  • 这一“歇期”将会持续多长时
    How long will this "interlude" last?
  • 有人认为未来将会有一段相对安全的“歇期”,你对“歇期”的说法有何看法?
    Some have argued that there will be a relatively secure interlude in the future. What do you think of this "interlude?"
  • 她在巴黎期是她艰辛的事业中一段愉快的插曲。
    Her time in Paris is a happy interlude in a difficult career.
  • 莱克:我希望它不只是一段“歇期”,而能够长期持续下去。
    DR. LAKE: I hope it's not just an interlude. I hope it will last a long time.
  • 舞蹈不应只是歌曲的穿插表演而应成为独立的艺术形式这一主张,首先由英国人约翰·韦弗提出。几十年后,让·乔治·诺弗尔——芭蕾史上最重要的人物之——在其著名的《关于舞蹈和芭蕾舞论》(1760年)里,宣传厂不少同样的想法。
    The idea that dance should not be just an interlude between songs but should be self-sufficient was first Put forward by the Englishman John Weaver, Jean-Georges Noverre, one of the most important figures in the history of ballet, propagated much the same idea a few decades later in his famous Letters on Dancing arid Ballet(1760).
  • 同时,由于缺乏官方数据、种族问题情势日趋紧张、相互竞争的种/民族利益集团相互猜疑,人们对异族婚姻在未来美国社会中的影响还没有形成一致看法。
    Meanwhile, in the absence of official numbers, with the heightened tension surrounding racial issues, and with the mutual suspicion that exists among competing racial and ethnic interest groups, there's little agreement on what intermarriage will mean for U.S. society in the future.
  • 显赫的家族之相互通婚;因此上层社会的人差不多都是沾亲带故。
    Leading families intermarry; practically everyone in the top flight is thus related.
  • 他们彼此交恶不愿相见, 有事均通过中人处理.
    They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary.
  • 掮客;中间人
    A go-between; an intermediary.
  • 中间人;调解人
    An intermediary; a go-between.
  • 他拒绝充当这两个董事之的调解人。
    He refused to act as an intermediary between the two director.
  • 人,媒介在双方担任中人或信使的人
    One who acts as an intermediary or messenger between two sides.
  • 他们彼此交恶不愿相见,有事均通过中人处理。
    They dislike each other too much to meet, so they conduct all their business through an intermediary.
  • 银行,从其定义来看,是买卖双方之,或者说资金的供需双方之的中介。
    " which is by definition an intermediary between buyers and sellers, or between people who have money and people who want money.
  • 香港作为内地与世界各地之的挢梁,可以在传达数码信息方面担当中介角色,刺激本地经济增长。
    In linking the Mainland through Hong Kong to the rest of the world we will also be able to act as a digital intermediary, which will allow us to stimulate economic growth.
  • 中部的,居中的既不在一端,又不在另一端的;中
    Being at neither one extreme nor the other; intermediate.
  • 在小型计算机和大型计算机之,具有中等容量和计算能力的计算机。
    A computer of intermediate size and computing power, between a minicomputer and mainframe.
  • 我们正处在这场军事革命的中阶段。
    We're in intermediate phase.
  • 一个东西的中部分。
    an intermediate part or section.
  • 过渡地带,不安定的状态
    An intermediate place or state.
  • 状态中形态或中阶段
    An intermediate state or stage.
  • 的在…之存在或发生的;居
    Existing or occurring between; intermediate.
  • 在性质或者立场上处在中
    intermediate in character or position.
  • 在等级或位置上中的。
    intermediate in rank or position.
  • 从坐着直接站起来,中没有用手撑;某个过程的中阶段;旅程的中站;中水平。
    going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands; intermediate stages in a process; intermediate stops on the route; an intermediate level.
  • 学校;中级;中学。
    intermediate schools; the intermediate (or middle) grades; a middle school.
  • (心理特征)处于内向和外向之的。
    (psychology) intermediate between introversive and extroversive.
  • 中部,中,平均两个极端的中事物;中项
    Something intermediate between extremes; a mean.
  • 一种稠而黑的焦油中体,介于石油和沥青之
    a thick black tar intermediate between petroleum and asphalt.
  • 蛹是蝴蝶发育的中阶段,介於卵和成虫之.
    The pupa is at an intermediate stage of development; it is intermediate between the egg and the adult butterfly.
  • 飞机在原地和目的地之没有中途着陆的飞行。
    a flight made without intermediate landings between source and destination.
  • 两极中状态;中位置。
    a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position.