  • 普鲁士的,普鲁士人的普鲁士的,普鲁士的波罗的民或目耳曼民的或与之有关的
    Of or relating to Prussia or its Baltic or German inhabitants.
  • 原来住在圣彼德斯堡建立地波罗的海地区的西芬兰人的一支。
    a member of western Finnish people formerly living in the Baltic province where Saint Petersburg was built.
  • 哥伦比亚美国一城镇,位于马里兰州中北部、巴尔的摩西南偏西,主要是住区。人口75,883
    A community of north-central Maryland west-southwest of Baltimore. It is mainly residential. Population,75, 883.
  • 从一处住地驱除,为了惩罚。
    ban from a place of residence, as for punishment.
  • 校乐队于检阅队伍之首。
    The school band led the parade.
  • 一个孟加拉国的土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Bangladesh.
  • 还有另一帮捣蛋鬼,先砸破一扇玻璃窗钻进来,大胆地爬到柱子顶盘上去坐,高临下,东张西望,忽而嘲笑里面大厅里的群众,忽而揶揄外面广场上的人群。
    There was one group in particular of these joyous young demons who, after knocking out the glass of a window, had boldly seated themselves in the frame, from whence they could cast their gaze and their banter by turns at the crowd inside the Hall and that outside in the Place.
  • 卢巴族住在赞比亚东南部的一族班图人
    A member of a Bantu people inhabiting southeast Zaire.
  • 茨瓦纳人住在博茨瓦纳和南非西部的班图族的一支
    A member of a Bantu people inhabiting Botswana and western South Africa.
  • 主要住在博茨瓦纳和西南非的班图人。
    a member of a Bantu people living chiefly in Botswana and western South Africa.
  • 科萨族班图族的一支,住在南非好望角省的东部地区
    A member of a Bantu people inhabiting the eastern part of Cape Province, South Africa.
  • 祖鲁人非洲东南部的一支班图人,主要住在南非纳塔省的东北部
    A member of a Bantu people of southeast Africa, primarily inhabiting northeast Natal province in South Africa.
  • 南非东北部一个地区,曾经住着讲班图语的非洲人;世界主要的黄金生产地区。
    a region of northeast South Africa originally inhabited by Bantu-speaking Africans; world's chief producer of gold.
  • 巴巴多斯岛上的本地人或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Barbados.
  • 属于或关于巴巴多斯、巴巴多斯民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Barbados or its inhabitants.
  • 附近的邻都外出去烤肉。
    The whole neighborhood was out, having a barbecue.
  • 设计和装备都适宜于住的驳船。
    a barge that is designed and equipped for use as a dwelling.
  • 邻居的狗对我吠叫。
    My neighbor's dog bark at me.
  • 我邻的狗老是叫个不停,真使我烦心。
    My neighbour's dog keeps barking and it's really getting on my wick.
  • 狗的吠叫声使布朗家与邻处于敌对状态已有数月之久。
    The dog's barking kept the Browns at swords' points with their neighbours for months.
  • 有好几个星期,狗的吠叫使特纳一家与邻的关系十分紧张。
    The dog's barking kept the Turners at swords' points with their neighbours for weeks.
  • 北美洲草原地区的几种啮齿动物,住在复杂的大洞中,叫声象犬吠。
    any of several rodents of North American prairies living in large complex burrows having a barking cry.
  • 兵营里供士兵住的简陋的房舍。
    a room in a barracks where soldiers are billeted.
  • 住所,军营住场所,尤指用来住军人或下属的建筑物或军营
    A place of residence, especially the buildings or barracks used to house military personnel or their dependents.
  • 金斯顿宾夕法尼亚州中部一城市,位于偏东北萨斯奎汉纳河边,与威尔克斯-巴黑相望。它主要是民区。人口15,681
    A borough of northeast-central Pennsylvania on the Susquehanna River opposite Wilkes-Barre. It is mainly residential. Population,15, 681.
  • 光秃秃的荒凉沙漠;不适合住的山区。
    the barren inhospitable dessert; inhospitable mountain areas.
  • 移民中的一位首领懂普罗旺斯语,就恳求马赛市政当局把这块荒芜贫瘠的海岬赐给他们,以便他们可以象古代的航海者那样把他们的小船拖到岸上安下来。
    al, begged the commune of Marseilles to give them this bare and barren promontory, where, like the sailors of old, they had run their boats ashore.
  • 尽管土地荒芜,开拓者们还是在这一带定下来。
    The pioneer settled down in the area in spite of the barrenness of the land.
  • 通常纽约是划分"适合住"和"不适合住"的分水岭,在这次的排行榜中纽约和伦敦、华盛顿、波士顿、芝加哥、马德里并列排在第41位。
    New York was used as the baseline for comparison. The Big Apple finished 41st, equal with London, Washington, Boston, Chicago and Madrid.
  • 霍皮占有亚利桑那州东北部留地的若干平顶梯形城堡式构造的普韦布洛人。霍皮人因他们精湛的旱作技术,多姿多彩的仪式生活,以及在物品编织,制陶,银器和纺织等方面的精美工艺而闻名
    A Pueblo people occupying a number of mesa-top pueblos on reservation land in northeast Arizona. The Hopi are noted for their sophisticated dry-farming techniques, a rich ceremonial life, and fine craftsmanship in basketry, pottery, silverwork, and weaving.
  • 每一个法国的城市、小镇和村庄都庆祝攻占巴士底狱节,旅海外的法国侨民也不例外。
    Bastille Day celebrations erupt in every French city,town,and hamlet9,and among French expatriates10 as well.
  • 褐黄色的大耳穴蝙蝠。
    drab yellowish big-eared cave-dwelling bat.