  • 寡廉鲜耻,天良泯
    He who has no shame has no conscience.
  • 那个士兵匆匆地熄香烟,立正。
    The soldier hastily butted his cigarette and came to attention.
  • 骄傲导向亡,傲慢必衰败。
    "Pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall."
  • 被分开的;统一性被毁的。
    having been divided; having the unity destroyed.
  • 生态绝对自然环境的无意或有意的毁,如污染或战争引起的破坏
    Heedless or deliberate destruction of the natural environment, as by pollutants or an act of war.
  • 我们研究革命战争的规律,出发于我们要求消一切战争的志愿,这是区别我们共产党人和一切剥削阶级的界线。
    Our study of the laws of revolutionary war springs from the desire to eliminate all wars; herein lies the distinction between us Communists and all the exploiting classes.
  • 吸鸦片烟、吃白面,世界上谁能消得了?
    Who in this world has ever been able to eliminate the abuse of opium and heroin?
  • 匆忙之中他去了灯藏到了桌子下面。
    In a hurry he snoot out the lamp and hid under the table.
  • 为先贤所诟病的“人不为己,天诛地”,已经成为大家心照不宣的行为标准。
    "Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost" - a conduct condemned by scholars of the past - has now become an unspoken standard behaviour.
  • 他的怀疑导致了他婚姻的毁
    his suspiciousness destroyed his marriage.
  • 电灯因技术故障而熄了。
    A technical hitch prevented the lights from working.
  • 谁人不知,为争取时间和准备反攻而流血战斗,某些土地虽仍不免于放弃,时间却争取了,给敌以歼和给敌以消耗的目的却达到了,自己的战斗经验却取得了,没有起来的人民却起来了,国际地位却增长了。
    As everybody knows, although in fighting and shedding our blood in order to gain time and prepare the counter-offensive we have had to abandon some territory, in fact we have gained time, we have achieved the objective of annihilating and depleting enemy forces, we have acquired experience in fighting, we have aroused hitherto inactive people and improved our international standing.
  • 希特勒试图全部消德国的犹太人。
    Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany.
  • 此外,制止大规模杀伤性武器扩散的失败增加了核毁的可能性。
    Moreover , failure to halt the spread of weapons of mass destruction increases the chance for nuclear holocaust.
  • 第二十九团随即自由行动,跑向宜章家乡,结果一部在乐昌被土匪胡凤章消,一部散在郴宜各地,不知所终,当日收集的不过百人。
    Thereupon, acting on its own, the 29th Regiment hurried homeward to Yichang with the result that one section was annihilated at Lochang by Hu Feng-chang's bandits, another scattered in the Chenchow-Yichang area and has never been heard of since, and no more than a hundred men were mustered again that day.
  • 已经绝的晚更新世的灵长类动物;爪哇;以前被称为爪哇人。
    extinct primitive hominid of late Pleistocene; Java; formerly Javanthropus.
  • 已经绝的东部非洲的直立人,有一些象人一样的高级特征。
    extinct species of upright east African hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics.
  • 已经绝的原始人种,直立但脑子小;以前的爪哇直立猿人。
    extinct species of primitive hominid with upright stature but small brain; formerly Pithecanthropus erectus.
  • 人人属中的一支,它包括绝的及现存的人类
    A member of the genus Homo, which includes the extinct and extant species of human beings.
  • 具有原始人类家族的特点,包括智人和已经绝的类人物种。
    characterizing the family Hominidae, which includes Homo sapiens sapiens as well as extinct species of manlike creatures.
  • 不会腐烂的食物;不的希望
    Imperishable food; imperishable hopes.
  • 他的一切希望都破了。
    All his hopes were destroyed.
  • 我们的希望破灭了。
    Our hopes are all over.
  • 这毁灭了我的希望。
    This has killed my hopes.
  • 他的一切希望现在都破了。
    All his hopes were now destroyed.
  • 她的希望完全破了。
    Her hopes were completely snuffed out.
  • 长有鸟状骨盆的陆地爬虫动物,现已绝;甲壳恐龙;鸭嘴恐龙。
    extinct terrestrial reptiles having birdlike pelvises: armored dinosaurs (thyreophorans); bone-headed and horned dinosaurs (marginocephalians); duck-billed dinosaurs (euronithopods).
  • 我们要消私有制,你们就惊慌起来。
    You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property.
  • 王蝎和一些绝类型。
    horseshoe crabs and extinct forms.
  • 救火水管中射出的水很快就把火扑了。
    The jet of water from the hose soon put out the fire.
  • 他们的诚实与好客给她一生留下了难以磨的印象。
    Their honesty and hospitality leave an enduring impress on her life.
  • 消防队员来得非常及时,房子失火后不久他们就将火扑了。
    The firemen were Johnny-on-the-spot and put out the fire in the housed soon after it started.