  • 这份判决书是以联邦上诉法院的7法官一致同意通过的。
    The ruling was unanimous, by a 7-0 vote.
  • 古怪的混合口音;他讲话有些奇怪的鼻音;他们对战争有些奇异的想法;有个古怪的字;丁香的奇特香味;关于这个城市的一些的确奇怪的东西;多么古怪的家伙;异常的行为。
    a curious hybrid accent; her speech has a funny twang; they have some funny ideas about war; had an odd name; the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves; something definitely queer about this town; what a rum fellow; singular behavior.
  • 谣言使名誉扫地。
    It's the rumour that drags him down.
  • 他在座位上坐着,纹丝不动。此时,年青人对他好奇起来,想象着他的生活历程:或许他是一海军上尉?或许为躲避妻子,离家出逃?或许是一老兵退伍回家?
    He sat rooted in his seat, and the young people began to wonder about him, trying to imagine his life: perhaps he was a sea captain, a runaway from his wife, an old soldier going home.
  • 总统候选人提时的领先者
    The front-runner for the presidential nomination.
  • 作为一竞选者参加竞选的
    Running as a candidate.
  • 她们中的两位——贾格尔和特朗普——经常为纽约设计师阿南德·乔恩的时装做表演。乔恩为许多人做过衣服。
    Two of them Jagger and Trump appear regularly in runway shows for Anand Jon, a New York?based designer who dresses a number of celebrities.
  • 然后,3警察向他冲去。
    Then three policemen rushed at him.
  • 这位前政治家以抢先发表他的每一想法而闻
    The former politician is ell known for rushing into print with every idea that he has.
  • 这本书的字是“革命前的俄国”。
    The book is entitled " Russia Before the Revolution ".
  • 万籁俱寂,忽然响起各种各样莫其妙的噪音—劈劈啪啪,吱吱嘎嘎,沙沙瑟瑟。
    The silence became full of sound: noise you couldn't put a name to—a crack, a creak, a rustle.
  • 我三天前预定了房间。我的字叫鲁思.卡森。
    I made a reservation three days ago. My name is Ruth Carson.
  • 我现在得结账离开旅馆了。我往204房间,叫鲁思卡森。
    I have to check out mow. I am in room 204. The name's Ruth Carson.
  • 我现在得结帐离开旅馆了。我住204房间。叫鲁思·卡森。
    I have to check out now. I was in Room 204. The name's Ruth Carson.
  • 我现在得结帐离开旅馆了。我往204房间,叫鲁思卡森。
    I have to check out now. I am in room 204. the name 's Ruth Carson.
  • 这会让公司落得个无情无义、没有道德原则的声。
    This would project the company as very ruthless and without moral principles.
  • 专门勾引女人的男子以对女人极具吸引力但又对女人残酷无情而出的男性
    A man reputed to be exceptionally attractive to and often ruthless with women.
  • 1999年10月和2000年5月,中国与联合国合作举办了两期国际扫雷培训班,对来自波黑、柬埔寨、纳米比亚、安哥拉、莫桑比克、埃塞俄比亚、卢旺达7个雷患严重国家的40学员进行了扫雷技术、实施方法和组织作业程序等内容的培训,收到了良好的效果。
    In October 1999 and May 2000, China sponsored two international mine clearance training courses in collaboration with the UN. Forty trainees from seven mine-affected countries (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Rwanda) attended the courses, the contents of which ranged from mine-clearance techniques to operational methods and organizational procedures, with satisfactory results.
  • 建筑工人上午举行罢工,抗议解雇一砌砖工人。
    Building workers walked out during the morning in protest at the sacking of a bricklayer.
  • 工人因喝醉酒而被解雇。
    One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness.
  • 他本来会成为一很好的飞行员,不过他的饮酒习惯却成了他的致命弱点。
    He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his Achilles’ heel.
  • 他本来会成为一很好的飞行员,不过他的饮酒习惯却成了他的致命弱点。
    He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his Achilles?? heel.
  • 吉姆在头几圈一直落在第一后面,但最后一圈时突然越过第一获胜。
    It's safest to stay well behind the car in front, in case it suddenly stops.
  • 蓝筹股(这个词源自于美国赌场中的筹码,在那里蓝色筹码的价值最高)代表那些公认为最安全的公司的股票,像ft(金融时报)普通股指数中排前30位的公司或ie(金融时报证券交易)100指数中的100家公司。
    Blue chips (a term derived from gambling chips in American casinos where the highest value was blue are those shares of companies considered to be the safest, like the top 30 companies in the FT(Financial Times) Ordinary Share Index or the 100 companies in the FT-SE(Stock Exchange) 100 Index.
  • 赢,获胜在…中获胜或取得第一
    To achieve victory or finish first in.
  • 戴尔的传奇故事是很出的。
    The Dell saga is well known.
  • 世界上最高的仙人掌是为saguaro的仙人掌,高达50至75英尺。
    The world’s tallest cactus is the saguaro, which can reach up to 50 to 75 feet tall.
  • 请电告船及开航日期
    Cable steamer name sailing date
  • 我想成为一航海船员,不过我还没有单独驾驶的能力——毕竟人各有志嘛。
    I like being the member of a crew on a sailing boat, but I haven’t got the ability to sail single-handed-after all, it’s horses of courses.
  • “当一水手,在海上航行。”
    "A sailor sailing on the sea.
  • 推销员受客户的欢迎。
    That salesman is popular with the trade.
  • 我们有20销售人员在外面出差。
    We have twenty salesmen on the road.