  • 玻璃杯放回桌上。
    She replace the glasses on the table.
  • 当dvd-rw的价格降下来时,它替代cd-rw。
    And when DVD-RW prices come down, it will replace CD-RW.
  • 用千斤顶车子的后部抬起,以便更换轮胎
    Jacked the rear of the car to replace the tire.
  • 凭一下突然而又敏捷的动作,我把左眼朝他的拳头碰过去的。
    By a sudden and adroit movement I placed my leave eye against his fist.
  • 其实,我当然了解人口替代不足在一段时日之后为我国带来多大的麻烦;
    I am well aware of the dire consequences of fertility falling below the replacement rate in the long run.
  • 你方9月25日来函抱怨我们运去了不符的货物,本公司今天已更换的货物寄出。
    We have shipped today the replacements of the different goods of which you complained in your letter of September 25.
  • 我们正在所有领薪金职员换成自由职业者。
    We are replacing all our salaried staff with freelancers.
  • 我们正在所有领薪金职员换成自由职业者。
    We is replacing all our salaried staff with freelancers.
  • 酸中的氢用金属(或相同性质的基)代替而形成的化合物。
    a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal).
  • 儿子逐出家门,让他在暴风雪里四久漂泊。
    Her turned his son adrift in a snowstorm.
  • 他的儿子逐出家门。
    He turned his son adrift in the world.
  • 会见内容录下在电台重放
    Audiotaped the interview for replay on radio.
  • 两个队打成平局,所以他们在星期三再赛一场。
    The teams finished level, so they'll replay the match on Wednesday.
  • 当毛毛细雨变成大雨时,经理宣布棒球赛于明天重新举行。并且告诉大家在出场时发补偿票观看明天的比赛。
    When the drizzle turned onto a heavy rain the manager announced that the baseball game would be replayed the next day. He told the crowd that they would be given rain checks for tomorrow's game as they went out through the gates.
  • 今后进一步完善这些制度,保持合理的粮食储备量,充实粮食市场风险基金,增强政府对粮食市场的吞吐调节能力。
    China will further perfect these systems, maintain reasonable amounts of grain in reserve, replenish the grain market risk funds and reinforce the government's ability to regulate grain markets.
  • 贵方寄存我处1400种零配件,价值约27500美元,且随时予以补足。
    You will consign to us about US $27, 500 worth of spare parts of over1400 items, to be replenished from time to time.
  • 1992年7月19日,在即结束一天的工作时,鲁伊古·罗布斯托上校小心翼翼地下潜到亚得里亚海30英尺处。这是他以前潜水深度的两倍。
    Near day's end on July 19, 1992, Major Luigi Robusto, commander form the province of Brindisi, cautiously descended 50 feet into the Adriatic Sea, twice as deep as he had dived before.
  • 分组[包]交换技术中的一种路由选择方法,使用这种方法的每个网点复制输入进来的信息包,这些复制件发送到相邻的网点,这样尽管使用很大的传输能力,但可确保快速可靠地到达实际终点。
    In packet switching, a routing method in which each node replicates incoming packets and send copies to its neighbours, thus ensuring that the actual destination is reached quickly and with certainty, though with considerable use of transmission capacity.
  • 它成功的关键,如果你能把这说成是成功的话在于它能够哄骗数以百万计的人下载其所附文件并通过其蓄意伤人的信息发往收件人在微软浏览器地址登记簿上的信箱地址偷偷地复制其内容。
    The key to its success, if you can call it tha t, was its ability to trick millions into downloading an attached file and then covertly replicating itself by forwarding its malicious message to the e?mail a ddresses in the recipients' Microsoft Outlook address book.
  • 基因突变(变异)过去一直是,来也还是生命现象中的基本现实存在。因为正是通过基因复制过程中的错误才可能产生积极的基因变异。这正是进化的生命力所在。
    Mutation has been and always will be an essential fact of life, since it is through mistakes in gene replication that the positive genetic variants arise which are the lifeblood of evolution.
  • 回信寄到209号信箱。
    Please reply to box No.209.
  • 回信寄到209号信箱。
    Please reply to box No. 209.
  • 我开始期待和她在大桥上会面,心情非常迫切。一天晚上,我儿子的一张照片给了她,和我钱夹里那张一模一样。
    I came to rely on these encounters to a remarkable degree and one evening gave her a small picture of Adrian, a duplicate of one I carried in my wallet.
  • 据说首相於近几天之内辞职。
    The Prime Minister is reportedly going to resign in a few days.
  • 昨日官方说,一位因判罪犯重刑而据称已被犯人计划铲除的皇后区最高法院法官,由警察护送上班回家。
    A Queen Supreme Court justice reportedly slated for a rubout by a convict he threw the book at will be escorted to and from work by uniformed cops, officials said yesterday.
  • 损害向保险公司作了汇报。
    He reported the damage to the insurance company.
  • 机密情报透露给记者
    Leaked classified information to a reporter.
  • 这位记者在匆匆赶回家之前,用电话他的报道传送回去。
    The reporter telephoned his story in before rushing home.
  • 总编他的采访记者所写的文章加以修改。
    The editor-in-chief blue-penciled the article written by his reporter.
  • 向警察告发你危险驾车。
    I'm reporting you to the police for dangerous driving.
  • 头靠在他的肩上休息。
    She reposed her head on his shoulder.
  • 工作背景:布利克斯gap由一个标准的利瓦伊承办商转变为时尚服装的零售商的努力取得了公司创始人唐纳德o菲史尔的信任。
    How he got the job: Won the confidence of founder Donald Fisher by repositioning Gap from a standard purveyor of Levi's to a trendy niche fashion retailer.