  • 牧人吵,羊被狼叼。
    The wolf has a winning game when the shepherd quarrel.
  • 牧人吵,羊被狼叼。
    The wolf have a winning game when the shepherd quarrel.
  • 以色列人的第二位国王;作为一个牧羊人,他和非利士的巨人武士做斗并用弹弓射杀了他;很多的圣歌都是来歌颂大卫的。
    the 2nd king of the Israelites; as a young shepherd he fought Goliath (a giant Philistine warrior) and killed him by hitting him in the head with a stone flung from a sling; many of the Psalms are attributed to David.
  • (丙)德国的或“真正的”社会主义法国的社会主义和共产主义的文献是在居于统治地位的资产阶级的压迫下产生的,并且是同这种统治作斗的文字表现,这种文献被搬到德国的时候,那里的资产阶级才刚刚开始进行反对封建专制制度的斗
    C. German, or "True," Socialism The Socialist and Communist literature of France, a literature that originated under the pressure of a bourgeoisie in power, and that was the expression of the struggle against this power, was introduced into Germany at a time when the bourgeoisie, in that country, had just begun its contest with feudal absolutism.
  • 的确,在该公司108年的历史当中,常常不愿在任何方面领先。柯达本来能在60年代复印机市场上成为xerox强大的竞对手;可是柯达不此之图,在复印机最后行将完成阶段竟花了10年之久。
    Indeed, for most of the company's 108-year history, it shied away from being first with anything. Kodak could have given Xerox a run for the dry copier market in the 1960's; instead. Kodak spent a decade putting the finishing touches on its copiers.
  • 在对错误倾向、坏人坏事作思想斗和组织处理的问题上,这些年来党内确实滋长了过分容忍、优柔寡断、畏难手软、息事宁人的情绪,这就放松了党的纪律,甚至保护了一些坏人。
    In waging ideological struggle against negative tendencies, persons and acts and in meting out organizational sanctions, Party people have tended in recent years to be a little too tolerant, hesitant, tender-hearted and ready to gloss things over to avoid trouble. Consequently, Party discipline has been lax that some bad people have been shielded.
  • 而对于年龄稍大的孩子来说,家长想让他们不看电视似乎难度更大,总不能把他们关在自己的卧室直到战结束吧。
    Shielding older children from graphic war imagery is significantly more difficult, short of locking them in their bedrooms until the end of the war.
  • 和乔纳森论很困难,他经常改变论的话题。
    It’s difficult to argue with Jonathan – he’s constantly shifting his ground.
  • 分散、集中和变换,是游击战灵活使用兵力的三个方法。
    Dispersal, concentration and shifting of position are the three ways of flexibly employing forces in guerrilla warfare.
  • 他厌倦了伐木工的单调劳动,入伍当了兵,他那有名的经历便始于波尔战
    Tired of monotonous work as a lumberman he took the Queen's shilling and his known history begins with the Boer War.
  • 民用船舶工业已成为全国机电行业中具有较强国际竞力的出口支柱型产业。
    The shipbuilding industry for civil use has already become a highly competitive pillar export industry among China's electromechanical industries.
  • 媒体的责任是报道事实,但作者认为美国媒体的选择性报道方式,已使它沦为政治的工具,在战中更助长了恐怖行动的扩张。
    This is an abridged version of an article published in Taiwan's "The Journalist ", a weekly news magazine. In the article, the writer laments that the American media has become a political tool that assists the expansion of terrorism.
  • 在这篇报道里,作者认为美国媒体的选择性报道方式,已使它沦为政治的工具,在战中更助长了恐怖行动的扩张。
    In the article, the writer laments that the American media's abridged version has made it a political tool that assists the expansion of terrorism.
  • 对涉及舰船议进行裁决的法院
    Court which decide in dispute involving ships.
  • 这是“战与和平”的节略版。
    This is an abridged edition of "war and peace".
  • 他的事业被战所毁。
    His career was shipwrecked by the war.
  • 传记作品《亚伯拉罕·林肯:战年代》1940年获普利策历史奖。
    His nonfiction book Abraham Lincoln: the War Years was awarded the Pulitzer prize for history in 1940.
  • 《亚伯拉罕·林肯:草原岁月》(1926)和《亚伯拉罕·林肯:战年代》(1939)。
    He wrote a biography of Lincoln in two parts Abraham Lincoln: the Prairie Years(1926) and Abraham Lincoln: the War Years(1939).
  • 弱点:查伯斯说他是在以一种“公平和光明正大”的方式参与竞的,但是联合贸易委员会(ftc)对查伯斯是否曾参与密谋瓜分市场表示怀疑。
    Weak spot: Chambers says he competes "in a fair and aboveboard way," but the FTC wonders if Cisco has conspired to divvy up markets.
  • 关于词的争论
    A dispute about words.
  • 力争高产
    Shoot at a high output
  • 也许没有问题比安乐死和人工流产更有议性,它们都涉及结束一个人的生命。
    Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion , both of which involve taking the life of a human being.
  • 力争提高生产水平
    Shoot for a higher production level
  • 渐进、长期的进步。
    Shoot for gradual,long-term progress.
  • 一次射失使双向飞碟射击好手马特和多向飞碟射击明星杰伊失去了奖牌夺权,而中国的张山和捷克斯洛伐克的赫尔德利卡分别捧金。
    One missed target took skeet shooter Matt and trap star Jay out of medal contention as China's Zhang Shan and Czechoslvakia's Hrdlicka took gold respectively.
  • 我们就有关堕胎的问题展开论;约翰与玛丽进行论。
    We debated the question of abortion; John debated Mary.
  • 关于堕胎引起的议很大的问题。
    the highly charged issue of abortion.
  • 堕胎合法化问题引起了许多论.
    There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion.
  • 我们自己的革命战几乎因为缺乏广泛的支持而胎死腹中。——威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特。
    our own revolutionary war almost died aborning through lack of popular support- William Randolph Hearst.
  • 蛋在减价出售,买人的着抢购。
    Eggs were on sale cheap, and the shoppers snapped up the bargain.
  • 政府正支持因战而受到削弱的经济。
    The government is shoring up the economy weakened by the devastaion of war.
  • 至于家族主义、迷信观念和不正确的男女关系之破坏,乃是政治斗和经济斗胜利以后自然而然的结果。
    As for the clan system, superstition, and in equality between men and women, their abolition will follow as a natural consequence of victory in the political and economic struggles.