  • 自从1998年开始,他就开始重新运做他的核武器计划,并注重获得第三种和最后一种元素,足够的裂物质产生核爆炸。
    Since 1998, his efforts to reconstitute his nuclear program have been focused on acquiring the third and last component, sufficient fissile material to produce a nuclear explosion.
  • 一七二七年(清雍正五年),复改“巡台厦道”为“巡台湾道”(后又改为“巡台湾兵备道”),增“澎湖厅”,定“台湾”为官方统一的名称。
    In 1727 (5th year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng) the administration on the island was reconstituted as the Prefecture Administration of Taiwan (which was later renamed Prefecture Command for Patrol of Taiwan) and incorporated the new Penghu Canton. The territory then became officially known as Taiwan.
  • 其它用户也会发现负荷平衡很有用,因为它是一种智能的、一般能负担得起的方法,能把大量对服务器的访问请求按比例配到多台机器中,而不管这些机器是在一个网站、还是在数据中心内。
    Other users would find load balancing useful because it's an intelligent and affordable method for apportioning high volumes of requests for server access across multiple machines, be they on the Web or in a data center.
  • “这篇课文有一千多个字”;他们发了市长讲话印好的。
    there were more than a thousand words of text; they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech; he wants to reconstruct the original text.
  • 对于完全由internet驱动的应用程序,oracle、peoplesoft和邓白氏公司将必须重构他们的软件,不仅要用java或activex重写应用程序的客户机部,还要重写服务器部,以提高安全性。
    For applications to be fully Internet-enabled, Oracle, PeopleSoft, and Dun and Bradstreet will have to reconstruct their wares and rewrite not only the client, but also the server portion of their applications in Java or ActiveX to improve security.
  • 喉音化发音再现于古印欧语系并部保存于小亚细亚的一组近似于h的发音
    Any of a set of h-like sounds reconstructed for early Proto-Indo-European and partially preserved in Anatolian.
  • 1999年军队院校进行体制编制调整改革,撤销、合并、改建了部院校,将原来培养指挥军官和技术军官的两大类院校,调整为培养生长军官和在职军官的两大类院校,并新组建了国防科学技术、信息工程、理工、海军工程和空军工程5所综合大学。
    In the structural reform in 1999, the PLA's system of academies and schools underwent a structural reform, canceling, merging and reconstructing some institutions. As a result, the original two categories of institutions for training commanding and technical officers have been replaced by two categories of institutions for training officer candidates and in-service officers. Five universities have been established - the universities of national defense science and technology, information engineering, science and engineering, naval engineering, and air force engineering.
  • 从曼谷乘空调汽车前去芭堤雅十方便。芭堤雅为游客提供各种形式的水上运动和多种大众消费水平的高尔夫球场,还有刺激的夜生活。
    Easy to get to from Bangkok by air conditioned bus, Pattaya offers every imaginable form of water sports, plentiful and affordable golf courses, and stimulating nightlife.
  • 自体移植术,自体成形术用取自同一身体的另一部对身体一部的外科修补或重塑
    Surgical repair or reconstruction of a body part using tissue taken from another part of the body.
  • 印度-欧洲语系的一个绝迹的支从一些题词和原印度-欧洲语系的重要改建中可以得知。
    an extinct branch of the Indo-European family of languages known from inscriptions and important in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo_European.
  • 通过计算机,希腊王子的头部和躯于被连接在一起。这个粗糙的修复品证明两部曾经是一体的。
    Head and torso of the Hellenistic prince are united by computer in an approximate reconstruction that suggests the two pieces were once one.
  • 有计划步骤地关停地下水超采地区部自备井,同时对现有供水管网进行改造。
    Self-supply wells in the groundwater over-extracted area will be phased out and the reconstruction and expansion of existing water distribution network will be completed.
  • 所员获释后,能完成3年善后监管而没有再被定罪的男女犯比率,别为59%及91%。
    After being discharged from training centres, 59 per cent of the male offenders and 91 per cent of the female offenders completed the three-year supervision without reconviction.
  • 磁带录音机中能重放已记录的资料的部
    the part of a tape recorder that reproduces the recorded material.
  • 只要达赖喇嘛放弃裂主张,承认西藏是中国不可割的一部,中央政府随时愿意与达赖喇嘛进行谈判,热诚欢迎达赖喇嘛早日回归祖国,为维护祖国统一和民族团结,为西藏人民的富裕、幸福做些有益的事情。
    So long as the Dalai Lama can give up his divisive stand and admit that Tibet is an inalienable part of China, the central government is willing to hold talks at any time with him. The Dalai Lama is warmly welcome to return to the embrace of the motherland at an early date and do some work that is conducive to maintaining the motherland's unification, the national unity, as well as the affluent and happy lives of the Tibetan people.
  • 只要达赖喇嘛放弃裂主张,承认西藏是中国不可割的一部,中央政府随时愿意与达赖喇嘛进行谈判,热诚欢迎达赖喇嘛早日回归祖国,为维护祖国统一和民族团结,为西藏人民的富裕、幸福做些有益的事情。
    So long as the Dalai Lama can give up his divisive stand and admit that Tibet is an inalienable part of China, the central government is willing to hold talks at any time with him.The Dalai Lama is warmly welcome to return to the embrace of the motherland at an early date and do some work that is conducive to maintaining the motherland's unification, the national unity, as well as the affluent and happy lives of the Tibetan people.
  • 历史和实践证明,尊重《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及和平共处五项原则,是解决国际各种争端的重要依据。以和平方式解决各国间存在的歧和争端,避免诉诸武力或以武力相威胁,是实现和维护和平与稳定的正确途径。
    History and practice have proved that respect for the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is an important basis for the settlement of any international dispute, and that to resolve differences and disputes between nations through peaceful means without recourse to force or threat of force is the right path to realizing and maintaining peace and stability.
  • 人人皆知以多胜少是最好的办法,然而很多人不能做,相反地每每散兵力,原因就在于指导者缺乏战略头脑,为复杂的环境所迷惑,因而被环境所支配,失掉自主能力,采取了应付主义。
    Everybody knows that the best way is to use a large force to defeat a small one, and yet many people fail to do so and on the contrary often divide their forces up. The reason is that such military leaders have no head for strategy and are confused by complicated circumstances; hence, they are at the mercy of these circumstances, lose their initiative and have recourse to passive response.
  • 再听我讲几钟,你就会明白事情的关键。
    He stayed with his work after recovery.
  • 经过四十多年的努力,西藏人民的生活水平普遍有了显著提高,绝大部农牧民的温饱问题已基本解决,一部农牧民已经富裕起来,1991年全区农牧民人均纯收入为455元,扣除物价上涨因素,比1979年的159元增长1.6倍。
    Due to efforts made in the past 40-odd years the living standards of the Tibetan people have improved markedly. Most farmers and herdsmen have adequate food and clothing and some have attained relative affluence. In 1991, the average net income of farmers and herdsmen in the region was 455 yuan. Allowing for price increases, the figure was 2.6 times higher than the 159 yuan of 1979.
  • 布式处理程序设计执行程序/数据库和事务管理系统(dppx/dtms)中的一种数据集,它含有某一数据库目标数据集记录的一个副本,该副本可用作再建该数据库的主输入源
    In DPPX/DTMS, a data set that contains a copy of the target data set records of a data base. The copy can be used as a primary source of input for recreating the data base.
  • 后来,他对塞尚所析的艺术家的世界作了再创造的试验,“你必然会在自然界看到圆柱体、圆体、锥体”——像有一位艺术家所说的”小立方体”。
    Later, he experimented in recreating the artist's world as Cezanne had analyzed it, “You must see in nature the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, the little Cubes,” as one artist called them.
  • 运动和娱乐活动一直是大学生活的一部
    Sport and recreation have always been part of university life.
  • 运动和娱乐活动一直是大学生活的一部
    Sport and recreation have always is part of university life.
  • 香港虽然大部属市区范围,但市民仍有很多机会参与户外康乐活动。
    Despite Hong Kong's dense urban environment, opportunities for outdoor recreation are not lacking.
  • 大量吸收知识分子
  • 在另一方面,在接收党员的工作中,也有过关门主义的错误,例如,某一个时期曾经没有着重在产业工人中发展党员,另一个时期又曾经忽视在革命的知识子中发展党员,在某些农村中曾经不注意吸收青年积极子和妇女积极子入党,等等。
    At the same time, the mistake of "closed-doorism" was also made in admitting new members. At one time the Party failed to attach importance to recruiting new members from among industrial workers; at another time it neglected to recruit new members from among revolutionary intellectuals; in certain rural areas the Party organizations neglected to recruit activists among youth and women.
  • 知识子只有三天的革命性,招收他们是危险的。
    Intellectuals are three-day revolutionaries whom it is dangerous to recruit.
  • 吸收知识子的工作也做得不够。
    In addition, they have not tried to recruit as many intellectuals as possible.
  • 各院校亦可录取非本地研究院研究生,人数最多为批准收生总额的三之一。
    Furthermore, they are allowed to recruit non-local research postgraduates up to one-third of the total numbers.
  • 惩教署别在职员训练院为职员提供入职、发展和专科训练,以及在个别惩教机构提供在职训练。
    The department provides staff with recruit, development and specialist training at the Staff Training Institute, and in-service training at individual penal institutions.
  • 例如,电子生意产生了一类新的基于网络的中间商,他们正在替代长久以来就有的中间环节,如传统的销商和提供全套服务的中介商。比如,monster.com利用web双向交互的能力,把求职者与人事招聘联系起来。
    For example, electronic business is creating a new class of Web-based middlemen that are displacing some longtime intermediaries like traditional distributors and full-service brokerages.Monster.com, for example, is taking advantage of the Web's capabilities for two-way interaction by linking job seekers with human resources recruiters.