  • 联合舰队被往地中海地区。
    The combined fleet was assigned to the Mediterranean area.
  • 非政党委员;非党意见
    A nonpartisan commission; nonpartisan opinions.
  • 一个军事司令官指的委任的官员。
    a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff.
  • 他是这个团体的特专员。
    He is the high commissioner of this society.
  • 第十七条专利代理人必须承办专利代理机构委的专利代理工作,不得自行接受委托。
    Article 17 Patent agents shall handle only patent commissioning services assigned by their patent agencies and shall not accept such services on their own.
  • 后来,历史终于揭开这个事实,来访者是由一个名叫冯·华塞格伯爵来的,他专门聘请著名作曲家谱写新作,事后他略施小技就变成是他的创作了。
    History has since uncovered the fact that the visitor had come from a certain Count von Walsegg, who was in the habit of Commissioning leading composers to write new works, which he later palmed off as his own.
  • 的,委托的托付或交托给另一个人的,如权利或权威;指
    Committed or entrusted to another, as powers or authority; delegated.
  • 杜尚,马塞尔1887-1968法裔美籍现代艺术家,纽约城达达运动领袖,第一个将普通物品作为艺术品展出,其绘画作品包括下楼梯的裸者(1912年)等
    French-born modernist artist and a leader of the Dada movement in New York City who was the first to exhibit commonplace objects as art. His paintings include Nude Descending a Staircase(1912).
  • 警队为准备这些活动,在一九九四至一九九七年间先后出警务人员到海外考察大型的国际会议,其中包括在马德里和华盛顿举行的世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,在亚特兰大举行的奥林匹克运动会,在新西兰举行的英联邦政府首脑会议和在新加坡举行的世界贸易组织会议。
    To prepare for this, Police officers were sent abroad between 1994 and1997 to observe major international conferences and meetings. These included the WB/IMF Annual Meetings in Madrid and Washington, DC, the Olympic Games in Atlanta, the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in New Zealand and the World Trade Organisation Meeting in Singapore.
  • 第二天早上,他们人把公报送给了他。
    They sent him the communique the next morning.
  • 任何信奉正统基督教的教,使用信仰复兴运动者的方式去达到可比得上第一个基督教信徒经历的经历。
    any fundamentalist Protestant church that uses revivalistic methods to achieve experiences comparable to the Pentecostal experiences of the first Christian disciples.
  • 比较国际私法学派
    comparative private international law school
  • 这些任务既包括安全理事会为应对某一争端决定遣维持和平行动,也包括制定航空安全和通信兼容性的标准;
    These range from the decision of the Security Council to dispatch a peacekeeping operation in response to a dispute, to setting standards for air safety and communications compatibility;
  • 中国的情形是国民党剥夺各党的平等权利,企图指挥各党听它一党的命令。
    In the case of China, the Kuomintang has deprived all other political parties of equal rights and is trying to compel them to take its orders.
  • 不同学之间要互相尊重,取长补短。
    Different schools of thought should respect and complement each other.
  • 目前回教百分之九十属於正统
    The Sunni compose about 90 per cent of present-day Islam.
  • 梅耶贝尔,贾科莫1791-1864德国法语歌剧作曲家,主要作有胡格诺教徒(1836年)
    German composer of French operas, notably Les Huguenots(1836).
  • 这个构思预示着印象流
    This composition anticipates Impressionism.
  • 少数投票;少数的政治利益
    The minority vote; minority political concerns.
  • 希望各民主党协同党和政府,共同努力,把这项工作做好。
    We hope that all democratic parties will cooperate with the Party and the government so that we can make a concerted effort to improve the living and working conditions of these people.
  • 人物主张和平调解或谈判而不主张对立或武装冲突的人
    A person who advocates peace, conciliation, or negotiation in preference to confrontation or armed conflict.
  • 欧美大资产阶级则尚能继续抗日,但其妥协倾向依然严重存在。
    The pro-European and pro-American big bourgeoisie may continue to resist Japan, but its proneness to conciliation remains serious.
  • 这些研究机构承担了大量研究课题,如西藏经济社会发展战略、简明西藏通史、梵文贝叶经的整理研究和西藏宗教源流与教研究等项目;
    These research institutions have taken up numerous research projects, such as the strategy for socio-economic development in Tibet, a concise history of Tibet, the collation and study of Pattra in Sanskrit, and the study of the origin of Tibetan religions and religious sects.
  • 这些研究机构承担了大量研究课题,如西藏经济社会发展战略、简明西藏通史、梵文贝叶经的整理研究和西藏宗教源流与教研究等项目;
    These research institutions have taken up numerous research projects, such as the strategy for socio-economic development in Tibet, a concise history of Tibet, the collation and study of Pattra in Sanskrit, and the study of the origin of Tibetan religions and religious sects and so on.
  • (五)国民党的三中全会,由于其内部有亲日的存在,没有表示它的政策的明确和彻底的转变,没有具体地解决问题。
    Owing to the presence of the pro-Japanese group inside the Kuomintang, it made no definite or thoroughgoing change in its policy at the Third Plenary Session of its Central Executive Committee and did not concretely solve any problem.
  • 这时,我们应该主动地又同顽固讲团结,在对方同意之下,和他们订立和平协定。
    We should then take the initiative in seeking unity with the die-hards and, if they concur, we should make a peace agreement with them.
  • 他行为不正派。
    He has wandered from proper conduct.
  •  如果象流行学所提出的那样,我们的确有一个包括一切国家在内的世界联盟作为持久和平的保证,那么伺际自由贸易原则似乎是完全正确的。
    If, as the prevailing school requites, we assume a universal union or confederation of all nations as the guarantee for an everlasting peace, the principle of international free trade seems to be perfectly justified.
  •  流行学所据以说明社会经济中这样重要现象的自然法则,它的主要特征显然不只是分工,而是若干个人之间不同商业动作的划分,同时也是各种活动力、智力和力量为了共同生产而进行的联合或结合。
    The essential character of the natural law from which the popular school explains such important phenomena in social economy,is evidently not merely a division of labour, but a division of different commercial operations between several individuals, and at the same time a confederation or union of various energies,intelligences, and powers on behalf of a common production.
  • 金属熔化为合金;有利益冲突的别很难融合
    Fusion of metals in an alloy; the difficult fusion of conflicting factions.
  • 符合体面或得体的普遍标准
    Conformity to prevailing standards of propriety or modesty.
  • 流行学把这种文化力量归之于国外贸易,这样就把仅仅是属于交换的作用与创造的作用混淆了起来。
    The popular school has attributed this civilising power to foreign trade, but in that it has confounded the mere exchanger with the originator.