  • 一次,正传说又有人在放火焚烧房屋,有人在我家门人行道上用白漆写下:黑人兄弟。
    Once, when there were rumors of new burnings, someone scrawled in white paint on the pavement out side my house: Soul Brother.
  • 信用证上的进人,买方……
    Accredit buyer ( buyer, importer, consignee, account, accountee, applicant, holder, grantee)
  • 它像一个排列有序的大货架,windows提供了用户友好的图形接界面,包括弹出式菜单、滚动条、对话框和图标等。
    Like a huge shelf arranged orderly, Windows provides a user-friendly graphical interface including pop-up menus, scroll bars, dialogue boxes, icons and etc.
  • mswindows是一个基于图形的软件系统,它可以运行在ms-dos环境下,它像一个排列有序的大货架,windows提供了用户友好的图形接界面,包括弹出式菜单、滚动条、对话框和图标等。
    Microsoft Windows is a software system based on graphics, which can run under MS-DOS. Like a huge shelf arranged orderly, Windows provides a user-friendly graphical interface including pop-up menus, scroll bars, dialogue boxes, icons and etc.
  • "切斯特"在学校篮球队的士气动员会上突然出现,还带来了一纸声明,宣布约翰逊为奇多脆奶酪味的"荣誉代言人"。
    Chester appeared at a pep rally for the basketball team, and presented Johnson with a scrolled declaration proclaiming him an "honorary deputy of cheese."
  • 用卑躬屈膝的吻说话;不可救药的、奴隶性强的主妇;例如擦地板、扫马厩之类的奴隶性的工作。
    spoke in a servile tone; the incurably servile housekeeper; servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work.
  • 需要口令的帐户。
    Accounts that do not require passwords.
  • 进入静脉的气泡所造成的循环阻塞,气泡通常是通过伤进入的。
    obstruction of the circulatory system caused by an air bubble as e.g. accidentally during surgery or hypodermic injection or as a complication from scuba diving.
  • 口味爱好没法解释。
    There's no accounting for tastes.
  • 有张满下流话的纸上写道爱德华是如何不顾丧母之痛而去参加威利的舞会。
    one paper scurrilously described how Edward was neglecting a bereaved mother to dance attendance on Wally.
  • 当墙上的灰泥哗啦啦落在桌子上时,客人们赶忙向门跑去。
    The criminal scuttled across the river when he saw the policeman coming up.
  • 东南亚獾,鼻象猪。
    SE Asian badger with a snout like a pig.
  • 你走到第二个十字路,然后向左拐。
    You go ahead to the se cond cross and then turn left.
  • 鲜艳的;用绳子连接到海底的飘浮物,港的河床或者水下危险。
    bright-colored; a float attached by rope to the seabed to mark channels in a harbor or underwater hazards.
  • 当时的文学大部分还是头文学,只有一小部分靠手抄本传了下来,其中多数是短篇,即关于战争、航海和《圣经》故事的短诗和短文。
    Being mostly oral, only a small part of this literature survives in manuscripts, and most of them are short pieces of poetry or prose about war, seafaring and Biblical stories.
  • 我们来点海味换换味吧。
    Let us have seafood for a change.
  • 我撕开封,开始念信。
    I broke the seal and read.
  • 尤其是当它们被白纸包着,并被一个灵巧的药剂师用一小块红色封蜡封着的时候。
    wrapped in white paper and sealed with a dab of red sealing-wax by a clever chemist.
  • 信息用封的信封寄出。
    The information is sent in a sealed envelope.
  • 警方把建筑物的所有出都封锁住了。
    Police sealed off all the exits from the building.
  • 激光可以麻痹伤,减少流血和感染,封闭神经末梢,将术后痛苦降低至最小。
    Lasers cauterize incisions, reducing bleeding and infection, sealing off nerve endings, and minimizing postoperative pain.
  • 装了东西的容器(瓶子或罐子)在封之前顶部剩余的空间。
    the volume left at the top of a filled container (bottle or jar or tin) before sealing.
  • 不需要用水就可以封
    seals without the application of moisture.
  • 一种穿在开的接合处的绳索。
    cord that goes through a seam around an opening.
  • 破损或撕开的地方,尤指沿缝合处
    A torn or split place, especially along a seam.
  • 我们可以重新安排缝,并收进一点衣料。
    We can reset the seam and take in some of the material.
  • 开衩,衩衣服上的狭长子,如在袋的后部缝
    A slit in a garment, as in the back seam of a pocket.
  • 平式缝接的把两个边拉在一起用垂直而细密的针脚缝接的,缝纫时每一针都经过两道边形成的缝
    Sewn with close, vertical stitches drawing two edges together, with each stitch passing over the seam formed by the edges.
  • 但不止这些,厂商联盟已建议了api(应用编程接)、对象模型和协议。它们承诺将使网络和应用程序管理员天衣无缝地观察到所有广域网、局域网、内部网和互联网服务器上每一个应用程序和设备。
    But there's more to come: Vendor consortiums have proposed APIs, object models, and protocols that promise to give network and application managers a seamless view of every application and device across all WANs, LANs, intranets, and Internet servers.
  • 在囚犯越狱之后,当局立即对所有的机场港严加监视。
    The authorities kept a close watch on every airport and seaport following the escape of the prisoners form jail.
  • 高松日本四国岛东北部一城市,位于濑户内海沿岸,是一个重要的海港。人327,001
    A city of northeast Shikoku, Japan, on the Inland Sea. It is a major seaport. Population,327, 001.
  • 万鸦老印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛东北一城镇。1657年由荷兰人建成是一个重要的港。人217,159
    A town of northeast Celebes, Indonesia. Established by the Dutch in1657, it is a major seaport. Population,217, 159.