  • 使咽下去的飯重新返回嘴裏;用於指某鳥類。
    feed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food; of some birds.
  • 理事會由代表整個聯合國係統的27個組織的執行首長組成。這組織包括聯合國各基金、方案和專門機構以及國際原子能機構(聯合國領導下的自治機構)和世界貿易組織。
    It comprises the Executive Heads of 27 organizations, including UN funds, programmes and specialized agencies, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency (an autonomous agency under the aegis of the UN) and the World Trade Organization – representing the entire UN system.
  • 在五六十年代,因為美國慷慨資助菲律賓戰後的重建工作,菲律賓曾是本區域最發達的國傢……有一菲律賓人的言論筆鋒充滿澎湃的感情。
    In the 1950s and 1960s, it was the most developed, because America had been generous in rehabilitating the country after the war... Some Filipinos write and speak with passion.
  • 地區還因地製宜,采取了基層組織、社會團體監督幫助吸毒人員戒毒的做法。
    In some areas, measures adaptable to local conditions have also been taken to supervise and help addicts become rehabilitated through mass organizations and organizations at the grassroots level.
  • 而那一個用一雙強有力的手使勁地把歐羅巴往她那邊拽,而歐羅巴竟也有不能自持,那女人還說歐羅巴命裏註定是她的戰利品,這是身穿胸鎧的朱庇特的意旨。
    But that other with mighty hands, and forcefully, kept haling the maiden, nothing loth; declaring that, by the will of aegis-bearing Jupiter, Europa was destined to be her prize.
  • 碰巧哈裏遜教授現在正在那所大學贊助下着手研究他早先的材料,也許用不了多久就能發表一東西了。
    Incidentally, Professor Harrison is now working on his original material under the aegis of that university and may before long be publishing some of it.
  • 但是,現在兇殺案可不單單是攔路搶劫、強姦或綁票等所帶來的必然後果了。有時根本沒有任何作案動機,而極可能衹是那善於模仿電視片英雄的傢夥在排演他們的幻想遐思。
    But it has now become not only a logical conclusion to street robbery, rape or kidnapping, but sometimes occurs without any motive at all, most probably as a rehearsal of the fancies of those who are apt in duplicating the "heroes" on the TV screen.
  • 初期的反叛活動衹不過是大規模革命行動的演習。
    The earlier revolts had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.
  • 政府會與房屋委員會研究方法,安置這居民。
    The government will explore with the Housing Authority ways to rehouse those affected.
  • 森林生長繁茂已有千萬年之久。
    These forests have reigned supreme for countless millennia.
  • 我要他了那些費用。
    I shall reimburse the expenses.
  • 除了從卡內基那兒得到一旅費補助之外,其他一切費用都由我自行負責。
    Other than reimbursement for some traveling expenses, I got no compensation from Carnegis for me efforts.
  • 現在有規章制度要重申。
    It is now time to reimpose some rules and regulations.
  • 士兵劫掠全村,隨其所好大肆掠奪。
    The soldiers, having sacked the village, gave loose rein to their passion for plunder.
  • 人相信他們死後可能轉生為動物。
    Some people believe they may reincarnate in the form of an animal.
  • 人相信他們死後可能轉生為動物
    Some people believe they may be reincarnated in the form of an animal
  • 及早開始,然後,在孩子十幾歲時.強化這課程。
    Start early. Then, during the teens, reinforce the lessons.
  • 對孩子好的行為應給予某形式的奬勵。
    You should reinforce the child's good behaviour with some kind of reward.
  • 我們提倡和實行這原則,决不是說可以不註意個人利益,不註意局部利益,不註意暫時利益,而是因為在社會主義制度之下,歸根結底,個人利益和集體利益是統一的,局部利益和整體利益是統一的,暫時利益和長遠利益是統一的。
    Our advocacy and practice of these principles in no way means that we can ignore personal, local or immediate interests.In the final analysis, under the socialist system there is a unity of personal interests and collective interests, of the interests of the part and those of the whole, and of immediate and long-term interests.
  • 並且因其對中國力量的估計不足和日本軍閥的內部矛盾,産生了許多指揮的錯誤,例如逐漸增加兵力,缺乏戰略的協同,某種時期沒有主攻方向,某作戰失去時機和有包圍無殲滅等等,可以說是他的第三個弱點。
    Moreover, its underestimation of China's strength and the internal contradictions among the Japanese militarists have given rise to many mistakes in command, such as piecemeal reinforcement, lack of strategic co-ordination, occasional absence of a main direction for attack, failure to grasp opportunities in some operations and failure to wipe out encircled forces, all of which may be considered the third weakness of Japanese imperialism.
  • 密集的迫擊炮火力從這陣地射嚮由山𠔌那邊上來的援軍。
    From these positions mortar fire was rained down on reinforcements moving up through the valley.
  • 密集的迫擊炮火力從這陣地射嚮由山𠔌那邊上來的援軍。
    From these positions mortar fire was rained down upon reinforcements moving up through the valley.
  • 年是威爾遜先生掌政權。
    In those years, Mr Wilson held the reins of government.
  • 規劃事務監督可嚮有關土地的擁有人、占用人及負責人發出通知書,要求這人士在指定日期前中止進行未獲規劃許可的違例發展,或把土地恢復至進行違例發展前的狀況。
    The Planning Authority may serve notices on the respective land-owners, occupiers and responsible persons, requiring them to discontinue the UD by a specified date unless planning permission for the development is obtained, or demanding a reinstatement of the land.
  • 他極力提倡一歷久不衰的亞洲價值觀,認為它們比西方價值觀優越,更加深方媒體對他的不友好態度。
    His strong advocacy on upholding certain time-tested Asian values, as being superior to those of the West, further alienated him to their media.
  • 《謎3》結合併重新詮釋了這元素,是"謎"前兩部作品的一種演進性的綜合。
    ENIGMA 3 combined and reinterpreted these elements,providing an evolutionary synthesis of previous ENIGMA works.
  • 政府的陳述不能掩蓋重新實行我們曾經成功地鬥爭反對的那措施的企圖。
    Official statement could not disguise the attempt to reintroduce measures against which we had struggled successfully in the past.
  • 但是,最有價值的50名ceo在某方面還有一共性:正直、遠見卓識、對事情的專註能力、進行戰略性冒險的勇氣以及對公司和自身的堅定不移的信仰(這可以表現為他們願意為公司再投資,並且將他們自己的命運同企業的命運緊密結合在一起)。
    S Diverse as they are, however, the Worth 50 also all share certain key traits: integrity, vision, an ability to focus, a willingness to take strategic risks, and an unwavering belief in themselves and their companies (as demonstrated by their willingness both to reinvest corporate resources and to tie their personal fortunes to their enterprises).
  • 經濟學家極力主張改革國營企業。
    Some economists strongly advocate the reform of government ownership of industry.
  • 他們拒不采取這措施,引起了人民的憤慨。
    Their rejection of these measures roused the people to indignation.
  • 可能會需要再加上人體的基因以使這器官能夠長期免於排異反應。
    Human genes will need to be added, to prevent rejection of the organ in the long-term.
  • 有時我們承認之所以拒食某肉類並非基於生理學而是美學原因。
    Sometimes we admit that our strong rejection of certain meats is not founded in physiology but in aesthetics.