| - 我一直在观察阿尔芒,时刻担心他那明显克制着的感情会把他压垮;
I kept an eye on Armand, for I was afraid that his sensations, which he was visibly repressing, might get the better of him at any moment; - 我们暂且先放下不谈腾格拉尔如何怀着仇恨,竭力在船主莫雷尔的耳边讲他的同伴的坏话的。且说唐太斯横过了卡纳比埃尔街,顺着诺埃尹街转入梅兰巷,走进了靠左边的一家小房子里。他在黑暗的楼梯上一手扶着栏杆,一手按在他那狂跳的心上,急急地奔上了四层楼梯。他在一扇半开半掩的门前停了下来,那半开的门里是一个小房间。
WE WILL LEAVE Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantès, who, after having traversed La Canebière, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allées de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door, from which he could see the whole of a small room. - 她年轻,面容娇好而沉着。但面部的神情表明她在自我克制,甚至表现出一种力量。
She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. - 人民受着凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫。
The people is held down by a vicious and repressive military regime. - 领养家庭给琳达送来了一大束鲜花,上面有一个卡片写着“这束鲜花是你在阿肯色州的家送给你的”。
The adoptive family sent Linda a big bouquet of flowers with a card "from your Arkansas family". - 税务局:这意味着你们是以转让无形资产换取房屋所有权。在这种情况下,你们应就转让无形资产的收入按5%交纳营业税。如果你们将分得的房产再销售,则须按销售不动产再交一道5%的税。
Tax official: You mean that your company transfer the right to use land in exchange for the ownership of the housing.in this case, you company will be levied at the rate of 5% on the transfer income. If you want to resell that part of the housing, you will be levied again at 5% on the transfer of immovable property. - 罗瑞先生仿佛在完成请人画像的动作时睡着了,是送来的早餐惊醒了他。
Completing his resemblance to a man who was sitting for his portrait, Mr. Lorry dropped off to sleep. - (皮肤)被疣或相似疣的东西发射般的覆盖着。
(of skin) covered with warts or projections that resemble warts. - 而到底能回收多少,就必须看你是否抱持着正确的心态而定了。
If you render extra service unwillingly or resentfully,you will probably get nothing back. - 她觉察到他言谈中夹带着忿恨。
She detected resentment in his voice. - 光明的前程在等待着你。
A great future is reserved for you. - 双方都把后备部队投入了战斗,紧接着一场激战开始了。
Each side committed its reserves and a pitched battle followed. - 人人设法安顿下来,抢占位置,踮起脚尖,聚集成群;接着一片寂静;
everyone resettled himself, rose on tip-toe, placed himself in the most favourable position obtainable. - 乔治敦暴力研究中心的执行董事艾伦·李普曼说:"当一些青春期的孩子表现出天不怕地不怕的样子时,他们心中都隐藏着或多或少的恐惧,实际上他们害怕受到任何的伤害。
"When you have adolescent bravado and nothing can hurt you, underneath that is really a tremendous fear that everything can hurt you," said Alan Lipman, executive director of the Center at Georgetown for the Study of Violence. - 征用耕地的补偿费用包括土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗的补偿费。
Compensation fees for land requisitioned include land compensation fees, resettlement fees and compensation for attachments to or green crops on the land. - 今天,我有幸住在新加坡——东南亚的华文乐园,遍地盛开着中华文化艳丽的花朵。
Today, I am happy to reside in Singapore, the Chinese cultural paradise of Southeast Asia where Chinese culture blossoms everywhere. - 青春期不是让人哄着入睡的时候了。
Adolescence is no time to be lulled to sleep. - 没有再费任何周折,巴克就从副队长那里借了一把刀子,然后就在磨刀石上像屠户一样沉着地磨起了刀子。
without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade Major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher. - 这是个非常好的居住区,装备着现代的设施。
It is a nice residential section, equipped with modern conveniences. - 挖呀-一挖呀--挖呀,直挖到一个乘客作出一个不耐烦的动作使他拉上了窗帘,把手牢牢地穿进了皮带,然后打量着那两个昏睡的人影,直到两人又从他意识中溜走,跟银行、坟墓融汇到一起。
Dig--dig--dig--until an impatient movement from one of the two passengers would admonish him to pull up the window, draw his arm securely through the leathern strap, and speculate upon the two slumbering forms, until his mind lost its hold of them, and they again slid away into the bank and the grave. - 出了什么事?”船主带着稍微放松一点的口气问。
asked the owner, with an air of considerable resignation. - 他似无可奈何地做着述辛苦的工作。
He seemed resigned to the hard work. - 美国公司丑闻令我担心的不是它对经济的影响,因为美国经济有着惊人的弹性。
What worries me about the stench coming from Corporate America is not its impact on the economy,because America's resiliency is awesome. - 我深信,只要有深厚的文化传统为基础,我国的各族同胞是可以在这动荡不安,急速变迁的新世界里,本着“不同而合”的建国精神,一起打造出一个,不单是有活力的经济、有凝聚力的社会,而且是个更有弹力的“新新加坡”。
I believe that as long as we have a solid cultural foundation and as long as we cherish the spirit of unity amidst diversity, the various communities in Singapore will be able to create a vibrant economy, a cohesive society and a resilient new Singapore in a turbulent, fast-changing world. - 一种由木屑混合着树脂经压缩而制成的很紧的墙板。
wallboard composed of wood chips or shavings bonded together with resin and compressed into rigid sheets. - 他们没有蜡烛,点的是松枝和蘸着松脂的小段绳子。
they have no candles, and they burn resinous sticks, and bits of rope dipped in pitch. - 干嘛要抗拒诱惑——今后来的还多着呢。
Why resist temptation - there will always be more. - 干么要抗拒诱惑——今后来的还多着呢。
Why resist temptation – there will always be more. - 我弄不开门链,就跳进去,顺着两边种着蔓延的醋栗树丛的石路跑去。我白白地敲了半天门,一直敲到我的手指骨都痛了,狗也狂吠起来。
Being unable to remove the chain, I jumped over, and, running up the flagged causeway bordered with straggling gooseberry bushes, knocked vainly for admittance, till my knuckles tingled and the dogs howled. - 他在门上钉了一块牌子,上面写着:“禁止入内”。
He nailed up a sign over the door which said: "No Admittance." - 耐火的能防止着火的
Resistant to catching fire. - 防火的能防止着火的;耐火的
Resistant to catching fire; flame-retardant.