Chinese English Sentence:
  • 莉萨·史密斯·莫尔丁是沃尔玛希拉姆分店的客户服务经理。她于2001年10月向法庭提出诉讼,认为沃尔玛司的有关健康保障方面的规章是不合法的,并要求司向她和其他员工偿付未参保的处方性避孕药费用。
    Lisa Smith Mauldin, a customer-service manager at a Wal-Mart store in Hiram, filed the lawsuit in October asking the court to declare the company's health plan illegal and to order Wal-Mart to reimburse her and other employees for uninsured prescription contraceptives.
  • 提供医疗服务的系统包括许多立和私人设施,私人出资或政府指定的保险组织通常只补偿部分,而不是全部治疗费用。
    The system that pro- vides medical services includes a bewildering array of public and private facilities reimbursed by a patch-work of privately-funded and government-mandated insurance schemes that usually cover part, but not all,of the cost of treatment.
  • 由于出差的花费,他可以得到司的补偿。
    he received reimbursement for his travel expenses.
  • 投保人可能拥有两份或更多的保单,但所涉及的保险司会在他们之间摊派赔偿金。
    It is possible to carry two or more policies, but the insurance companies involved would split the reimbursement between them.
  • 许诺在遭受损失时予以补偿;由于个人或集团向保险司交纳保险金而在遭受害后得到的赔偿。
    promise of reimbursement in the case of loss; paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company.
  • 非利士人约元前12世纪居住在非利士地古城的爱琴海民族的一支
    A member of an Aegean people who settled ancient Philistia around the12th century b.c.
  • 元前800年整个爱琴海都采用这种样式的陶器。
    by 800 BC the entire Aegean had adopted this style of pottery.
  • 司现在必须做的是加强控制支出直至经济状况有所好转。
    What the company has to do is to keep a very tight rein on its spending until the financial situation improves.
  • 他提醒听众,共和党想方设法阻挠他的(针对"基地"组织的)反洗钱法案获得通过,还阻止他对销毁帐簿、后来应为安然司破产案负责的会计师严加约束。
    He reminds his listeners that the GOP blocked his anti-money-laundering legislation (aimed at Al Qaeda), not to mention stopping his efforts to rein in the book-cooking accountants later responsible for Enron.
  • 大型路工程将进一步扩大及巩固主要道路网。
    Major highway projects will further extend and reinforce the main road network.
  • 社主义者社生活的拥护者
    An advocate of communal living.
  • 公民权利的拥护者
    An advocate of civil rights.
  • 江河堤防加固工程开工3.5万里,完成了长达3500多里的长江干堤和近千里的黄河堤防加固工程,防洪能力大大增强。
    Work on reinforcing 35,000 km of river embankments was started. Over 3,500 km of main dikes of the Yangtze River and nearly 1,000 km of dikes of the Yellow River have been reinforced, and their capacity to withstand floods has been greatly increased.
  • 我们司想订购50吨螺纹钢筋。
    Our company will like to order fifty ton of reinforced bar this time.
  • 加强居住区共体育设施建设,落实建设用地。
    Construction of public sports facilities in residential compounds shall be reinforced and the required land space shall be allocated.
  • 自从诺马主管司以来,生意兴旺。
    The business has thrived since Norma took the reins.
  • 民权利和政治权利国际约》也提出:“任何鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨的主张,构成煽动、歧视、敌视或强暴者,应以法律加以制止。”
    The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights notes: “Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.''
  • 祖父年纪大了,退到一香蕉园里度晚年,我父亲接受了全部产业的经营权,并在当地开一家运输司,把全岛的锡砂和大型货物运输全包下来,当时从美国进口的福特卡车就达几十辆。
    My grandfather retired to a banana plantation in his old age and my father took over the reins of the business. He set up a shipping company which took over most of the shipping of tin, sand and bulky cargo on the island. At that time, he even imported scores of Ford trucks from the United States.
  • 民权利和政治权利国际约》也提出:“任何鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨的主张,构成煽动、歧视、敌视或强暴者,应以法律加以制止。”
    The International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights notes: ``Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.''
  • 1980年以来,西藏平反了冤假错案,相继恢复和新成立了宗教工作机构,在保障民的宗教信仰自由权利方面做了大量工作。
    Since 1980, unjust, false and wrong cases have been redressed in Tibet and religious institutions have been reinstated or established, and a great deal of work has been done to ensure freedom of religious belief for all citizens.
  • 分保可保证客户得到一家保险司无力偿付的巨额保险。
    reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume.
  • sun司的jini不是希望重新发明在线的互联网世界的操作系统的唯一技术。
    Sun Microsystems' Jini isn't the only technology hoping to reinvent operating systems for an online, internetworked world.
  • 她对mtv说她敬佩麦当娜重塑其众形象的能力。这话如属实,那么就不要认为布里特尼是另一个昙花一现的人物。
    And if it's true, as she told MTV, that she admires Madonna's ability to reinvent her public persona, then don't look for Britney to be another one-hit wonder.
  • 但是,最有价值的50名ceo在某些方面还有一些共性:正直、远见卓识、对事情的专注能力、进行战略性冒险的勇气以及对司和自身的坚定不移的信仰(这可以表现为他们愿意为司再投资,并且将他们自己的命运同企业的命运紧密结合在一起)。
    S Diverse as they are, however, the Worth 50 also all share certain key traits: integrity, vision, an ability to focus, a willingness to take strategic risks, and an unwavering belief in themselves and their companies (as demonstrated by their willingness both to reinvest corporate resources and to tie their personal fortunes to their enterprises).
  • 他对革命者的同情发展成为开宣传革命。
    His sympathy for revolutionaries spilled over to undisguised advocacy of revolution.
  • 怎样重振众多的微机制造商:第一要降低开支,扩大你司经销商的基数,降低售价。
    How to reinvigorate a bloated PC-clone maker: First, cut costs, expand your dealer base, and slice prices.
  • 这个司重新发行了带有新价格表的商品目录。
    The company reissued its catalogue with a new price list.
  • 其他如交通咨询委员会等组织,则就某方面的政策或众关注事项提供意见。
    Others advise on a particular area of government policy or public interest, such as the Transport Advisory Committee.
  •  (五)发明专利申请布后的驳回、撤回和视为撤回;
    any rejection, withdrawal and deemed withdrawal of an application for a patent for invention after its publication;
  • 其他如交通咨询委员会等组织,则就某方面的政策或众关注事项提供意见。
    Others advise on a particular area of government policy interest, such as the Transport Advisory Committee.
  • 狂欢庆祝用狂欢的众集会的方式来狂欢或庆祝
    To rejoice or celebrate with boisterous public demonstrations.
  • 当pc机供应商和制造商为他们占据了市场统治地位而兴高采烈时,这个阵营的另一部分在oracle司和sun司的带领下提出了网络计算机(nc)的概念。
    While PC vendors and manufacturers rejoice over their present dominance in the marketplace, the other side of the camp by Oracle and Sun Microsystem scale up with the concept of network computers.