  • 寻找“甜爹”:有些女士在嫁给了自己并不中意的丈夫之后然继续寻找那求之不得的“甜爹”。
    "Sugar Daddy" Search: Some women continue their search for that elusive "sugar daddy" even after they marry men who do not fit that ideal.
  • 起初,科学家们以为这种定时准确的周期是按照太阳的升落,潮水的涨落或者其他外部环境的影响每天重新调定,但后来发现放在黑暗的实验室里的植物然经历着他们每天睡眠活动的循环。
    At first, scientists believed that these accurately timed cycles were reset every day by the rising and setting of the sun, the flow of the tides, or other influences of the outside environment. But then it was discovered that plants kept in a darkened laboratory still go through their daily cycle of “sleep movements” even though the rays of the sun do not reach them.
  • 即使杰克不参加比赛时,他然在当地的酒店练习掷镖运动,以使技能不荒疏。
    Even when he's not playing in competitions, Jack still has a game of darts in his local pub to keep his eye in.
  • 主要原因是,当时大多数英国人相信上帝创造了世界,连达尔文本人也信上帝。
    The main reason was that most people in Britain still believe at that time that God had made the world- even Darwin himself believed God.
  • 资料仍在分析中.
    The data is/are still being analysed.
  • 向导离他们而去,但是他们毫不气馁,向森林进发。
    Their guide deserted them, but nothing daunted, they pressed on into the jungle.
  • 向导离他们而去,但是他们毫不气馁,向森林进发。
    Their guide deserted them, but, nothing daunt, they press on into the jungle.
  • 但是,如果你正在寻找白班工作,记住你白天时间应保持灵活机动,才能上晚班课,相反如果你晚上干兼职工作,情况亦然。
    But if you're looking for a daytime job,bear in mind that you might want to remain flexible during the day and therefore take your classes at night.The reverse is true if you have a part- time evening job.
  • 藏民族文化至今然是中华文化和世界文化宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。
    Tibetan culture has all along been a dazzling pearl in the treasure-house of Chinese culture as well as that of the world as a whole.
  • 到19世纪中叶,俄国本身正在培养出一批优秀的演员、但帝俄芭蕾最令人倾倒的、有影响的明星却是意大利人;
    By the middle of the nineteenth century, Russia was itself producing fine dancers, but still the most dazzling and influential stars of Imperial Russian ballet were Italians;
  • 故意面无表情的幽默;当宣读判决时他的脸旧漠无表情。
    deadpan humor; his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read.
  • 不久以前,这里的妇女不准拥有土地。
    Until recently, women were debarred from owning land here.
  • 如果俱乐部不废除以种族和肤色决定成员的话,必须采取新法规。
    New legislation may have to be introduced if clubs are to be prevented from debarring people from membership on grounds of race or color.
  • 改革是否改善了现状, 这问题有争议.
    It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.
  • 该企业在发展中面临许多难题。
    The business is still suffering from growing pains.
  • 由于宇宙飞行器在地球引力的影响下,它飞向月球时开始减速。
    Because the spacecraft is still under the influence of the eart's gravity, it begins to decelerate as it travels toward the moon.
  • 然什么也没有决定。
    Still there was nothing decided.
  • 制衣业的就业人数虽然持续下降,但然是本港最大的制造业,一九九九年九月时有雇员58400名。
    Despite declining employment, the clothing industry remained the largest manufacturing industry, employing 58 400 persons in September.
  • 尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡,然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。
    Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society.
  • 但是,不能因此就说这一切都是格林斯潘和他的美联储公开市场委员会的同事造成的,虽然他们去年上半年提高了利率并一直等到今年一月才开始降息、在三月份纳斯达克指数跌到2000点以下时然拒绝在两次例会之间额外降息的呼吁。
    That doesn't answer the question of whether Greenspan and his colleagues on the Feberal Open Market Committee blew it by raising interest rates in the first half of last year, waiting until this January to begin decreasing them, and resisting calls for a surpr ise between?meeting rate cut as the Nasdaq sank below 2000 in March.
  • 他将就使用一件不完善的工具而然完成了任务。
    He made out with a defective tool and still got the job done.
  • 这个事实,说明了党的提拔干部的工作,然有重大的缺点。
    This shows there are still serious defects in the process of selecting and promoting cadres.
  • 初看这似乎是个好计划,但它有一些缺陷。
    It seemed a good plan at first blush, but there were still some defects in it.
  • 尽管稍有残疾,但他很吸引人。
    He's very attractive in spite of his slight deformity.
  • 伊拉克将其自身置于危险境地,这在决议中早有警告,如果该机构(联合国)不能迅速对伊拉克的行为作出相应的有效反应,则会将其自身亦置于危险境地。
    Iraq has now placed itself in danger of the serious consequences called for in U.N. Resolution 1441. And this body places itself in danger of irrelevance if it allows Iraq to continue to defy its will without responding effectively and immediately.
  • 但是,东道主了解赫鲁晓夫在苏联政治生活中地位的重要性,所以,然给了这位成员以不寻常的礼遇。
    Their hosts, however, knew the importance of Khruschev's position in the Soviet politaical life so they accorded this delegate special treatment.
  • 尽管当乔治以代表的身份前往费城参加第二次大陆会议时,玛萨然留在了维尔努,但在战争年代,她常常陪伴丈夫前往司令部.1775年,玛萨在丈夫设在麻省剑桥的司令部度过了冬季,1776年春又陪他前往纽约。
    Even though Martha remained at Mount Vernon when George went to Philadelphia as a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, she frequently accompanied him to his headquarters during the war years. She spent the winter of 1775 at his headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in the spring of 1776 she accompanied him to New York.
  • 律师们一旦违法,必要从他们当中选出法官。这是他们的与众不同之处。
    Lawyer is the only civil delinquent whose judge must of necessity is chosen from themselves.
  • 你们然支持delphi的16位版本吗?
    Do you still support the 16 bit version of delphi?
  • 事实上,就以上两星期来说,香港不少从事跨界制造业的企业家告诉我,他们在成本上然具有相当强的竞争力。请不要忘记,跨界设厂的香港制造商在珠江三角洲聘用了超过4,000,000名内地雇员。
    In fact, only in the last two weeks, many of the entrepreneurs in Hong Kong involved in manufacturing across the border - and please remember Hong Kong manufacturers employ more than 4,000,000 people across the border in the Pearl Rioer Delta - told me they remain very competitive in their costs.
  • 虽然在八十年代,本港商人把劳工密集的生产设施迁往珠江三角洲一带,甚至世界其他地方,但时至今日,香港是主要的采购、分销和其他制造业辅助服务的中心。
    Although the 1980s saw a major move of labour-intensive production facilities across the boundary to the towns and cities of the Pearl River Delta, and indeed to other parts of the globe, we remain an active centre for the whole process of sourcing, distribution and other manufacturing related services.
  • 后来克雷默又指引他到欧洲司令部情报学校去教书,在那里讲授关于检举前纳粹分子的司法程序的课程。他干得非常令人满意,以至在他复员时上级然聘请他继续留校任教,年薪1万美元。
    It was Kraemer,too,who next steered him--Kissinger was by this time a sergeant--to the European Command Intelligence School.There he gave instruction in legal procedures against former Nazis and did it so satisfactorily that his superiors offered him,on demobilization,a job at $ 10,000 a year to remain on the school staff.