  • 昨晚我睡不安稳。
    I didn't sleep well last night.
  • 天夜里我睡得很不好。
    I slept very badly last night.
  • 昨晚我睡得很少.
    I slept very little last night.
  • 夜我们这里风雨很大, 这孩子却一直睡著没醒.
    We had an awful storm last night but the baby slept right through.
  • 晚深夜, 或者更确切地说, 今天一早
    late last night or rather early this morning
  • 晚听到的音乐中有几个片段不断地萦绕在他的脑际。
    Snatches of that music he heard last night keep running in his mind.
  • 晚下雨了。是的[下了]。
    It rained last night. So it did.
  • 天我听到一个很有趣的笑话。”“哦,别讲了。你的无聊笑话我听腻了。”
    "I heard a good joke yesterday, ""Oh, put a sock in it.I'm tried of your silly jokes."
  • 天买的那样东西外表好看,而实际上用处不大。
    The thing I bought yesterday was found to be an apple of Sodom.
  • 据报导,那场车祸是在天某个时候发生的。
    It is reported that the car accident took place sometime yesterday.
  • 晚的音乐会上,那个女高音独唱博得了听众的赞赏。
    The soprano solo knocked the audience over completely at the concert last night.
  • 我由于天打排球,所以肩膀酸痛。
    I have sore shoulders from playing volleyball yesterday.
  • 天,我们把菜籽种到地里了。
    We sowed our vegetable seeds yesterday.
  • 政府天决定结束对前华尔街投机[证券]商马尔赫伦的起诉。
    The government decided yesterday to close the books on the prosecution of former Wall Street speculator John Mulheren Jr.
  • 寒流昨天就结束了
    The cold spell broke yesterday.
  • “我们将用作30秒钟电视商业广告的费用去赞助一次音乐节,虽然我们只需付出作电视广告费用的一小部分,但它的影响却会深远得多,”一位广告人天这样说。
    "We'll sponsor a festival for the cost of a 30-second television commercial and though we'll only reach a microscopic fraction of the number we hit on television, the impact will be far more long lasting," said one advertising man yesterday.
  • 我昨天扭伤了它。
    I sprained it yesterday.
  • 晚那座建筑物突然倒塌,造成数人受伤。
    Last night the building went squash suddenly and several people were injured.
  • 天臭鼬在我们院子里弄得好臭。
    A stunk made a bad smell in our yard last night.
  • 晚我在晚会上呆到很晚。
    I stayed late at the party last night.
  • 汽船昨晚进港。
    The steamer arrived in harbor last night.
  • 天来的,现仍在此。
    He came yesterday and he is still here.
  • 一个带珠宝的首饰盒天被偷了。
    A casket with jewels was stolen yesterday.
  • 我的手表天被盗了。
    I had my watch stolen yesterday.
  • 我的手表天被盗了。
    I have my watch stolen yesterday.
  • 我的车子晚失窃了。
    My car was stolen last night.
  • 喂!我的车子天晚上被偷走了。
    Hello. My car is stolen last night.
  • 说也奇怪,我就在天也同妻子谈到这件事
    Strangely enough, I said the same thing to my wife only yesterday
  • 说也奇怪,我就在天也同妻子谈到这件事。
    Strangely enough, I say the same thing to my wife only yesterday.
  • 昨天他进城逛了逛。
    He went to town for a stroll yesterday.
  • 晚的广播演说里,总统敦促我们向红十字会捐款。
    Last night , in a radio address , the President urged us to subscribe to the Red Cross.
  • 晚在hbo频道看了“魂断蓝桥”,影片是英文的,有中文字幕。
    I saw Waterloo Bridge last night on HBO channel. It is in English, with Chinese subtitle.