  • 另一方面,支持者认为它的好处,例如对洪水控制的改善、发电能力的提高和对相关地区经济发展的影响远远超过它坏处。
    Supporters , on the other hand , contend that the advantages—i.e.improved flood control , increased power generation capacity and desirable impact on economic development in related areas —will far outweigh the disadvantages.
  • 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:自行车的优点远大于缺点,并且在现代社会它仍发挥重要作用。
    From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.
  • 他们磁带播放了一遍又一遍。
    They ran the tapes over and over again.
  • 总体和平、局部战争,总体缓和、局部紧张,总体稳定、局部动荡,是今后一个时期国际局势的基本态势。
    The general picture of the international situation for a period of time to come will be that of overall peace and local warfare, overall relaxation and local tension, and overall stability and local turbulence.
  • 凶手商人击昏,再抛入水中,使他看上去就像是淹死的。
    The murderer knocked the merchant unconscious and threw him overboard, so that it would seem as if he simply drowned.
  • 锚用缆绳或粗绳系在船只上的重物,其抛出后船只可因其重量或锚钩紧水底而固定住
    A heavy object attached to a vessel by a cable or rope and cast overboard to keep the vessel in place either by its weight or by its flukes, which grip the bottom.
  • 为什么下载网站页面要花很长时间有多个原因,但其中有两个最常见的:因特网连接慢以及过度的负担服务器推到了极限。
    There are many reasons why Web pages can take a long time to download, but two of the most common causes are slow Internet connections and overburdened Web servers pushed to their limits.
  • 交叉缝用锁缝针缝,如在完工一件织物边儿或两件织物缝在一起时所用
    To sew with overcast stitches, as in finishing a fabric edge or binding two pieces of fabric together.
  • 我的旧大衣翻面。
    I had my old overcoat turned.
  • 在两军隔淝水对峙的时候,晋军领要求淝水以北的秦军让出一片战场来,以便晋军渡水决战。
    When the armies lined up on opposite banks of the Feishui River, Hsieh Hsuan, taking advantage of the overconfidence and conceit of the enemy troops, requested Fu Chien to move his troops back so as to leave room for the Eastern Tsin troops to cross the river and fight it out.
  • 内务大臣说英国监狱的拥挤程度已无法控制,建造新监狱来缓解这种状况。
    The Home Secretary stated that the overcrowding in Britain’s prisons was getting out of hand and that new prisons would be built to ease the situation.
  • 到户外晒晒太阳是有益的,但过分在阳光下曝晒,你的身体会面临危险。
    It's nice to get out in the sun, but if you overdo it, you could put your life at risk.
  • 用锁边缝线缝在一起(横过的垂直缝线合拢并两个边缝在一起)。
    sewn together with overhand stitches (close vertical stitches that pass over and draw the two edges together).
  • 除非你悬在上空的树枝剪掉,否则,这里不会成为一决理解的草坪。
    You won't be able to make a good lawn here unless you cut away most of these overhanging branches.
  • 因此,当局决定先推行临时措施,以缩短现时制备法定规划图则的程序──这项建议在咨询期间得到市民的广泛支持,其他修订和与全面修订法例有关的各个问题则待进一步研究。立法机关其后于一九九八年三月通过《1998年城市规划(修订)条例》,考虑对法定规划图则的反对意见的期限,定为九个月。修订条例于同年四月实施。
    The administration therefore decided to introduce interim measures, pending further study on the various issues relating to the comprehensive overhaul of the Ordinance, to shorten the existing statutory plan-making process. This proposed change received widespread support during the consultation. The Town Planning (Amendment) Ordinance 1998 which imposed a statutory nine-month period within which objections to the statutory plans should be considered was subsequently introduced into the legislature in March 1998 and came into operation in April 1998. The administration is continuing to review the rest of the Ordinance and aims at introducing a comprehensive bill.
  • 得知他即被派往国外学习,他非常兴奋。
    Knowing that he will be sent to study abroad, he is overjoy.
  • 得知他即被派往国外学习,他非常兴奋。
    Knowing that he would be sent to study abroad, he was overjoyed.
  • 说真的我们这每个人都觉得您“太出色”了,而您的资历表明您如果能到一家可以尽展您聪明才智的公司去任职,会更加愉快。
    Frankly it is the feeling of everyone here that you are "overqualified", and your experience indicates you would be much happier with a company that could make full use of your talents.
  • 在3800印刷子系统中,打开并关闭直接对着格式涂层的灯,图象曝光在光导体上,随后传送给打印纸(印刷)。
    In the3800 Printing Subsystem, turning on and off a light directed toward the forms overlay to expose the image on the photoconductor for subsequent transfer to the paper(printing).
  • (头发)剪成不同层次,通常是叠盖在一起的长度
    To cut(hair) into different, usually overlapping lengths.
  • 如果匹配到的记录数量过多(这由每个操作入口站点来独自决断),或者返回的记录超过由maxrows属性限定的条目数,操作入口站点对返回值执行截断操作。
    In the event of an overly large number of matches (as determined by each Operator Site), or if the number of matches exceeds the value of the maxRows attribute, the Operator site will truncate the result set..
  • 当然,所有安排您在10日晚间夜宿的费用,皆由本公司代您支付。
    All arrangements for your stay overnight on April10 will, of course, be made by us at our expense.
  • 有了稍经基因修复、快速养殖的鱼和防冻水果,人口过多的星球获得足够的食物,不过,这些合成物可能不知不觉地彻底摧毁食物链。
    With a little genetic tinkering, fast? growing fish and freeze resistant fruits will help feed an overpopulated planet, but such hybrids could unwittingly wipe out the food chain.
  • 总统否决了议案,但国会它推翻。
    The president vetoed the bill, but congress override his veto.
  • 由于我很快就要回去,我源我的总工程是由来监督拆卸。
    As I'm going back very soon, I'll send my chief engineer to oversee the dismantlement.
  • 该机构负责监督伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器研制活动,命令的意思是确保不会留下任何伊拉克安全部门、萨达姆的总统办公室与伊军工机构有联系的任何文件材料。
    This is the organization that oversees Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activities. Make sure there are no documents left which could connect you to the OMI.
  • 看来[纽约]市勉强过得去,可以避免[由州政府]监管。可是这是一项错误,因为[监管]局可以协助应付更严重,且随时可能发生的危机——据估计1992会计年度有35亿元的赤字。
    It seems the city can scrape by and avoid having such an overseer. But that would be a mistake, because the board could help deal with the even deeper crisis just around the corner—the $3.5 billion deficit projected for the 1992 fiscal year.
  • 她的这部新作会使她的早期作品黯然失色。
    Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones.
  • 冒促销预算超支的风险。
    He is running the risk of overspend his promotion budget.
  • 他知道再超支他会与银行有麻烦的,过去我曾帮助过他,但这次我只能让他自作自受了。
    He knew he'd be in trouble with the bank if he overspent again; I've helped him before but this time I'm leaving him to stew in his own juice.
  • 我们的努力确定地打倒日本帝国主义,并实现全部的民族解放和社会解放。
    By our exertions we shall surely overthrow Japanese imperialism and attain complete national and social liberation.
  • 受压迫多年的人民很快起来推翻他们的统治者。
    The people have been trodden down for too long, and soon will rise to overthrow their unjust rulers.