  • 法國的省長、日本的縣長等地區最高行政長或巴黎警察局長的職位或任期
    Position or period of office of a prefect
  • 管區古羅馬或法國高級員管轄或統治的地區
    The district administered or governed by a prefect.
  • 一些士兵和員出於友情而跟隨凱薩
    Some soldiers and prefect fellowed Caesar out of motive of friendship
  • 一些士兵和員出於友情而跟隨凱薩。
    Some soldier and prefect follow Caesar out of motive of friendship.
  • 劃分給一個長,如法國、日本或古羅馬的長管轄的區域。
    the district administered by a prefect (as in France or Japan or the Roman Empire).
  • 産囊體子囊菌的雌性生殖器
    The female reproductive organ of ascomycetous fungi.
  • 從戰艦的指揮降到行政職務的船長
    A captain who was reduced from command of a battleship to administrative duty ashore.
  • 這是我自從去年十二月當選行政長以及在七月一日就職以來,首次訪問日本。
    This is my first visit since being selected Chief Executive last December and since assuming office on July 1.
  • 壯麗的邸;宏偉的公館;雄偉的樹;表情嚴肅的警察跨着駿馬;宏偉的圓柱。
    a baronial mansion; an imposing residence; a noble tree; severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses; stately columns.
  • 武官
    military attache; military officer
  • 在基辛格秘密來巴黎與中國大使館黃鎮會晤時,他一直被安排在美國駐巴黎使館武沃爾特斯的住處。
    When he came secretly to Paris to meet the Chinese ambassador, Huang Zhen, Kissinger was made to stay with Walters,the military attache of the American Embassy in Paris.
  • 我很高興地註意到,即將上任的美國駐北京武、前美國國防大學教授成為第一位在貴校授課的外國教
    I am proud to note that U. S. Army Attache Designate to Beijing, a former professor at our National Defense University, became the first foreign officer to conduct classes at your institution.
  • 這軍隸屬於某驅逐艦。
    The officer is attached to a destroyer.
  • 無脊椎動物的各種運動器或附屬器
    any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates.
  • 基部動物或植物的器最近結合點的部分
    The part of an animal or plant organ nearest its point of attachment.
  • 兩個方觀察員參加了會議。
    Two official observer attend the meeting.
  • 英國王室侍從武英國王室的個人隨從
    A personal attendant to the British royal household.
  • 他被選為地方檢察
    He was selected as the district attorney.
  • 美國大法的職位産生於1789年。
    the post of Attorney General was created in 1789.
  • 被認命協助司法部長的員。
    a law officer appointed to assist an attorney general.
  • 好幾個人已正式提出競選地方檢察職位。
    Quite a few people have filed for district attorney.
  • 首席檢查將在嚴重犯罪案的審判中作公訴人。
    The attorney-general will prosecute in trial for serious crime.
  • 被告辯護律師提出的反對被法駁回了
    The defense attorney's objection was overruled by the judge.
  • 他被警告說檢察將訴訟他。
    He was warned that the district attorney would process him.
  • 首席檢查將在嚴重犯罪案的審判中作公訴人。
    The attorney general will prosecute in trial for serious crime.
  • 檢察指定某人某罪的正式公文。
    a formal document written for a prosecuting attorney charging a person with some offense.
  • 一九九九年九月,行政長代表香港出席在新西蘭奧剋蘭舉行的亞太經合組織經濟領袖會議。
    The Chief Executive represented the HKSAR at the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting held in Auckland, New Zealand in September.
  • 破産事務將舉行公司資産拍賣
    The receiver will hold an auction of the company 's assets
  • 木槌一種小的木槌,被一指揮員或拍賣人使用,以吸引註意、下達命令或確認一筆交易
    A small mallet used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer to signal for attention or order or to mark the conclusion of a transaction.
  • 被授權查銀行帳的指定員。
    an official appointed to audit the accounts of banks in a given jurisdiction.
  • 《基本法》訂明,審計署可獨立執行職務,並嚮香港特區行政長負責。
    The Audit Commission is established under the Basic Law, which provides that the Audit Commission shall function independently and be accountable to the Chief Executive of the HKSAR.
  • 如果稽查對此類文件不滿意,他有權增加應納稅額並且課以處罰。
    If the auditor is not satisfied with the documentation, additional taxes and penalties are assessed.