  • 对于在教学工作中作出突出贡献的教师,应该以表扬和奖励。
    Teachers who make outstanding contributions in pedagogy should be commended and rewarded.
  • 你走开吧!损失不是由于我的过错造成的,我一分钱也不会付你。
    Go peddle your papers. I'm certainly not going to pay for the damage that wasn't my fault.
  • 那个小贩试图卖我一些小东西。
    The peddler tried to sell me some small articles.
  • 小贩以玻璃充当钻石卖别人。
    The peddler fobbed off pieces of glass as diamonds on some people.
  • 在雕像可以运往美国之前,必须它选个场地,还要建造一个雕像底座。
    Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.
  • 玛丽嫁了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。
    Mary married a man who set her on a pedestal.
  • 她嫁了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。
    She married a man who put her on a pedestal.
  • 他总是侍候他的未婚妻,又送花她,又买糖果她,他真正把她捧上了天。
    He is always waiting on his fiancée and bring her flowers and candy. He has certainly put her on a pedestal.
  • 在保护生态学协会八月召开的会议上,阿马托和罗素打算就该项新技术的运用提出一个建议:只有呈交羽毛样本确定乌的谱系后,才能被贩运的鸟儿颁发许可证。
    At the August meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Amato and Russello planned to suggest a powerful application for the new technology: that no permits be given for birds moving from one area to another until a feather sample is submitted to verify its pedigree.
  • 那个小贩试图卖我一些小东西。
    The pedlar tried to sell me some small articles.
  • 他翻起裤脚,把伤口我们看。
    Peeling back his trouser leg, he showed us the wound.
  • 她给了一英镑。
    She peeled off one pound.
  • 大宪章予每个自由人被同等人审判的权利。
    The magna carta gives every free man the right to be tried by his peer.
  • 她本身就是贵族(并非因嫁了贵族).
    She's a peeress in her own right, ie not merely by marriage to a peer.
  • 人以攻击口实的小过失
    A minor offence which provided a peg to hang their attack on
  • 请给我接北京。
    Please get me Peking.
  • 另外我一份古老肉及北京填鸭。
    Could we have a portion of Sweet and Sour Pork and Peking Stuffed Duck,please?
  • 我给她一支笔。
    I gave her a pen.
  • 年内,平均约有7400名犯人进行生产工作,监狱工场为政府部门和公营机构提供广泛的产品及服务,另有小部分则供私营机构。
    In 1997, about 7400 inmates were engaged in industrial work. Penal workshops provide a wide range of goods and services for government departments and public organizations and, to a smaller extent, for the private sector.
  • 我已48岁。我要人良好印象,而不要作贱自己去接受低微薪水或无人聘请,我应该用哪一份履历表去和可能聘我的雇主接触呢?
    I'm 48 and want to put my best foot forward and not be penalized by a low salary offer or no offer at all. Which resume should I use when I approach a prospective employer?
  • 对危险驾车予什么处罚?
    What is the penalty for dangerous driving?
  • 应当予治安管理处罚的,依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚;
    Should an administrative penalty be given, the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security shall apply.
  • 尚不构成犯罪,应当予治安管理处罚的,依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚。
    If a crime has not been constituted and administrative penalty for public security should be given,the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security shall apply.
  • 课刑给予的刑罚
    The penalty meted out.
  • 老太婆一个个地数出三十便士了售货员.
    The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant.
  • 如果这件东西值二十五便士,而你他一镑,应找回七十五便士的零钱。
    If it costs 25 pence and you give her a pound you should get 75 pence change.
  • 劳驾我6便士的铜币。
    Would you mind giving me the six pence in coppers?
  • 了他一英镑,他找了我20便士的零钱。
    I gave him a pound, and he gave me 20 pence change.
  • 他连十便士都不肯借我,你看他有多小气?
    He wouldn't even lend me ten pence; how mean can you get?
  • 这个姑娘数出15便士交了售货员。
    The girl counted out fifteen pence and passed it to the salesman.
  • 你那几个便士将用来医院买台收音机时凑个数。
    Your few pence will go towards a new radio for the hospital.
  • 你那几个钱用来医院买台新收音机时凑个数吧。
    Your few pence will to towards a new radio for the hospital.