  • 皮肤的英国种大鸡。
    English breed of large white-skinned chickens.
  • 他的父母老早就告诉他是个领养的孩子,是啊,要不然怎么解释一个黑头发、棕色皮肤的南部意大利人后裔的家庭会有一个皮肤、黄头发、蓝眼睛的孩子呢?
    His parents had always made it clear to him that he was adopted; indeed, how else to explain pale skin, flaxen hair and blue eyes in a family of dark-haired olive-skinned descendants of southern Italians?
  • 我们把杏仁泡在沸水去皮弄成色。
    We blanch almonds by soaking off their skins in boiling water.
  • 那些树长着非常漂亮的色树皮。
    Those trees have very beautiful white bark.
  • 这个栏杆是白色的。
    This parapet is white.
  • 硼砂是一种色粉末。
    Borax is a kind of white powder.
  • 烟把厨房色的墙壁熏黑了。
    The smoke had blackened the white walls of the kitchen.
  • 我不得不买些色的乳状漆来粉刷墙壁。
    I have to buy some white emulsion paint to freshen the walls.
  • 新娘穿了一身美丽的色礼服。
    The bride wore a beautiful white dress.
  • 他气得脸色发白。
    He was white with fury.
  • 听到这个消息,她的脸色变了。
    Her face turned white at the news.
  • 菜一星期内就发芽了。
    The cabbage germinated within a week.
  • 本星期买胡萝卜和洋菜最合算,因货源充足,价格低廉。
    Best buy of the week are carrot and cabbage, which are plentiful and cheap.
  • 我喜欢用洋菜做菜。
    I like to cook dishes with cabbage.
  • 可是我不明你讲的笑话。噢,没关系,不重要。
    But I don't understand you joke! Oh, skip it, it's of no importance.
  • 她说话含含糊糊,我怎么也听不明她想说些什么。
    She is so vague that I can never understand what she is trying to say.
  • 以前由英国律师戴的
    A white skullcap formerly worn by English lawyers.
  • 色骷髅图和交叉腿骨图形黑色的旗;表明是一艘海盗船。
    a black flag bearing a white skull and crossbones; indicates a pirate ship.
  • 有平滑的黑色和色皮毛的小臭鼬;产于美国和墨西哥。
    small skunk with a marbled black and white coat; of United States and Mexico.
  • 她听到这个消息顿时脸色苍
    She went as white as a sheet when she heard the news.
  • 她把一张纸插入打字机里。
    She inserted a new sheet of paper into the typewriter.
  • 那摩天楼以云为背景矗立着。
    The skyscraper stood against a background of white cloud.
  • 在我们的学校里也有这样一个人—把他们臭骂一顿,叫他们明是谁说了算。他们是不会成为优秀教师的。
    There's one in our school of the same stripe—slam them down, show them who's boss. They don't make the best teachers.
  • 灯泡炽灯或其玻璃外罩
    An incandescent lamp or its glass housing.
  • 发出热的微光的;微微闪光的
    Having a white-hot glow; incandescent.
  • 残光热的金属在冷却时所发出的残光
    The glow of an incandescent metal as it cools.
  • 我明白你的意思。
    I see what you mean.
  • 不分青红皂的屠杀人民;笼统的概括;大规模的毁灭。
    indiscriminate slaughter of a population; sweeping generalizations; wholesale destruction.
  • 俄罗斯,俄罗斯苏联欧洲部分中西部一个有选举权的共和国。最早为斯拉夫人的殖民地,在不同时期曾为立陶宛和波兰所统治,1922年成为苏联的一部分。明斯克为其首都。人口9,942,000
    A constituent republic of west-central European U.S.S.R. Colonized originally by Slavs, it was controlled at various times by Lithuania and Poland and became part of the U.S.S.R. in1922. Minsk is the capital. Population,9, 942, 000.
  • 他对奴隶制的反对是清楚明的。
    his opposition to slavery was unmistakable.
  • 俄罗斯语俄罗斯人的斯拉夫语
    The Slavic language of the Belorussians.
  • 俄罗斯人说的塞而维克语。
    the Slavic language spoken in Belarus.