Chinese English Sentence:
  • 1997年夏,克洛斯出现在舞台上,在劫持惊险剧《空军一号》中演明智的副总统,哈里·福特饰经常训斥下属的总统。接着她又在喜剧《进进出出》中有短暂表演。
    .Close showed up in theaters as the no nonsense Harrison Ford's ass kicking President in the 1997 summer hijack thriller Air Force One,and then cropped up in a brief appearance in the comedy In & Out.
  • 那些黑夜里走过林的孩子胆子真大。
    Those kid have spunk who hike through the forest in the dark.
  • 旅行者停下脚步享受林美妙的声音
    The hiker paused, pleasuring in the sounds of the forest.
  • 巴金,西(里尔)·诺思科特生于1909英国历史学家,以讽刺官僚阶层低效无能的幽默作品而闻名
    British historian noted for his humorous works that ridicule the inefficiency of bureaucracies.
  • 你看霍布先生下星期五能见我吗?
    Do you think Mr. Hobson can see me next friday?
  • 你看霍布先生下星期五能见我吗?
    Do you think Mr. Hobson could see me next Friday?
  • 霍伯认为,由于"新新人类"是在经济大增长的时代中成长起来的,他们过惯了富裕的生活,总把自己的将来想象的很美好,而事实并不一定是这样。
    "Because Generation X grew up one of our greatest economic booms, they've been spoiled by good times, and have made assumptions about what would be there for them they shouldn't have," said Hobson.
  • 霍伯说,如果一位25岁的女士买一双鞋大约要花50美元,把用来买30双鞋子的钱用来投资,假设投资回报率是10%,那么等她们65岁该退休的时候,这些本来要花在买凉鞋、靴子上的钱会变成80,551美元。
    Hobson says that if a 25-year-old woman invested the approximately $50 she spent on each one of those 30 pairs, assuming there is a 10 percent return on that money, those sandals and boots would be worth $80,551 at a retirement age of 65.
  • 在假日,我们喜欢去林小木屋完全放轻松。
    On holidays, we like to go to the forest cabin and let it all hang out.
  • 约翰-辛普和他的同事们把众多的例句中筛选出在现实生活中最禁得住推敲的句子。
    Simpson (John, not Homer) and his colleagues whittle that list down to the few that seem to have gotten a solid foothold in popular usage.
  • 据说居住在林里的印第安人长得非常吓人,他们有着像瓶底一样的‘脚'。
    a being of whom the forest Indians are said to be mortally afraid, with a hoof shaped like the heel of a bottle.
  • 驼鹿一种有蹄的哺乳动物,发现于北美洲北部和欧亚大陆的林中(棕角鹿驼鹿),长有下垂的宽鼻口,雄鹿有大的掌状鹿角
    A hoofed mammal(Alces alces) found in forests of northern North America and in Eurasia and having a broad, pendulous muzzle and large, palmate antlers in the male.
  • 赫德听到消息后喜形于色。他根本没想到获得一等学位。
    Hudson was all cook-a-hoop at the news. He had never expected to get a first-class degree.
  • 这个精力旺盛的老人每天花一半时间在马背上-w.h.哈德
    a vigorous old man who spent half of his day on horseback- W.H.Hudson.
  • 非常适宜林生长的土壤;宜人的环境。
    soil sufficiently hospitable for forest growth; a hospitable environment.
  • 第二天一大早,一个惊人的消息迅速传遍了威罗维利镇:费罗斯的管家汤普夫人见主人很长时间没有下楼来吃早餐,于是就上楼去看个究竟,结果却发现,费罗斯躺在卫生间的地上,身体僵硬,早就魂归西天了。
    Early next morning the news spread like wildfire. Mrs. Thompson, Old Man Fellows' housekeeper, had found him deader than a doomail. When she went upstairs to see what had kept him so long before breakfast.
  • 南美洲热带林中大声吼叫的猴子。
    monkey of tropical South American forests having a loud howling cry.
  • 你好,我是提摩西赫德
    How do you do? I am Timothy Hudson
  • 您好?我是提摩西·赫德。(一种间接询问对方姓名的方式。)
    How do you do? I'm Timothy Hudson.
  • 地址是哈德市,235街,哈门塔1123号。
    The address is 1123 Harmon Tower, 235 Main Street, Hudson.
  • 这个姑娘,对大自然非常熟悉——w·h·赫德;对绘画的技巧很在行——赫伯特·里德。
    this girl, so intimate with nature-W.H.Hudson; knowledgeable about the technique of painting- Herbert Read.
  • 哈德夫人晚上不肯一个人在家;她胆子很小。
    Mrs Hudson won’t stay alone in her house at night; she is afraid of her own shadow.
  • 从佩特最喜欢讲的一个故事可以看出科科的幽默感。
    One of Patterson's favourite stories demonstrates Koko's sense of humour.
  • 腐殖质层燃烧的一种林火灾;通常不露出表面。
    a forest fire that burns the humus; may not appear on the surface.
  • 森林绵延数百里。
    The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.
  • 匈牙利德布勒大学的安德拉斯·科斯托拉尼发现了其中的原因。他对好几对鸟进行实验控制,将伴侣双方分开。
    The reason for this was revealed by Andras Kosztolanyi of the University of Debrecen, in Hungary, who manipulated pairs of birds by removing one partner.
  • 例如,帕金氏症、阿尔茨海默氏症和亨廷顿疾病,都是由特殊脑细胞死亡引起的。
    For example, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases are caused by the death of specific cells in the brain.
  • 特罗利亚美国伊利诺斯州中南部城市,位于东圣路易斯东部。建于1853年。人口15,126
    A city of south-central Illinois east of East St. Louis. It was founded in1853. Population,15, 126.
  • 联邦调查局局长刘易斯·弗里称汉先生的所作所为是"能想象到的最恶劣的背叛行径"。情报专家说,这个双重间谍为国家安全造成了"极为严重的"损害。
    FBI Director Louis Freeh called Mr.Hanssen's behavior “ the most traitorous actions imaginable” and intelligence experts say the double agent did “ extremely grave” damage to national security.
  • 没有准备评论;毫无防备的震动;我们的谈判者谈到了毫无准备得非常困难的问题r.e.达尼尔
    unprepared remarks; the shock was unprepared; our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared- R.E.Danielson.
  • 森林几乎不可逾越。
    The forest was almost impassable.
  • 无法通过的森林
    An impenetrable fortress.