  • 那是他妻子還在的時候,他們一起在這張秋椅上度過了無數個春天的日子,一起保持着“衹能摘十個”的規矩。
    Countles spring days had been spent in this glider when his wife was still here and still sharing the ritual of the rule of ten.
  • 國際年蟲問題工作小組戰果驕人。
    The global Y2K team delivered a successful outcome.
  • 當前,人類已經邁入新的年,經濟全球化和社會生活信息化發展迅速,正在日益改變着人類的物質文化生活。
    At present, as mankind has marched into the new millennium, economic globalization and informationization in social life are developing rapidly, increasingly changing people's material and cultural lives.
  • 一千米為一公裏。
    One thousand metres go to the kilometre.
  • 可是在負債方面,閣下離任時,國傢負擔了二兆六億的債務。這是一筆可觀的赤字,可能係由軍費增加三倍和減稅所致。這如何能與閣下八年以前所訂的目標相吻合?本人願聞其詳。
    But on the debit side, as you leave office, the nation is saddled with a$2.6 trillion debt, an enormous deficit, caused perhaps by the tripling of military spending and tax cut. How does this jibe with the goals that you set eight years ago and I'd like to follow up.
  • 為什麽這條金魚在這樣一個嚴肅的周刊上占這麽多寶貴的篇幅而其它成上萬條金魚卻每個星期都在悄無聲息地死去?
    Why should one goldfish occupy so much valuable space in a serious weekly magazine when hundreds of thousands of goldfish die very week unwept, unhonoured and unsung?
  • 布倫門·戈萊德汽車廠三工人舉行了留廠罷工。
    Three thousand workers staged a sit-down strike at the Bermen Goliath Automobil works.
  • 我們花了一美元買下這傢商店,另加二百美元買它的商譽。
    We paid 1000 dollars for the shop, plus 200 dollars for goodwill.
  • 我們花五萬美金買這個店 ,外加八美金付它的商業信譽
    We pay $50,000 for the store, plus $8,000 for goodwill
  • "這傢跨國公司用五萬美元買下了這傢商號,兩美元買下了它的信譽。"
    "The international corporation paid$50, 000 for the firm, and$2, 000 for its goodwill."
  • 另一個失敗:在1988年ipo中獲利三萬美元後,1989年,戴爾努力以超級先進的命名為olympic的計算機在技術上超越ibm和康柏,他花費了至少一萬美元。
    One more goof: After raising $30 million in the 1988 IPO, Dell blew at least $10 million in 1989 trying to technologically leapfrog IBM and Compaq with a super-advanced computer code-named Olympic.
  • 蘇努努乘私傢噴氣機來回,衣阿華州共和黨部支付兩元,其餘由一傢保險公司代付。
    Sununu flew there and back on a private jet for which the Iowa GOP paid $ 2,000 - while an insurance corporation picked up the rest of the tab.
  • 小布什繼在美國總統大選中以些微票數險勝對手高爾後,在美國《時代雜志》專為兒童而設計的選舉投票中,又以23票之微,險勝作傢j.k.羅琳當選為兒童心目中“二年度風雲人物”。
    President-elect George W. Bush, who bested Al Gore by one electoral vote to win the White House, beat out J.K. Rowling by a mere 23 votes cast by children for Time For Kids magazine's "Person of the Year."
  • 星鬥萬,夜空璀璨。
    The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.
  • 他的油畫色彩斑斕, 變化萬.
    His paintings are a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colours.
  • 我告訴你的事真萬確。
    What I'm telling you is gospel.
  • 我告訴你的事是真萬確的。
    What I'm telling you is the gospel (truth).
  • 你應該相信這是真萬確的。
    You can take this as absolute gospel.
  • 我告訴你的事是真萬確的。
    What I'm telling you is the gospel(truth).
  • 你應該相信這是真萬確的。
    You can take this as absolute gospel, ie should believe it.
  • 他對這城市的歷史了如指掌,他所說的有關這城市的一切都真萬確。
    He knows the history of this city thoroughly, and everything that he says about it can be taken as gospel.
  • 若我們要新加坡以優雅社會的姿態步入下一個禧年,使別人因我們的身分和性格尊敬我們的話,我們就必須改變思維。
    If we want Singapore to step into the next millennium as a gracious society, to be respected for who we are as much as what we are, we have to change our mentality.
  • 毫剋質量單位,等於分之一(10-3)剋
    A unit of mass equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a gram.
  • 祖父在遺囑中給我留下一鎊。
    I was left £1000 in my grandfather's will.
  • 全國有數萬婦女接受了林業知識和新技術培訓,至少掌握了1至2門林果種植、林産品加工等實用技術。
    Nationwide, millions of women have received training for forestry knowledge and new techniques, at least grasping one to two practical techniques in planting trees and processing forest products.
  • 大草原上篇一律,我們感到很沉悶。
    The dead level of the grassland made us quite tedious.
  • 問起當年曾與他共事或曾有過接觸的人,無論是公務員、普通工人、海員、基層領袖、工運代表,甚至曾在他傢附近賣水果的小販,對他的美言都是一籮籮,對他的印象總是言萬語說不荊
    If you ask anyone who has worked or had contacts with him in the past, whether they be civil servants, ordinary workers, seamen, grassroots leaders, union representatives or even the fruit-seller near his house, they have nothing but praise for him, and all have countless stories to tell about the man.
  • 問起當年曾與他共事或曾有過接觸的人,無論是公務員、普通工人、海員、基層領袖、工運代表,甚至曾在他傢附近賣水果的小販,對他的美言都是一籮籮,對他的印象總是言萬語說不盡。
    R. Nathan is. If you ask anyone who has worked or come into contact with him in the past, whether they be civil servants, ordinary workers, seamen, grassroots leaders, union representatives or even the fruit-seller near his house, they have nothing but praise for him, and all have countless stories to tell about the man.
  • 迪涅,瑪諾斯剋,錫斯特竜等地婦女聯合會,貧寒女孩的義務教育費一五百利弗
    Congregation of the ladies of D----, of Manosque, and of Sisteron, for the gratuitous instruction of poor girls.......... 1,500"
  • 說到“小費”,你可萬別給酒保現金以表示謝意。
    Speaking of tips, you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity.
  • 年對於永恆,如同大海一滴水,沙灘一粒沙。
    As a drop of water into the sea, and a gravestone in comparison of the sand; so is a thousand years to the day of eternity.
  • 年對於永恆,如同大海一滴水,沙灘一粒沙。
    As a drop of water unto the sea, and a gravestone in comparison of the sand; so is a thousand year to the day of eternity.