  • 法拉电容的单位,等于电容器极板上充以1库仑电量后两板间的电为1伏特时的电容
    The unit of capacitance in the meter-kilogram-second system equal to the capacitance of a capacitor having an equal and opposite charge of1 coulomb on each plate and a potential difference of1 volt between the plates.
  • 电容器的两个极板上分别有一库仑的正负电荷,且两极板间的降为伏特时所具有的电容。
    the capacitance of a capacitor that has an equal and opposite charge of 1 coulomb on each plate and a voltage difference of 1 volt between the plates.
  • 电容式压力传感器
    capacitive type pressure transducer
  • 在资本主义国家里赋税沉重地在劳动人民头上。
    Taxation bears hard on the laboring people in capitalist countries.
  • 全国人民团结起来,坚持抗战和团结,把投降阴谋和分裂阴谋镇下去啊!
    People of the whole country, unite! Persist in resistance and unity, and suppress all plots for capitulation and a split!
  • 就是杀抗日分子,制进步,勾结日寇汉奸,准备投降。
    They are killing fighters against Japan, holding back progress and working in collusion with the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators to pave the way for capitulation.
  • 钙华一种在建筑中用作饰面的缩碳酸钙
    A compact calcium carbonate used as a facing material in construction.
  • 美国人购买由大豆挤而成的统一的条状“腌肉”、装在小塑料盒里的‘‘液体人造鸡蛋”、脱脂乳酪以及掺有他们都念不出来的化合物的炭化苏打,还有充溢着树汁的高纤维面包。
    (The label low flavour' would be super- fluous. ) Americans buy uniform strips of 'bacon'extruded from soyabeans, liquid fake eggs in little plastic cartons, fat-free cheese that resembles re-cycled running shoes, carbonated sodas flavoured with chemicals they can't even pronounce, and high-fibre bread bulked out with wood pulp.
  • 文丘里管汽化器空气通道中的一段喉管,导致力减小从而把燃料的蒸气抽出汽化器的碗状部分
    A constricted throat in the air passage of a carburetor, causing a reduction in pressure that results in fuel vapor being drawn out of the carburetor bowl.
  • 一种能够缩的管子;一种能够控制液体流动的管子(做为液化器的气体入口)。
    a tube with a constriction; used to control fluid flow (as in the air inlet of a carburetor).
  • 废纸可以被制成厚厚的硬纸板。
    Waste paper can be compressed into thick cardboard.
  • 这台机器可以把纸成厚硬纸板。
    This machine can compress the paper into thick cardboard.
  • 有节奏地挤心脏或者胸腔的紧急治疗方法,旨在维持心脏的血液循环。
    an emergency procedure that employs rhythmic compression of the heart (either through the chest wall or (during surgery) directly to the heart) in an attempt to maintain circulation during cardiac arrest.
  • 众所周知,对于心血管功能不好的人来说,太大的工作力更容易引起心血管疾病。
    Job stress has been known to trigger heart problems in people who already have cardiovascular disease.
  • [14]研究还表明,死于中风、动脉瘤、高血和其他心血管疾病的危险也有所增加。
    [14] Studies also show an increased risk of death from stroke, aneurysms, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular illnesses.
  • 职业和环境医学杂志刊登了纳迪亚·韦杰博士的研究报告,他在报告中说:"一位不受欢迎的上司就是职场上的潜在力来源。从临床医学表现上看,就有可能对员工的心血管功能造成很大的影响。"
    "An unfavorably perceived supervisor is a potent workplace stressor, which might have a clinically significant impact on supervisees' cardiovascular functioning," Dr Nadia Wager said in a report in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
  • 关心他人能有助于减轻我们的力;
    Caring about others can help to reduce our stress;
  • 假如用万用表测量直流电或直流电流,我们必须注意极性不可接反。
    If the multimeter is used to measure DC voltage or DC carnet , we must be careful that the polarity is not reversed.
  • 由于腕管神经(穿过手腕的神经)缩引起的疾病;典型症状是手部不适和虚弱。
    a disorder caused by compression of a nerve in the carpal tunnel (where the nerve passes through the wrist); characterized by discomfort and weakness in the hand.
  • 运货马车在所有重荷之下将会被垮。
    The cart will collapse under all that weight.
  • 压力铸造
    high pressure die casting
  • 城堡呈威之势俯视原野。
    The castle frowned down upon the field.
  • 年内,该处添置了4部37米旋转台钢梯车、9部16米油升降台、7部泵车、1部流动伤者治疗车、9部轻型货车及1部乡村救护车,以取代陈旧的消防车辆。
    During the year, four37-metre turntable ladders, nine 16-metre hydraulic platforms, seven major pumps, one mobile casualty treatment centre, nine mini trucks and one village ambulance were purchased to replace old ones.
  • 氢化裂解将石油的含氢分子分裂成更简单的分子(象汽油和煤油的分子)的过程,此分裂过程是在加催化剂及高氢气的条件上进行的
    A process by which the hydrocarbon molecules of petroleum are broken into simpler molecules, as of gasoline or kerosene, by the addition of hydrogen under high pressure and in the presence of a catalyst.
  • 临氢重整在高温高下,在氢和催化剂的作用下石油精转化为高辛烷值的芳烃的过程
    A process in which naphthas are converted to high-octane aromatics in the presence of hydrogen and a catalyst under pressure and heat.
  • 从人为因素考虑,工作力往往被认为是工作失误的催化剂,而不是直接原因。
    In the human factors literature, workload is thought to be a catalyst for, rather than a direct cause of, error. That is, it is unlikely that workload alone will cause an error.
  • 所以尽管我们目前仍面临着困难和力,但从2001年初开始利率先后下调7次的同时还有财政政策来支持今年的经济发展,我以谨慎的态度对经济形势表示乐观。
    So despite the difficulties and pressures we now face, with interest rates cut 7 times since the start of 2001 and fiscal policy supporting growth this year, I am cautiously optimistic.
  • 低矮的屋顶给我一种抑的感觉。
    The low ceiling of the room gave me a feeling of oppression.
  • 毫米下一公升氢的重量。
    the weight of a liter of hydrogen (at 0 Centigrade and 760 millimeters pressure).
  • 强单位;在海平面和摄氏度的条件下能支持毫米汞柱。
    a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade.
  • 公制容积单位等于在摄氏度和一标准大气下一公斤水的体积。
    a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigrade and 760 mm of mercury (or approximately 1.76 pints).
  • 强单位,等于每平方厘米一百万达因(106)
    A unit of pressure equal to one million(106) dynes per square centimeter.