  • 如果我们仅把经济增长作为我们的目标,那么在许多国家都出现贫富别的扩大,并造成可能影响我们安全的新政治问题。我认为这是今后20年左右最大的危险之一。
    I think that one of the great security dangers twenty years down the road or so, is that if we simply assume that growth is our object, then there will be an increasing disparity between rich and poor in a lot of nations and that will create new political problems in those nations that can affect our security.
  • 杰夫:现在几个申办城市各有特色。巴黎称技术因素占优,多伦多自认为没有缺点,大皈要建人工岛奥运村,北京称市场潜力巨大,只有伊斯坦布尔被国际舆论认为是“陪太子读书”,但他们觉得参加是为了更好地了解自己的距。
    Jeff: Now all the cities that are bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games have their own special characteristics: Paris thinks that its technology is in an advantageous position. Toronto thinks it is exempted from any deficiency. Osaka will build an artificial Olympic Island. Beijing says it has a huge market with great potential. Istanbul is regarded as accompanying a prince reading. However, they believe that participation will enable them to better understand their disparity.
  • 随着经济体制的转型和利益格局的调整,公民之间由于主客观条件的异而产生了一定程度的贫富别,出现一部分公民因经济困难“请不起律师、打不起官司”,没有经济能力维护自己合法权益的问题。
    With transition of the economic system and adjustment of the interest patterns, a certain extent of disparity between the rich and the poor among citizens has been emerging due to the differences of subjective and objective conditions, resulting in such problems where a number of people are "not able to afford a lawyer or litigation" because of financial difficulties and these people do not possess the financial capacity in maintaining their legitimate rights and interests.
  • 杰夫:现在几个申办城市各有特色。巴黎称技术因素占优,多伦多自认为没有缺点,大阪要建人工岛奥运村,北京称市场潜力巨大,只有伊斯坦布尔被国际舆论认为是“陪太子读书”,但他们觉得参加是为了更好地了解自己的距。
    Jeff: Now all the cities that are bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games have their own special characteristics: Paris thinks that its tech-nology is in an advantageous position. Toronto thinks k is exempted from any deficiency. Osaka will build an artificial Olympic Island. Beijing says it has a huge market with great potential. Istanbul is regarded as accompanying a prince reading. However, they believe that participa-tion will enable them to better understand their disparity.
  • 断层垂直位移的量
    The amount of vertical displacement of a fault.
  • 光行由于地球的运动和光的有限速度,而引起的天体位置在地球上观察者在运动方向上的明显移位
    The apparent displacement of the position of a celestial body in the direction of motion of an observer on Earth, caused by the motion of Earth and the finite velocity of light.
  • 索霍区是伦敦名声较的街区.
    Soho is one of London's more disreputable areas.
  • 如果她疏忽大意出了错,则应该为“不尊重”表示歉意。
    If she slips up, she should apologize for being " disrespectful.
  • 这些酒都差不多.
    These wines are not dissimilar, ie quite similar.
  • 可是他们是象训练得很好的马一样,因为他们极能懂得何时当止,何时当转,并且在他们以为某事真需要掩饰的时候,如果他们果然掩饰了,以往流传各处的关于他们底信实和正直坦白的见解也使他们不多不至为人所疑的。
    but then they were like horses, well managed; for they could tell passing well when to stop,or turn: and at such times, when they thought the case indeed required dissimulation,if then they used it, it came to pass, that me former opinion, spread abroad of their good faith, and clearness of dealing, made them almost invisible.
  • 功率单位等于绝对安培的电流通过绝对伏特的电势产生的能量。
    a power unit equal to the power dissipated when 1 abampere flows across a potential difference of 1 abvolt (one ten-thousandth of a milliwatt).
  • 在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的别。
    There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.
  • 只是措辞上的差异
    A merely verbal distinction.
  • 牵强之词微不足道的别或不切中要点的异议
    A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection.
  • 这两个建筑在风格上有明显的别。
    he learned the distinction between gold and lead.
  • 他们是在人为地制造别。
    They are making a distinction without a difference.
  • 别的缺乏可以辨别的特点;不显著
    Lacking distinguishing qualities; not distinctive.
  • 音位异的,区别性的可区别音素或区别特征的
    Serving to distinguish phonemes or distinctive features.
  • 识别,辨别觉察到或区别出不同或异;辨别
    To perceive or recognize as being different or distinct; distinguish.
  • 黑暗中只有他们枪筒的光亮可以辨认出来;一个可以分为四个发展阶段的计划;双胞胎之间可以辨别的异。
    only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom; a project distinguishable into four stages of progress; distinguishable differences between the twins.
  • 不同的物种之间区别性的特征异。
    a distinguishing characteristic esp in different species of a genus.
  • 美国民众可能已被有关贫富距正在加大的两个报告转移了注意力。
    Americans may have been distracted by two reports reminding them of a widening gap between the rich and poor.
  • 在这一点上意见出现了分歧。波普相信这种缺陷和大麻有关,因为他的研究小组控制了一些明显的因素,如智商上的异。精神史和大量服用其他毒品。
    Here opinions diverge Pope believes the deficiency does have something to do with marijuana because his team controlled for such obvious things as IQ differences, psychiatric histories and heavy use of other drugs.
  • 不过,可以肯定地说,到5世纪异就出现了,而到了8世纪,我们就能准确地辨别各种罗曼语方言的语法和词汇之间的别了。
    But the divergence was certainly under way by the 5th century, and by the 8th century we can detect unmistakable differences in the basic vocabulary and grammar of the various Romance dialects.
  • 异事实或质量的不同;
    The fact or quality of being diverse; difference.
  • 在我们庞大的、不够集中的国家中的异——欧文·威斯特。
    diversity...in our huge unfocused country- Owen Wister.
  • 我申请的所有院校都强调它们的学生背景各异,而这种异会提高教育质量。
    All the schools I applied to stressed that they had a great diverse student body and how this diversity would enhance the quality of education.
  • 特别还要看到这样一个情况:军区一级、军一级、师一级干部,年龄大体不多,都相当大了。
    We must particularly take note of the ages of the cadres at the military-region, army and divisional levels. All of them are pretty much the same age -- rather old.
  • 请告诉我,跟单信用状和不跟单信用状之间的别。
    Tell me the difference between documentary and clean credits, please?
  • 他们打得很顽强,但灵活性较
    They fought doggedly but fell short on flexible tactics.
  • 同时在空中耍10个球,而不知道休息所具有的意义的人比起那些更喜欢按慢节奏行进的人来,并不一定会干得更多,同样也不一定更紧张,更不快乐甚至是身体更
    The ones who juggle 10 balls in the air at once and don't know the meaning of downtime don't necessarily get more done, nor are they more tense, unhappier or even unhealthier than those who prefer marching to a slower drummer.
  • 这个文件不多起草了一年多了,经过不晓得多少稿。
    We have spent more than a year writing this document, and it has gone through I don't know how many drafts.