系统,此系统能够使用者提供与某一特定文本相关的信息
    A computer-based text retrieval system that enables the user to provide access to or gain information related to a particular text.
  • 一种指定的使用方式,它某个运行单元以改变数据库某个区的能力,而别的运行单元可同时作数据检索。
    A specified usage mode that gives a run unit the capability to make changes to an area of the database while other run units concurrently retrieve data.
  • 回报他一句问候;回报她的爱。
    return a compliment; return her love.
  • 当产生了这样一个错误后,uddi注册中心将拒绝这个待决的更新,同时将这个由校验web服务所返回的soap错误消息原样返回初始的调用者。
    When an error is signaled in this fashion, UDDI will reject the pending change and return to the original caller the same SOAP fault data returned by the validation Web Service.
  • 让他给我回电话。
    Have him return my call.
  • 法庭把死者的房屋判他的儿子。
    The court adjudged the dead man's house to his son.
  • 把财产判给某人
    adjudge the property to sb.
  • 法院将法定损害赔偿金判了她.
    The court adjudged legal damages to her.
  • 设在意大利布林迪西的联合国供应和储存补站负责改进可回收利用的资产的储存和保养、节省采购物品的费用并帮助更快地部署新的行动。
    In Brindisi, Italy, the UN's supply and storage depot improves the storage and maintenance of reusable assets, saves money in procurement costs, and facilitates faster deployment of new operations.
  • 那些在寻找建立更复杂应用的公司可以把应用服务器连到分开的软件服务器上,而这些软件服务器处理订单和其他事务,把那些称作对象的可重用的应用程序代码分发用户。
    Companies looking to more complex applications can hook application severs to separate software servers that process orders and other transactions and that distribute reusable chunks of application code called objects to users.
  • 法院休庭,予公诉方找到觅失的证人的时间。
    The court adjourn to allow the prosecution time to find the missing witness.
  • 米歇尔好炫耀地位他带来的权势和风光也是有名的。
    He also has a reputation for revelling in the power and glamour his position brings.
  • 这次金融风暴我们的一个启示,就是市场需要适当的规范,以免带来破坏性的冲击。
    The current financial turmoil has come as a revelation to us. We have realised that proper regulation of the market is needed in order to protect us against any devastating attack.
  • 自然神论以理性为基础的神学理论,认为上帝创造了世界后就抛弃了它,不再支配生命,不再向自然现象施加影响力,也不再超凡的启示
    The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.
  • 有时,他们以更大的规模贷款政府,或贷款衣租食税的贵族。这种贷款是用交出某些地区归放债人所有或让他们指派税吏收税来作担保的。这样他们就可以从税收中得到偿还。
    or, on a larger scale, they lend to the government, or to those to whom it has granted a portion of the revenue, and are indemnified by assignments on the revenue collectors, or by having certain districts put into their possession, that they may pay themselves from the revenues;
  • 我听到一个声音在回荡:“爬出来吧,我你自由!”
    I heard a voice reverberating: "Crawl out! I give you liberty!"
  • 对这部影片予毁灭性的评论
    Gave the film a deadly review.
  • 给电影以坦率的评论
    Gave the film an unflattering review.
  • 对这出新戏给予表扬
    A laudatory review of the new play.
  • 中央政府坚持和平谈判的政策,西藏爱国力量以巨大支持和鼓舞。
    The central government's adherence to the policy of peaceful negotiations greatly supported and inspired the patriotic forces in Tibet.
  • 整天你的朋友写诗,害得他们不胜其烦,不能终其天年,这是什么友谊。
    Pretty friendship it is to rhyme your friends to death before their time.
  • 他们留着一间原屋她住,一个十余岁的毛丫头伴着,让她吃饱了饭,站在巷口去研究那公主嫁人,尼姑生子的问题。
    They left the original house for her to live in, provided a ten-year old girl to keep her company, fed her adequately, while she continued to stand at the entrance to the lane pursuing the question of whether the princess had got married and whether the nun had given birth.
  • 给肋骨上狠狠的一推
    A sharp dig in the ribs.
  • 为了完成这些任务,党的各级委员会必须保证各级监察机关有足够的干部力量,并且经常对于它的工作以坚强的支持。
    To this end, the Party committees at different levels must ensure that the control commissions are adequately staffed and must give them constant and vigorous support.
  • 花边装饰线或丝带,尤指用于装饰织物或织物加边的
    Ornamental cord or ribbon, used especially for decorating or edging fabrics.
  • rna的一种,能将细胞核中dna携带的信息传递细胞中蛋白质合成所在的核糖体。
    the form of RNA that carries information from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome sites of protein synthesis in the cell.
  • 请给我再来点米饭。
    Please give me more rice.
  • 近似值适用于定目标的不精确结论
    An inexact result adequate for a given purpose.
  • 他为妻子提供足够的
    He makes adequate provision for his wife.
  • 充足的水供每一户家庭。
    Adequate water is supplied to every household.
  • 他的工作适当的报酬。
    adequate remuneration for his work.