  • 半个世纪以来,中国人民在中国政府的领导下,以国家主人的姿态,为消灭贫穷落后,建设富强、民主、文明的国家,实现享有充人权的崇高理想,进行了长期不懈的探索和矢志不渝的奋斗,使中国的人权状况发生了翻天覆地的变化。
    For the previous half century, the Chinese people, led by the Chinese government, had unswervingly probed into and fought for the elimination of poverty and backwardness, the building of a strong and prosperous, culturally advanced, democratic country, and the achievement of the lofty ideal of complete human rights.As a result, the situation of human rights in China has seen tremendous changes.
  • 半个世纪以来,中国人民在中国政府的领导下,以国家主人的姿态,为消灭贫穷落后,建设富强、民主、文明的国家,实现享有充人权的崇高理想,进行了长期不懈的探索和矢志不渝的奋斗,使中国的人权状况发生了翻天覆地的变化。
    For the previous half century, the Chinese people, led by the Chinese government, had unswervingly probed into and fought for the elimination of poverty and backwardness, the building of a strong and prosperous, culturally advanced, democratic country, and the achievement of the lofty ideal of complete human rights. As a result, the situation of human rights in China has seen tremendous changes.
  • 病原体的检查、培养和
    examination,culture and isolation of pathogen
  • 香港也有在鱼塘养殖淡水鱼。鱼塘占地约1100公顷,大部集中在新界西北部,成为具存护价值的湿地系统的一部
    Freshwater fish are cultured in fish ponds covering some 1 100 hectares, most of which are located in the north-west New Territories where they form part of the wetland system of conservation interest.
  • 全市经常参加体育锻炼的人口达到568.1万人,占全市常住人口的比重为43.7%,体育锻炼成为人民“科学、健康、文明”生活方式的一部
    In 2001, 5.681 million people in Beijing frequently took part in physical exercise, accounting for 43.7 percent of the total permanent resident population of Beijing. Physical exercise has become a part of the “scientific, healthy and cultured” lifestyles of the people.
  • 马来西亚的华语华文的提倡近年来在国际大专辩论会和台湾举行的征文比赛中,获得文化中国知识界同声赞扬,充显示只要领导有方,社会贤达有共识,华人家庭有强烈的意愿,通过细水长流的积累,即使大环境很差,成绩仍大有可观。
    Chinese Malaysians have achieved a great deal in promoting their mother tongue. In recent years, Chinese students from Malaysia have won prizes in international debate contests and essay-writing competitions held in Taiwan. They have earned accolades from the cultured circles of various Chinese societies. This shows that, given an able leadership with a consensus reached by the elite, plus the strong wishes the families concerned, a Chinese community can do a good job in passing down its native language through persistent efforts even under not-so-conducive circumstances.
  • 马来西亚的华语华文的提倡近年来在国际大专辩论会和台湾举行的征文比赛中,获得文化中国知识界同声赞扬,充显示只要领导有方,社会贤达有共识,华人家庭有强烈的意愿,通过细水长流的积累,即使大环境很差,成绩仍大有可观。
    Chinese Malaysians have achieved a great deal in promoting their mother tongue. In recent years, Chinese students from Malaysia have won prizes in international debate contests and essay-writing competitions held in Taiwan. They have earned accolades from the cultured circles of various Chinese societies. This shows that, given an able leadership with a consensus reached by the elite, plus the strong wishes of the families concerned, a Chinese community can do a good job in passing down its native language through persistent efforts even under not-so-conducive circumstances.
  • 累积曲线用以累计频率的布曲线
    A distribution curve in which the frequencies are cumulative.
  • 人们相信狐狸十狡猾。
    The fox is believed to have a great deal of cunning.
  • 跟雷迪先生做生意要多加小心,他十狡猾。
    Be careful about doing business with Mr Reddy. He's as cunning as a fox.
  • 他把一头献祭用的牛为两份,把所有可食用的部包在牛皮里,并狡滑地在上面摆满不招人喜欢的内脏;把骨头用一层肥脂裹起来,看上去象是好肉。
    Dividing into two portions a sacrificial bull, he wrapped all the eatable parts in the skin, cunningly surmounted with uninviting entrails; but the bones he garnished with a plausible mass of fat.
  • 他会分享这一杯。
    He will drink of the cup.
  • 灰吹,用灰皿提炼在灰皿中检验或把…从低劣物质中离出来
    To assay or separate from base metals in a cupel.
  • 当这个故事发生时,丘比特已是一个十英俊的小伙子,当然背上仍长着翅膀。
    When this story took place,Cupid had grown into a very handsome young man,but still with the wings.
  • 炉底部熔化的金属可从中流出的鼓风炉或化铁炉的最低部
    The lowest part of a blast furnace or cupola, from which the molten metal flows.
  • 路缘人行道,路缘街道毗邻路缘的人行道或部街道
    The side of a pavement or street that is bordered by a curb.
  • 联合国正在努力制止这类被恐怖子、罪犯和非正规军所选用的武器的非法交易。
    The UN is working to curb the illicit trade in these, the weapons of choice for terrorists, criminals and irregular forces.
  • 乳清凝乳通过乳状液中的液体部凝结而被离;乳清
    The fluid portion of milk from which the curd has been separated by coagulation; whey.
  • 凝乳牛奶的一部,在牛奶发酵或用酶进行处理时凝结。凝乳被用来制作干酪
    The part of milk that coagulates when the milk sours or is treated with enzymes. Curd is used to make cheese.
  • 背部开然后不加盐完全风干的鱼。
    fish cured by being split and air-dried without salt.
  • 罗马教廷的一个分支
    A division of the Curia.
  • 传道总会古罗马元老院的一个支,负责传授福音、在非基督教的国家中建立教堂、在没有正确组织等级制度的地域领导教堂的传道活动等事务
    A division of the Roman Curia that has authority in the matter of preaching the gospel, of establishing the Church in non-Christian countries, and of administering Church missions in territories where there is no properly organized hierarchy.
  • 皮埃尔·居里和我立刻着手这一研究,并希望这种新元素的浓度能达到百之几。
    Pierre Curie and I at once carried out this research, hoping that the proportion of the new element might reach several per cent.
  • 瑞典科学院在因为发现放射性元素于1903年授予居里夫妇诺贝尔奖、于1911年又授奖给居里夫人之后,又因为在放射性元素合成方面的研究授予我们俩诺贝尔奖,我们感到十荣幸,也非常高兴。
    It is a great honor and a great pleasure to us that the Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded us the Nobel Prize for our work on the synthesis of radio-elements, after having presented it to Pierre and Marie Curie in 1903, and to Marie Curie in 1911, for the discovery of the radio-elements.
  • 换言之,有些书只需择其部去阅读,有些书不需细读,而有少数的书则需全读,而且专心细读。
    That is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.
  • 很奇怪,他没有认他的老朋友;最有趣的是,美国现在很大部上依靠非洲的石油;好笑的是,我认为最丑陋的却最先卖完;最奇怪的是,他并没有提起它。
    curiously enough, he didn't recognize his old friend; interestingly enough, America is now dependent on Africa for a large part of its oil; funnily enough, the ones I thought so ugly were the ones that sold out first; oddly enough, he hasn't mentioned it.
  • 书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼消化。换言之,有只须读其部者,有只须大体涉猎者,少数则须全读,读时须全神贯注,孜孜不倦。
    Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.
  • 扭结一段长度的材料产生的绷紧的卷曲,曲折或弯曲,例如因拉紧线的有环部
    A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as one caused by the tensing of a looped section of wire.
  • 髦毛狗,贵宾狗最初在欧洲用作猎狗的一种狗,毛发厚而卷曲,颜色各异,依据其肩高成标准型、迷你型和玩具型
    Any of a breed of dogs originally developed in Europe as hunting dogs, having thick, curly hair of varying color, and classified by shoulder height into standard, miniature, and toy varieties.
  • 泌一种象精美的白色棉团或羊毛线团的蜡状物质。
    secretes a waxy substance like a mass of fine curly white cotton or woolly threads.
  • 在金钱的海洋里,那些大声疾呼要求为亚洲的历史保留几个角落的知识子被看作是小肚鸡肠的反对进步者。
    In the sea of money, intellectuals crying out to save comers of Asia's past seemed like curmudgeonly "even dangerous" opponents of progress.
  • 当下的事件;当前的主题;目前的谈判;现在的心理析理论;船只现在的位置。
    current events; the current topic; current negotiations; current psychoanalytic theories; the ship's current position.