  • *联合国麻醉药品委员会是处理与毒品有关的所有事务的主要政府决策机构。
    * The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs is the main intergovernmental policy-making body dealing with all drug-related matters.
  •     (b)国际局可以就修订会议的筹备工作与政府组织和非政府国际组织协商。
    The International Bureau may consult with intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations concerning preparations for conferences of revision.
  •   (ix)决定接受哪些非本联盟成员国的国家以及哪些政府组织和非政府国际组织以观察员身份参加本联盟会议;
    (ix) determine which countries not members of the Union and which intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations shall be admitted to its meetings as observers;
  • 1990年,中国参加了北太平洋海洋科学组织(pices),并于1992年参加了政府海洋学委员会西太分委会。
    China joined the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) and the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in 1990 and 1992, respectively.
  • 给这场争论火上加油的是那些政府机构,如国际电信联盟(itu)、世界贸易组织和世界知识产权组织。
    Fueling the debate is a host of intergovernmental organizations including the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the World Trade Organization, and the World Intellectual Property Organization.
  • 因此我们将竭尽全力确保订于2001年举行的发展融资问题高级别国际和政府活动圆满成功。
    We will therefore make every effort to ensure the success of the High-level International and Intergovernmental Event on Financing for Development, to be held in 2001.
  • *联合国人权委员会是就世界各地发生的侵犯人权行为举行公开会议的一个主要政府机构。
    * The UN Commission on Human Rights is one of the main intergovernmental bodies that holds public meetings on human rights violations wherever they occur in the world.
  • 今天我坦率地说,如果真的出现这样的情况,我们不认为这是什么私人代表,而是一种正式的政府与政府之的关系。
    Today I shall put it frankly that if this does take place, we shall not interpret this as a matter of sending a private representative, but rather as the establishment of a formal intergovernmental relationship.
  • 在首脑会议所要审议的执行计划草案内,商定应促进在联合国系统之内和联合国与国际金融机构之有效协调从事与水有关问题的各国际和政府机构及过程,并吸收其他国际机构和民社会的意见,以告知政府决策;
    In the draft plan of implementation to be considered by the Summit, it has been agreed to promote effective coordination among the various international and intergovernmental bodies and processes working on water-related issues, both within the United Nations system and between the United Nations and international financial institutions, drawing on the contributions of other international institutions and civil society to inform intergovernmental decisionmaking;
  •  (4)本联盟任何国家如有异议,可以在收到通知后十二个月内经由国际局向有关国家或政府国际组织提出。
    Any country of the Union may, within a period of twelve months from the receipt of the notification, transmit its objections, if any, through the intermediary of the International Bureau, to the country or international intergovernmental organization concerned.
  • 环境规划署-气象组织政府气候变化问题小组是一个世界性网络由120多个国家的1000多名著名科学家组成,负责评估对全球气候变化的了解情况--气候变化的原因、影响及减轻和适应气候变化的可选办法。
    The UNEP-WMO Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a worldwide network of more than 1,000 leading scientists from over 120 countries, assesses the state of knowledge on global climate change – its causes, impact and options for mitigating and adapting to it.
  •     (b)本条第(1)款(b)项的规定,仅适用于政府国际组织经由国际局通知本联盟国家的徽章、旗帜、其他徽记、缩写和名称。
    The provisions of paragraph (1)(b) of this Article shall apply only to such armorial bearings, flags, other emblems, abbreviations, and names, of international intergovernmental organizations as the latter have communicated to the countries of the Union through the intermediary of the International Bureau.
  •  (6)至于本联盟国家国旗以外的国家徽记、官方符号和检验印章,以及政府国际组织的徽章、旗帜、其他微记、缩写和名称,这些规定仅适用于接到上面第(3)款规定的通知超过两个月后所注册的商标。
    In the case of State emblems other than flags, and of official signs and hallmarks of the countries of the Union, and in the case of armorial bearings, flags, other emblems. abbreviations, and names, of international intergovernmental organizations, these provisions shall apply only to marks registered more than two months after receipt of the communication provided for in paragraph (3), above.
  •     (b)上述(a)项规定应同样适用于本联盟一个或一个以上国家参加的政府国际组织的徽章、旗帜、其他徽记、缩写和名称,但已成为现行国际协定规定予以保护的徽章、旗、其他徽记、缩写和名称除外。
    The provisions of subparagraph (a), above, shall apply equally to armorial bearings, flags, other emblems, abbreviations, and names, of international intergovernmental organizations of which one or more countries of the Union are members, with the exception of armorial bearings, flags, other emblems, abbreviations, and names, that are already the subject of international agreements in force, intended to ensure their protection.
  •  (10)上述各项规定不应妨碍各国行使第六条之五3款第(3)项所规定的权利,即对未经批准而含有本联盟国家所采用的国徽、国旗、其他国家徽记,或官方符号和检验印章,以及上述第(1)款所述的政府国际组织特有符号的商标,拒绝予以注册或使其注册无效。
    The above provisions shall not prevent the countries from exercising the right given in Article 6 quinquies(B)(3), to refuse or to invalidate the registration of marks incorporating, without authorization, armorial bearings, flags, other State emblems, or official signs and hallmarks adopted by a country of the Union, as well as the distinctive signs of international intergovernmental organizations referred to in paragraph (1), above.
  • 中国支持并积极参与联合国系统开展的各种海洋事务,加入了联合国教科文组织政府海洋学委员会、海洋研究科学委员会、海洋气象委员会、国际海事组织、联合国粮农组织、北太平洋海洋科学组织、太平洋科学技术大会等近20个国际组织,并与几十个国家在海洋事务方面开展了广泛的合作与交流。
    China has always supported and actively participated in the various forms of marine-related activities promoted by the United Nations. China has joined nearly 20 international organizations, including the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO/IOC), Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), Commission on Maritime Meteorology (CMM), International Maritime Organization (IMO), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), and Pacific Conference on Science and Technology (PACON). China has also engaged extensively in cooperation and exchanges in maritime affairs with scores of countries in the world.
  • 在过渡期,没发生过任何事。
    Nothing have happen in the interim.
  • 在…当中在空,位置或时的中;在当中
    In an intermediate space, position, or time; in the interim.
  • 很明显,在过渡期陈旧武器系统仍是非常有用的。
    But obviously they still can remain extremely useful in the interim.
  • 他们会定时修订宗谱,填上期所发生的变更。
    It would be revised periodically, to include the changes that occurred in the interim.
  • 在计算器上,显示或打印运算的中结果。
    On a calculator, the display or printing of an interim result of a calculation.
  • 总经理要离任了,在接班人任命之前的过渡期,将由他的副手接管。
    The general manager is leaving and in the interim his deputy will take over until a successor is appointed.
  • 同一期,联合国帮助阿富汗建立了临时政府,并协调了联合国系统重建这个受战争破坏的国家的行动。
    During the same period, UN efforts in Afghanistan facilitated the establishment of an interim government and coordinated action by the UN system to rebuild that war-torn country.
  • 天花板房的内部上侧表面
    The upper interior surface of a room.
  • 关于迟延,应使人易于得见,守约定之时,当前之事应即作完,并勿以不必要之事搀杂其
    For delays; give easy access; keep times appointed; go through with that which is in hand; and interlace not business, but of necessity.
  • 用于纺织;用行缠绕的方式制成布。
    of textiles; create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton.
  • 横格练习簿的页已插入空白页.
    The exercise book has plain pages interleaved between its lined ones/has lined pages interleaved with plain ones.
  • 在学生作文的字里行, 教师加进了修改的文字。
    The teacher interlined corrections on the student's themes.
  • 在行与行为词或短语作出解释。
    provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases.
  • 在行与行之为词或短语作解释。
    provide an interlinear translation of a word or phrase.
  • 现在有15分钟的中休息.
    There will now be a 15-minute interlude.
  • 她在巴黎期是她艰辛的事业中一段愉快的插曲。
    Her time in Paris was a happy interlude in a difficult career.