  • ,车子、电脑、电视机这些东西也难不倒她们,一些普通男人不能做的她们能做,男人能办到的事她们也一样能胜任。
    Nothing is too difficult for them - be it automobiles, computers or television sets. They can do whatever the men do, and even some of the things that men ordinarily cannot do.
  • 以这个法令的定义来看,145节中的“在新加坡常驻者”应该是指那些经常在新加坡居住的人,而且居留期必须是延续性的,虽他无须是公民或永久居民。
    In the light of the definition contained in the Income Tax Act, it is suggested that a person ordinarily resident in Singapore within the meaning of Section 145 ought to be a person maintaining a regular presence in Singapore with some degree of continuity, although he need not be a citizen or a permanent resident in Singapore.
  • 例如东三省的游击战争,在全国抗战未起以前当不发生配合问题,但在抗战起来以后,配合的意义就明显地表现出来了。
    Take the case of the guerrilla warfare in the three northeastern provinces. Of course, the question of co-ordination did not arise before the nation-wide War of Resistance, but since the war began the significance of such co-ordination has become obvious.
  • 有机生命;自发育;岩石中发现的有机体遗迹。
    organic life; organic growth; organic remains found in rock.
  • 而,有许多迹象表明,远在哥伦布登上这个大陆之前,就有许多人从欧洲或东方到美洲来了。
    However, there is much evidence to show that there were probably many people who came to America from Europe or the Orient long before Columbus landed on this Continent.
  • 东方社会本质上依如故;
    Oriental society is in essentials what it has always been;
  • 香港位处东方,冬天虽寒冷,但动物品种仍以热带为主。
    Hong Kong is in the Oriental Region and despite cool winters has a fauna dominated by tropical species.
  • 而,在那天之前,令人奇怪的事情发生了。一个声音告诉他:去找一张金箔纸,折一只金纸鹤。
    Before that day,however, something strange happened -- a voice told him to find a piece of gold foil paper and make a gold origami crane.
  • 4.如果某地理标志虽逐字真实指明商品之来源地域、地区或地方,但仍误导公众以为该商品来源于另一地域,则亦应适用本条以上三款。
    4. The protection under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be applicable against a geographical indication which, although literally true as to the territory, region or locality in which the goods originate, falsely represents to the public that the goods originate in another territory.
  • 所以,虽这些体系的创始人在许多方面是革命的,但是他们的信徒总是组成一些反动的宗派。
    Therefore, although the originators of these systems were, in many respects, revolutionary, their disciples have, in every case, formed mere reactionary sects.
  • 不是。我们要在此地停留三天,后要去纽约和新奥尔良。
    No. We'll be here for three days, then we're going on New York and New Orleans.
  • 作为一个博物学家的鸟类学家,《动物世界》这个节目我是每次必听。这一次听众们有机会参加《热点话题》这个栏目,我当不会错过。
    Being a naturalist and ornithologist I am always hooked by "The Animal World'. This time the listeners have their go in "Talking Point" and I, for one, won't miss that!
  • 托尼是个孤儿, 他总是很快乐。
    Although Tony is an orphan, he is always in good spirits.
  • “我回答银行说,既了解此事而且好意向我提出建议的人认为我必须去一趟法国,而我却是个孤儿,没有亲友能与我同行,因此我若是能在旅途中得到那位可敬的先生的保护,我将十分感激。
    `I replied to the Bank, sir, that as it was considered necessary, by those who know, and who are so kind as to advise me, that I should go to France, and that as I am an orphan and have no friend who could go with me, I should esteem it highly if I might be permitted to place myself, during the journey, under that worthy gentleman's protection.
  • 而,股市若处在平平但又不时会起落的阶段时,它会是个有用的策略;
    However, the Constant Mix strategy is very useful in a flat but oscillating market.
  • (物理学)系统中因电压或荷载的突变化而产生的顺时电振荡。
    (physics) a short-lived oscillation in a system caused by a sudden change of voltage or current or load.
  • 挪威首都奥斯陆人口不足五十万,对城市恰到好处的管理营造出一种文化凝聚力,人们有一种与自和谐相处的强烈责任感。这源自他们古老的斯堪的纳维亚历史,并且得到了发扬和光大。
    The capital of Norway, Oslo, has a population of barely half a million. The city ensures the necessary administrative and cultural cohesion of a people who have a very strong sense of harmony with the nature, born in their distant Viking past and proudly cultivated throughout the years.
  • 在这个国度,你不论做什么事都不能冒犯清规戒律,要不就会被上层社会所排斥。
    Whatever you do in this country, do not offend Mrs Grundy or you will be ostracized in the best social circles.
  • 他提醒了我, 要不我就会把这件事给忘了。
    He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten.
  • 我们得早一点去,不就没有座位了。
    We'll go early, otherwise we may not get a seat.
  • 我又多写了一页,不的话已经完成了。
    I've got one more page to write; otherwise I've finished.
  • 要不,我们可能全都饿死了。
    We might all have starved otherwise.
  • 水獭果上当了。它告诉兔子,自己经常能逮到鸭子,兔子让它先示范一下。
    The otter says he sometimes catches ducks, and the rabbit tells the otter to go first.
  • 他当应该受到批评。
    He certainly ought to be criticized.
  • 他当然应该被提升。
    He certainly ought to be promoted.
  • 中国也不能迅速地驱逐日本,但是大部分的土地将依是中国的。
    China will not be able to oust the Japanese quickly, but the greater part of her territory will remain in her hands.
  • 利用预测性拨号,计算机生成很多外线电话,后把回答电话传送给由人担任的代理。
    With predictive dialing, the computer generates many outbound calls, then transfers answered calls to a human agent.
  • 爆炸,爆裂突的炸开或裂开;爆炸
    A sudden outbreak or outburst; an explosion.
  • 爆发感情或行动的突爆发
    An outbreak, as of emotion or activity.
  • 我儿子的学校里突爆发的水痘象野火般迅速传开来,差不多有一半孩子染上了。
    There was an outbreak of chickenpox at my son's school which spread like wildfire until nearly half the children caught it.
  • 植物流行病的关于或以植物疾病突或反常的破坏性爆发为特征的,通常发生在开阔的地域
    Of, relating to, or characterized by a sudden or abnormally destructive outbreak of a plant disease, usually over an extended geographic area.
  • 以突然爆发为特征的
    Characterized by sudden outbursts.