  • 全疆总播种面积达到3404.12千顷,比1955年扩大1倍;
    Meanwhile, the total sown area was 3,404,120 ha, double the 1955 figure.
  • 房委会于一九七三年成立,负责策划及兴建供出租或出售的营房屋。
    Established in 1973, the HA plans and builds public sector housing, either for rent or sale.
  • 广泛开展农田水利基本建设,到2000年使有效灌溉面积达到5330万顷,2010年达到5670万顷左右,2030年达到6670万顷以上,分别占耕地面积的56%、60%和70%;
    Agricultural capital construction will be undertaken on an extensive scale, so that the eective area of irrigated land will reach 53.30 million ha by 2000, 56.70 million ha by 2010 and 66.70 million ha by 2030, respectively accounting for 56 percent, 60 percent and 70 percent of the cultivated land.
  • 中国有浅海、滩涂总面积约1333万顷,按现有的科学水平,可进行人工养殖的水面有260万顷,已经开发利用的有93.8万顷。
    The shallow seas and tidelands have a total area of 13.33 million ha, of which 2.6 million ha of water surface are suitable for the raising of aquatic products in terms of the current scientific level. So far, 938,000 ha are being utilized for this purpose.
  • 一九九七/九八年度,房委会的资本开支为149亿元,占共开支总额的6.3%。
    Capital expenditure of the HA in 1997-98 was $14.9 billion, representing 6.3 per cent of total public expenditure.
  • 中国有盐田面积43万顷,1997年生产原盐2928.1万吨。
    With an area of 430,000 ha, China's salt pans produced 29.281 million tons of raw salt in 1997.
  • 通过提高复种指数,使粮食作物播种面积稳定在1.1亿顷左右。
    The grain-sown area will be stabilized at about 110 million ha through the increase of the multiple crop index.
  • 一九九五年九月,当局根据《拉姆萨尔约》的规定,把米埔沼泽区连同内后海湾一带列为"具国际意义的湿地,特别是作为水禽栖所"。
    Together with the Inner Deep Bay area,the Mai Po Marshes were listed as a 'Wetland of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat' under the Ramsar Convention in September 1995.
  • 她一到办室就向办室里的每一个人都致以习惯性的问候。
    "When she comes to the office, she gives her habitual greeting to everyone there."
  • 她习惯于朴素的表达方式;他习惯于把办室的门紧闭着。
    her habitually severe expression; he habitually keeps his office door closed.
  • 一排墙靠墙的房子正被拆除,准备建造新寓。
    A row d hack-to-back houses is being pulled down to make way for new flats.
  • 委员会接到指示,要克服困难制订出编定司报表的计划,就是熬通宵也要完成。
    The committee has instructions to hack out a new method of organizing the firm's accounts, even if it took all night.
  • 董事长命令我们克服制订出管理司账目的新方法,就是熬通宵也要完成。
    The president ordered us to hack out a new method of organizing the firm's accounts, even if it took all night.
  • 尽管谈论黑客攻击的可能性涉及安全司的利益,他们仍说有许多司私下承认曾受到攻击。
    Although security companies have a vested interest in talking up the likelihood of hacking attacks, they claim that many companies secretly admit to having been hacked.
  • 司已经找到了愿意购买其仓库的买主。
    The company hade find a purchaser for its warehouse.
  • 发夹状物形状象发夹的物体,尤指路的u形急转弯
    Something shaped like a hairpin, especially a sharp turn in a road.
  • 他现在住在海天大酒店,正等待着外贸司的一个部门经理徐先生来商谈他访问的时间安排计划。
    He is staying at the Haitian Hotel and expecting Mr Xu, a department manager of the corpration to talk about the schedule for his business visit.
  • 元5世纪为雅典的太平盛世。雅典最优秀的诗歌、戏剧、建筑和雕刻均产生于这一时期。
    Those were the halcyon days of Athens (fifth century BC) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
  • 半路上共汽车坏了。
    The bus broke down halfway.
  • 一切费用由贵司负担,但今后交易本司将分担一半。
    Expense purely you are A/C however ready meeting halfway for future business
  • hallmark贺卡司的人员不会将之印在卡上,但它们却足以使诗歌和情书相形见拙。
    They are not something the Hallmark people would inscribe on a card. But they beat the heck out of poems and love letters.
  • 大力投资於我们的儿童和劳动人口身上,将会是特区政府的标记。事实上,所有希望长期维持佳绩的司,也该考虑在人才上作出投资。
    Investing in our children and in our workforce will be the hallmark of my Administration : every business that looks to build long term prosperity may with profit consider doing so too.
  • 该城市的车服务几乎陷于完全停顿的状态。
    Bus services in the city are practically at a halt.
  • 火车缓慢地停下来时离损坏了的共汽车只有几英寸的距离。
    The train ground to a halt only inches from the damaged bus.
  • 你二十日电悉实盘以你二十五日复到为准10000吨糖每吨105美元汉堡船边交货净价请电
  • 男子户外赛季于四月下旬在慕尼黑进行,接下来是五月初在汉堡举行的德国开赛。
    The men's outdoor season gets under way in Munich in late April, followed by the German Open in Hamburg in early May.
  • 是的。我现在将我们的报盘重复一下:报钢材5000吨,规格按照我们的目录,价格每吨192美元,fob汉堡,1992年9、10月装船。
    Yes, may I now repeat our offer as 5 000 M/T steel, specifications as shown in our catalogue at Us $ 192.00 per M/T FOB Hamburg, shipment Sep. /Oct. 1992.
  • 我在自己的办室里就能听见玛丽用打字机打字的声音。
    I can hear Mary hammering at the typewriter from my office.
  • 两个公司联合经营。
    The two firms work hand in hand.
  • 把我的手提包拿出来,我要把它拿到办室。
    Put out my handbag and I'll take it to my office
  • 她只知道自己喜欢北园小学里鲍勃·科特的体育课,因为在他们玩“打堡垒”时,“老k先生”----他的学生如此称呼他----并不关心谁输谁赢。“打堡垒”是一种外来的场地手球赛,比赛时,至少同时有两个球在打,绝大多数参赛队员都在不停地跑、跳、扔、挡。
    She just knows she likes Bob Korte's PE class at North Park Elementary, because "Mr K", as his students call him, doesn't care who wins when they play Ta Po Ae, an imported field handball game in which at least two balls are in play simultaneously and most players are running, jumping, throwing or blocking at any given moment.
  • '新平衡'司的员工手册明令禁止由性和性倾向而产生的骚扰,"他在今年早些时候发给肯尼迪参议员的信中这么写道。
    New Balance's employee handbook specifically prohibits harassment based on sex and sexual orientation," he writes, in a letter sent to Kennedy earlier this year.