  • 肯尼在一个布经常出入的餐馆工作。在那里,布对自己的钱公开宣扬。
    Kenny worked at a diner frequented by Brow, who openly talked about the money she had.
  • 没问题,我非常乐意为你效,依我看,我建议你买点晕痛宁,它是由川熊和天麻蛋黄菌两种珍贵的药材制成。它对头痛、偏头痛和晕眩有独特疗效。
    It's out of question. I'm very pleased to help you, I suggest you take this kind of medicine, "Yun tong ding". It's prepared from "Chuan Xiong" and "Tian ma mi huan jun" two precious medicinal materials, and it has a special effect on headache, migraine and vertigo.
  • 家庭中挣工资的人可能由于死亡、丧失动力或失业而使这个家庭失去收入。
    Income may be lost as the result of the death, disability, or unemployment of a family wage earner.
  • 例如,敌军打了一个或几个败仗,这时的有利于我不利于敌的条件,就不仅敌军疲等等,而是增加了敌军打败仗这个新的条件了。
    Thus, when the enemy has suffered one or more defeats, the conditions advantageous to us and disadvantageous to him will not be confined to his fatigue, etc., but a new factor will have been added, namely, that he has suffered defeats.
  • 动这一观念中,不仅应包括所作的努力本身,还应包括在某一职业中因进行思考或使用肌肉而引起的一切不愉快感觉,一切肉体上的不适或精神上的烦恼,或两者兼而有之。
    and it is necessary to include in the idea, not solely the exertion itself, but feelings of a disagreeable kind, all bodily inconvenience or mental annoyance, connected with the employment of one's thoughts, or muscles, or both, in a particular occupation.
  • 有些国家已颁布了法律,禁止家长采取会致使孩子精神痛苦的惩戒行为;斯特斯认为这是值得效法的。
    Several countries have already passed laws banning disciplinary action that inflicts mental suffering on a child,and Straus views them as models to emulate.
  • 人类工程学一种研究设备设计,如工作环境设计,以减低操作人员疲度和不适从而实现最高生产率的应用科学
    The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort.
  • 懒惰滋生不满,而过度工作导致精神和身体的疲
    Idleness spawns discontent , whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion.
  • 动模范的丰富经验不可小看。
    The old model worker's rich experience is not to be discounted.
  • 慢餐运动起因于彼得里尼先生对麦当进入意大利人的生活感到厌恶,现在这一运动正成为日益广泛的运动,其主旨是反对全球化,反对标准化,以及维护地方和地区的特色--更不用提拯救树木免遭推土机铲平以及对疯牛病和转基因食品的担心了。
    The Slow Food movement,which had its origins in Carlo Petrini's disgust over the inroads McDonald's was making into Italian life,now taps into a broader movement whose leitmotifs are anti-globalisation,anti-standardisation and the assertion of local and regional identity--not to mention saving trees from the bulldozers and worries about BSE and genetically modified foods.
  • 这种结果,将使民众不能充分认识前线官兵的艰苦奋斗与国与家的关系,而热烈地拥护和慰军队,实现大革命时代军民一致的优良传统,来争取抗战的最后胜利,反会增加部分民众厌恶军队不愿当兵的观念。
    People may fail to realize that the arduous struggle now being conducted by the officers and men at the front is closely related to the fate of the country and their families, they may fail to carry forward the fine tradition of unity between the army and the people during the days of the Great Revolution, and they may fail to warmly support the army and show gratitude in order to encourage it to win the war of resistance in the end;moreover, some people may become disgusted with the army and be loathed to join it.
  • 迁移、拆除所需费用和动力由建设单位列入投资计划和动计划。
    The expenses and workforce required for the removal or dismantling shall be included in the investment and labour plans of the construction unit.
  • 他将其遭不公正解雇一事上诉工关系法庭。
    He took his case of unfair dismissal to the industrial relation tribunal.
  • 在他35岁之后,他的公司就已发展成比麦当、迪斯尼和cbs还要大的企业。
    By the time he was thirty-five,his company was bigger than McDonald's, Disney,and CBS.
  • 拉的母亲要她待在家里,但是她不听,出去了。
    Laura's mother told her to stay inside, but she disobeyed (her) and went out.
  • 脑力动与体力动间的差别
    disparity between mental labour and manual labour
  • 机器人可省去很多力。
    Robots dispense with much labor.
  • 位于长岛大颈镇的“克斯的休息时间观念”正好有一产品,既能替他们解渴又节省空间——比一个家喻户晓的面包盒略大的汽水供应器。
    But Krauser's Break Time Concepts, located on Great Neck, L.I., had just the thing to wet their whistles and fit into tight space constraints—a soda dispenser that's just a tad bigger than the proverbial bread box.
  • 机器节省了大量动力。
    Machinery dispenses with much labour.
  • 例如,当南方农业地区的一个棉花种植园,突然将其雇用的动力从一百人减到三人时,这些被裁减人员需要帮助的问题马上就产生了。
    For example, in the rural South when a cotton plantation suddenly cuts its force from 100 people to three, the problem to help the displaced arises.
  • 麦当成功的秘诀有如下几条:只提供为数很少的几样受欢迎的食物(主要是汉堡包、薯条和奶昔),通过把准备工作分成可计量的常规工作来降低动力成本,用一次性包装袋消除洗盘子的费用,规定公众可以承受的价格,并且严格控制质量。
    The McDonald's recipe for success involves serving a very limited menu of popular foods, mainly ham- burgers, French fries, and milkshakes, minimising labour costs by breaking preparation down into quan- tified routine tasks, using disposable packages to elim- inate the cost of dish-washing, pricing the product affordably, and maintaining strict quality control.
  • 调停一动管理上的争端
    Mediate a labor-management dispute.
  • 资方拒绝会见工会代表,这只是对动大军的不满之火上加油而已。
    The management's refusal to meet representatives of the trade union merely added fuel to the flames of dissatisfaction among the workforce.
  • 因其杰出的功授予总理爵位
    Ennoble a prime minister for distinguished service.
  • 对贸易和务的人为障碍仍然存在,例如国家对特殊行业部门的补贴会损害整个欧洲的自由贸易。
    Artificial barriers to trade and labour movements still exist,as do national subsidies to particular industrial sectors which distort free trade across Europe.
  • 费劲的,难受的使过度紧张的、累的或苦恼的
    Causing strain, hardship, or distress.
  • 在合作社中, 利润是在全体动者中进行分配的.
    In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.
  •  对生活有特殊困难的缺乏动能力的继承人,分配遗产时,应当予以照顾。
    At the time of distributing the estate, due consideration shall be given to successors who are unable to work and have special financial difficulties.
  • 如果给地主、富农分了田,使他们逐步由剥削者变成动者,就可以使用他们的动力嘛。
    By distributing land to landlords and rich peasants, they could gradually be transformed from exploiters to labourers and, in the meantime, we could use their manpower.
  • 在建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制过程中,中国的动关系日趋复杂多样。
    In the course of establishing and improving the socialist market economy system, labor relations in China have become increasingly complicated and diversified.
  • 中国政府坚持以按分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的制度,体现效率优先、兼顾公平的原则。
    The Chinese government adheres to a diversified distribution system with distribution according to work as the main form. The principle is to give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness.
  • 鉴于全球贸易一体化,以及来自其他出口地的竞争愈趋激烈,本地制造商除了把工较密集的工序移到内地进行外,亦致力促进产品多元化及开拓新市场。
    Apart from relocating the more labour-intensive processes to the Mainland, local manufacturers have also been striving hard to diversify their products and markets, in the light of the globalisation of trade and keener competition from other export producers.