  • 中国利用城乡三级医预防保健网开展社区康复,使城乡基层的大多数残疾儿童能够享有基本的康复服务。
    China has fully used the urban-rural three-level network of health services to develop community rehabilitation, helping most disabled children in grassroots areas enjoy basic rehabilitation services.
  • 乔治·华盛顿大学医人员的医术,加上他惊人的决心,以及他太太萨拉的勇气精神,使他度过了难关。
    The skills of the George Washington University medical team, plus his amazing determination and the grit and spirit of his wife, Sarah, pulled Jim through.
  • 在英国,医卫生服务恐怕难以为继,毋庸置疑,它总体上资金不足。
    In Britain the health service is probably unfundable; it is certainly grossly under-funded.
  • 尽管每天都严格坚持物理治,前景还是令人担忧。
    Despite a grueling daily schedule of physiotherapy, the outlook remained bleak.
  • 罪犯的医需要是得到保障的。
    Prisoners' needs for medical care are guaranteed.
  • 该院建立了门诊部、住院部、制药厂和藏医研究所、天文历算研究所,设有内科、外科、妇产科、肿瘤科、胃肠病科、小儿科等门诊科室,还建立了预防保健、口腔、眼科、藏医外治科等20多个专科门诊,并设有放射、检验、b超、心电、胃镜等现代化的医技科室,除采用传统藏医医手段治疾病外,还采用西医与藏医相结合的方法治疾病,丰富和发展了藏医诊治手法和理论。
    The hospital has set up outpatient and inpatient departments, a pharmaceuticals factory, and research institutes of Tibetan medicine, astronomy and the calendar. It has a department of medicine, surgical department, department of gynecology and obstetrics, tumor department, gastrointestinal department and department of pediatrics to cater to outpatients. In addition, it has set up more than 20 special outpatient departments, such as the department for disease prevention and health protection, oral hygiene department, ophthalmological department and department of external Tibetan therapeutic medicine, and some modern medical and technical departments such as the departments of radiation, ultrasonic wave examination, electrocardioscopy and gastroscopy. The hospital has adopted the method of combining Western and Tibetan medicine to treat diseases, thereby enriching and developing Tibetan medical therapies and theories.
  • 伤残人士在治中, 自助自立是个重要因素.
    Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped.
  • 伤残人士在治中,自助自立是个重要因素.
    Self help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped.
  • 由于人口增长过快,国家积累相对减少,能够用于教育、医、保健等社会事业的资金有限,要进一步提高人民的文化素质和健康水平,特别是广大农村人口和贫困地区人口的素质,困难不少。
    Owing to the excessively rapid population growth, the state's accumulation has become relatively less, funds that can be invested in educational, medical and health care and other social services are limited, and there are significant difficulties in further improving the people's cultural quality and health level, particularly the life quality of the massive rural population and the population living in areas haunted by poverty.
  • 外展医队也为护理人员/护老者提供培训,以加强他们对长者护理的知识及技巧。
    Using the 'train the trainer/helper' approach, visiting health teams train carers to enhance their health knowledge and skills in caring for the elderly.
  • 我们将能在轨道上试验制作“第八因子”,这是一种非常珍贵的稀有药物,可以治血友病。
    We will learn how to manufacture Factor 8, a rare and expensive medicine used to treat hemophilia.
  • 经过一个程的治后她复原了。
    After a course of treatment she became herself again.
  • 德里克对一般抗生素有过敏反应,而杰佛里则由于常年治淋巴恶性肉芽肿病而变得很虚弱。
    Derek has allergies to common antibiotics,and Jeffrey is weakened from years of treatment for Hodgkin's disease.
  • 目前,美国食品和药物管理局已批准使用至少两种单克隆抗体:herceptn,用于治患转移性乳腺癌的妇女。她们的肿瘤中含有太多的her2蛋白质;rituxan,用于治一种非霍奇金淋巴癌。
    So far, the FDA has approved at least two monoclonals: Herception, for women with metastatic breast cancer whose tumor cells have too much I-IER2 protein, and Rituxan, for treating a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  • 该局亦监察各项政策的推行,以保障和促进市民的健康,为每位市民提供全面的终身医护服务,并确保市民不会因缺乏金钱而无法获得适当的医服务。
    It also oversees implementation of policies to protect and promote public health, to provide comprehensive and lifelong holistic care to each citizen, and to ensure that no one is denied adequate medical treatment due to lack of means.
  • 属于、关于或实施同种法的。
    of or relating to the practice of homeopathy.
  • 当前台湾社会价值观念的混淆,媒体的恶性竞争,少部分民众的动辄聚众抗争,教育、医资源的分配不公、过度浪费都是事实,社会福利的日趋浮滥更成了政客骗取选票的最佳利器。
    The current confusion over the value system, unhealthy media competition, a small group of people who take to the streets over the slightest dispute, unfair distribution of resources for education and health care, and waste of public funds, are all undeniable facts. The promise of better welfare benefits has become the most effective means for politicians to hoodwink voters.
  • 可以把息肉去除或把小肿瘤取出的带有金属钩的医仪器;特别用于体腔。
    a surgical instrument consisting of wire hoop that can be drawn tight around the base of polyps or small tumors to sever them; used especially in body cavities.
  • 变性使(女性)具有男性特征,通过荷尔蒙失衡或男性荷尔蒙
    To cause(a female) to assume masculine characteristics, as through hormonal imbalance or male hormone therapy.
  • 只有不到1/10的慢性精神分裂症患者能像纳什一样,"随着年龄增长后体内自然激素的变化,最终从非理性的思维中解脱出来,完全没有借助药物治,"他后来这么说。
    Like fewer than one in 10 individuals who suffer from chronic schizophrenia, Nash " emerged from irrational thinking ultimately without medicine other than the natural hormonal changes of aging," as he later put it.
  • 三碘甲腺氨酸一种甲状腺激素,c15h12i3no4,类似于甲状腺素,但生理作用较之为快且强,用于治甲状腺机能减退
    A thyroid hormone, C15H12I3NO4, similar to thyroxine but more potent, used in the treatment of hypothyroidism.
  • 统筹基金和个人账户分别承担不同的医费用支付责任。统筹基金主要用于支付住院和部分慢性病门诊治的费用,统筹基金设有起付标准、最高支付限额;个人账户主要用于支付一般门诊费用。
    The mutual assistance funds and personal accounts are used to pay for different types of medical costs: The former mainly for hospitalization and outpatient services in the case of certain chronic diseases, with a set starting standard and a maximum norm, and the latter mainly for general outpatient services.
  • 政府船队包括多种专用船只,例如灭火轮、水警轮、机场救援船、污染控制船、海道测量船和水上诊所。
    It includes specialised vessels such as fire boats, police launches, airport rescue launches, pollution control launches, hydrographic survey launches and floating clinics.
  • 属于或关于水法或水法的运用的。
    of or relating to hydropathy or its administration.
  • 帕吗啉一种白色水晶球状的人工合成有机物,c9h8n2o2,用作治中枢神经系统功能轻微失调的兴奋剂,通常与氢氧化镁配用,尤用于治抑郁症
    A white, crystalline synthetic compound, C9H8N2O2, used as a mild stimulant of the central nervous system, usually in combination with magnesium hydroxide, especially in treating depression.
  • 随着社会经济蓬勃发展,医技术日益进步,环境卫生不断改善,香港人的寿命越来越长。
    With rapid socio-economic development, growing sophistication in medical technology and continuous improvement in environmental hygiene, the life expectancy in Hong Kong is increasing.
  • 冲洗液为了卫生或治的目的而,用于人体一部分或体腔的通常含有药剂或清洁剂的液体
    A stream of water, often containing medicinal or cleansing agents, that is applied to a body part or cavity for hygienic or therapeutic purposes.
  • 尽管亚伯拉罕的药物治已经停上,但他情绪上的问题变的更糟了,他是活动是亢进型的,已经变得有突发暴力的倾向,以至于加西亚太太已经要求社会工作者,在明年他们和他们准备领养的约瑟夫一起搬回佛罗里达去的时候,为亚伯拉罕找个新家。
    Even though Abraham's medical needs have eased, his emotional problems have worsened; he is hyperactive and has become so prone to violent outbursts that the Garcias have asked social workers to find him a new home next year when they move back to Florida with Joseph, whom they plan to adopt.
  • 尽管催眠在医上成功地取得广泛运用,但对其工作原理仍缺乏共识。
    Although hypnosis has been successfully put to a range of medical uses, there is little clear agreement as to how hypnosis works.
  • 梅斯梅尔,弗朗兹1734-1815奥地利内科医师,试图用动物磁力来治疾病,即一种早期的催眠术医
    Austrian physician who sought to treat disease through animal magnetism, an early therapeutic application of hypnotism.
  • 大脑中的一种一元胺神经传递素,用作一种治休克和低血压的药物。
    a monoamine neurotransmitter found in the brain; as a drug (trade names Dopastat and Intropin) it is used to treat shock and hypotension.
  • 一种把某些家畜的甲状腺晒干并磨成粉后制成的用于治甲状腺机能衰退症的药剂
    A dried, powdered preparation of the thyroid gland of certain domestic animals, used in treatment of hypothyroid conditions.