  • 称,称的行为或事实;公布
    An act or instance of professing; a declaration.
  • 《联合国人类环境会议言》
    Declaration of United Nations Conference on Human Environment
  • 与贸易有关的知识产权协定和公众健康言。
  • 他起草了独立宣言。
    He drew up the declaration of the independence.
  • 通过正式的布使法律生效。
    put a law into effect by formal declaration.
  • 誓书在公证人或其他裁判官员面前经誓而立下的书面声明
    A written declaration made under oath before a notary public or other authorized officer.
  • 声明一个语气强调的
    An emphatic declaration.
  • 又如一个党,只顾发言,实行不实行是不管的。
    Or take a political party which merely makes declarations but does not care whether they are carried out.
  • 当前,人权已成为国际社会普遍关心的重大问题之一联合国通过的有关人权的言和一些公约,受到许多国家的拥护和尊重。
    The issue of human rights has become one of great significance and common concern in the world community. The series of declarations and conventions adopted by the United Nations have won the support and respect of many countries.
  • 检验一个作家的主观愿望即其动机是否正确,是否善良,不是看他的言,而是看他的行为(主要是作品)在社会大众中产生的效果。
    In examining the subjective intention of a writer or artist, that is, whether his motive is correct and good, we do not judge by his declarations but by the effect of his actions (mainly his works) on the masses in society.
  • 这些书籍不仅收集、整理和介绍了古今中外各种人权学说和思想,而且汇集了世界各国和国际社会有关人权的言、公约、议定书、决议和宪法性文件。
    These books not only collect, sort out and introduce various ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign theories and ideologies on human rights, but also collect the declarations, conventions, agreements, resolutions and constitutional documents on human rights of all countries in the world and international societies.
  • 中国设立了专门的国家履约机构,按时、完整地提交了初始布和各类年度布,接待了禁止化学武器组织的55次核查,并与该组织联合举办了视察员培训班、研讨会。
    China has set up a national authority for the implementation of the Convention, and submitted its initial declaration and all sorts of annual declarations in time. So far, China has accepted 55 inspections by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and has co-sponsored, together with the OPCW, several training courses and symposiums for inspectors.
  • 各区民政事务处辖下的20个谘询服务中心,免费为市民提供多种服务,包括解答有关政府服务的一般查询、派发政府表格和资料刊物、办理誓手续,以及转介区议员会见市民计划、免费法律辅导计划和租务主任计划的个案予有关部门处理。
    Attached to the District Offices are 20 Public Enquiry Service Centres, which provide a wide range of free services to members of the public, including answering general enquiries on government services; distributing government forms and information; administering oaths and declarations; and referring cases under the District Council members' meet-the-public scheme, the Free Legal Advice Scheme and Rent Officer Scheme.
  • 各区民政事务处辖下的19个谘询服务中心,免费为市民提供多种服务,包括解答有关政府服务的一般查询、派发政府表格和资料刊物、办理誓手续,以及转介区议员会见市民计划、免费法律辅导计划和租务主任计划的个案予有关部门处理。
    Attached to the District Offices are 19 public enquiry service centres, which provide a wide range of free services to members of the public, including answering general enquiries on government services; distributing government forms and information; administering oaths and declarations; and referring cases under the District Council members' meet-the-public scheme, the Free Legal Advice Scheme and the Rent Officer Scheme.
  • 各区民政事务处属下的19个咨询服务中心,免费为市民提供多种服务,包括解答有关政府服务的一般查询、派发政府表格和资料刊物、办理誓手续,以及转介临时区议员会见市民计划、免费法律辅导计划和租务主任计划的个案予有关部门处理。
    Attached to the district offices are 19 public enquiry service centres, which provide a wide range of free services to members of the public, including answering general enquiries on government services; distributing government forms and information; administering oaths and declarations; and referring cases under the Provisional District Board Members' meet-the-public scheme, the free Legal Advice Scheme and Rent Officer Scheme.
  • 作为《禁止化学武器公约》的缔约国,中国忠实履行了公约规定的各项义务,按时、完整地递交了初始布和年度布,接受了公约组织的多次核查,参加了该组织的各次执行理事会会议和缔约国大会。
    As a State Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), China has faithfully fulfilled all its obligations under the Convention. It has submitted its initial declaration and annual declarations in time and in their entirety, and accepted several inspections by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). It has also participated in each session of the Executive Council and the Conference of State Parties.
  • 在其他情况下,则应适用本部分所规定的救济,或如果这类救济不符合国内法,则应作出确认权属的告并给予适当补偿。
    In other cases, the remedies under this Part shall apply or, where these remedies are inconsistent with a Member's law, declaratory judgments and adequate compensation shall be available.
  • 我现在布会议开幕。
    I now declare this meeting open.
  • 称她再也不愿见到他。
    She declared that she didn't want to see him again.
  • 布了自己参加竞选的想法。
    He declared his intention to run for office.
  • 告一个共和国的成立。
    proclaim the founding of a republic
  • 法律上告为精神失常
    To declare legally insane.
  • 正式宣告;声明
    To declare formally; state.
  • 称其神圣性并严禁侵犯。
    declare as sacred and forbidden.
  • 我特此布,她当选了。
    I hereby declare her elected.
  • 布不合格,认定不合适
    To declare unqualified or ineligible.
  • 宣称或断言;宣布
    To proclaim or assert; declare.
  • 布权益或披露利害关系
    To declare or disclose an interest
  • 使合法化布或使法律上有效
    To declare or make legally valid.
  • 誓证明在誓言下证明或
    To testify or declare under oath.
  • 正式布;布某人成为重要人物;头衔。
    declare formally; declare someone to be something; of titles.
  • 布……是空的或为零;使……无效。
    declare void and nul; make ineffective.