  • 纳塔利、迪伦、亚历克斯及忠实的中尉博斯利,必须破解一桩错综迷的报复性杀人阴谋,它不仅会摧毁世界范围的个人隐私,还意味着查理和天使们的灭亡。
    Natalie,Dylan and Alex,alongside faithful lieutenant Bosley,must foil an elaborate murder revenge plot that could not only destroy individual privacy worldwide,but spell the end of Charlie and his Angels.
  • 过了39年的幸福婚姻生活后,艾尔弗雷德突然迷上了一个19岁的姑娘,并家出走跟她过上了。
    After thirty years of happy married life, Alfred suddenly became infatuated with a girl of nineteen and left his family to live with her.
  • 玛丽亚·凯丽于1970年3月27日出生在纽约长岛不远的地方,父母分别是阿尔弗雷德和帕瑞西亚·凯丽,有一个哥哥和一个姐姐。
    Mariah Carey was born on March 27, l970 near Long Island, NY, to Alfred and Patricia Carey. She has an older brother and sister.
  • 玛丽亚3岁时双亲异,部分原因是人们对他俩有种族偏见(父亲是委内瑞拉出生的美国黑人,母亲是爱尔兰人)。
    When she was around three years old, her parents divorced due in part to racial prejudice against them (Alfred is Venezuelan and African American, Paricia is Irish).
  • 阿尔及利亚非洲西北部滨邻地中海的国家。经过长期的恐怖主义活动和游击战争,阿尔及利亚于1962年脱法国统治宣布独立。阿尔及尔是首都及最大的城市。人口16,948,000
    A country of northwest Africa bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. Algeria gained its independence from France in1962 after a long terrorist and guerrilla campaign. Algiers is the capital and the largest city. Population,16, 948, 000.
  • 背井乡这么久,现在在他自己的国家,他觉得自己像个外人。
    After being away for so long, he feels like an alien in his own country now.
  • 和电影里的et或外星人不同的是,这个“alien”将不会去。
    And unlike ET, this “alien” won't go home.
  • 间那两个朋友的企图失败了,因为他们彼此完全信任。
    His attempts to alienate the two friends failed because they had complete faith.
  • 使疏远使怀有敌意,使不友善或使疏远;
    To make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent; alienate.
  • 殊不知这是麻痹党腐化党的使党脱群众的最好办法。
    As a matter of fact, this is the easiest way to paralyse and corrupt the Party and alienate the masses.
  • 这样就要脱群众,脱干部,甚至腐蚀自己的子女和家庭,把风气带坏了,官僚主义也无法克服。
    This is liable to alienate them from the masses and the lower-ranking cadres, and even to corrupt their family members, debase the general standard of social conduct and make it impossible to overcome bureaucracy.
  • 不实行民主集中制,不但脱人民群众,脱党员群众,而且上级脱下级,甚至在同级里也势必造成少数人或个人脱多数,少数人或个人专断的局面。
    If we do not practice democratic centralism, we shall alienate ourselves from the masses and rank-and-file Party members. In addition, superiors will become estranged from their subordinates, and even among co-workers, a minority or an individual will split off from the majority and make arbitrary decisions.
  • 使人感到不自在或被疏的。
    making one feel out of place or alienated.
  • 城市里的许多人,包括知识分子和青年,在很长一段时间内脱我们。
    Many people in the cities, including the intellectuals and youth, were alienated from us for a long time.
  • 现在出现的一些问题,反映我们较长时间以来相当地脱群众。
    The problems that are arising now show that we have been quite alienated from the people for a considerable time.
  • 英国教师及讲师协会主席迈克尔·穆尔4月16日指出,英国的课程设置太过枯燥,以至于学生对学校产生了疏厌恶的情绪。
    The national curriculum is so boring that children are becoming alienated and disruptive at school, Michael Moore, president of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, said yesterday.
  • 结果群众认为政府是不中用的,一切要决定于共产党。于是要钱的是共产党,要粮的是共产党,政府一切法令都是共产党的法令,政府一切错误都是共产党的错误,政府没有威信,党也脱了群众。
    This has given the masses the impression that the government is incompetent and that it is the Communist Party that has the final say in everything, that the Party levies grain and other taxes, formulates all the decrees for the government and is responsible for all the mistakes made by the government. Hence, the government is not respected by the masses and the Party has alienated itself from them.
  • 酉、我们许多外来干部作风很坏,对本地干部的作用认识不够,没有一心一意地去发现正派的积极分子,大量地培养他们成为区村干部,反而提升了一批流氓坏人来当干部,也是我们脱群众的重要原因。
    10. Many of our cadres who came from other areas exhibited a very bad work style, lacked adequate understanding of the role played by local cadres, and failed to devote their attention to finding large numbers of honest activists or to turning them into cadres at district and village levels through training. Instead, they promoted a bunch of hooligans and scoundrels as cadres. This was an important reason for our becoming alienated from the masses.
  • 精神病能产生一种与现实世界脱的感觉。
    Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.
  • 许多工业工作越来越单调刻板,导致很多工人德的倾向。
    The increasingly dull nature of many industrial jobs has led to the alienation of many workers.
  • 用来表达愤怒及偏社会的摇滚乐。
    rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation.
  • 具有讽刺意味的是,这些现代通讯工具也成为了让人感到彼此疏远的工具,它们让我们觉得远了真实接触,让我们觉得更加需要真正的,人与人之间的接触。
    Ironically, these modern tools of communication can also be tools of alienation, making us feel so out of touch, so much more in need of real human contact.
  • 当前,特别要注意克服不思进取、无所作为的思想状况,克服种种严重脱群众的现象,坚决反对形式主义和官僚主义的歪风。
    At present,special attention should be paid to overcoming the state of lethargy and seeking no progress, doing away with the grave alienation from the people and standing firmly against the unhealthy tendency of formalism and bureaucracy.
  • 但是,把脱群众这个问题统统归到林彪、“四人帮”身上也不合乎实际,我们自己也有责任。
    Still, it wouldn't be in keeping with reality to put all the blame for our present alienation from the people on Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, for we have our own share of responsibility.
  • 这个新军阀主义倾向虽然和表现在打人、骂人、破坏纪律等等现象上面的老的军阀主义倾向同其根源(把共产党降低到国民党),同其结果(脱群众);
    The tendency towards this new type of warlordism has the same root (the reduction of the Communist Party to the level of the Kuomintang) and the same result (the alienation of the masses) as the tendency towards the old type of warlordism, which expressed itself in beating and abusing people, violating discipline, etc;
  • 从一条路线或队列中一位置上
    A turning or bending away from a course or position of alignment.
  • (天文学)较小天体或子天体比它所绕转的主天体观测者更远的一次合。
    (astronomy) the alignment of the Earth and a planet on the opposite side of the sun.
  • 方向空间两点间无关距的关系,其中一点参照另一点表示角度位置;通过这种关系,任何位置的准线和方向可参照任何其他位置而得以建立
    The distance-independent relationship between two points in space that specifies the angular position of either with respect to the other; the relationship by which the alignment or orientation of any position with respect to any other position is established.
  • 婚妻子的赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。
    Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse.
  • 赡养费按照法庭判决婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时
    An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
  • 婚妻子的赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。
    Alimony likes buying oats for a dead horse.
  • 婚妻子的赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。
    Alimony is like buy oats for a dead horse.