  • 因为一个人自己实行的节操是约束自己和仆役的,而宣扬去的节操,再加上公开的对贿赂的厌恨,则是约束他人的。
    For integrity used doth the one; but integrity professed, and with a manifest detestation of bribery,doth the other.
  • 因为中国的汉奸卖国贼是很多的,并且是有力量的,他们必然想各种法子来破坏这个统一战线,用他们威迫利诱、纵横捭阖的手段来挑拨离间,用兵力来强压,来各个击破那些比较他们小的、愿意离开卖国贼而同我们联合起来打日本的力量。
    Because the traitors and collaborators in China are numerous and powerful and are sure to devise every possible means to wreck the united front; they will sow dissension by means of intimidation and bribery and by manoeuvring among various groupings, and will employ their armies to oppress and crush, one by one, all those weaker than themselves who want to part company with them and join us in fighting Japan.
  • 我想要你席结婚仪式,因为你是新郎的一位老朋友
    I want you to be present at the wedding ceremony, for you are an old friend of the bridegroom's
  • 管宴席的便把新郎叫来,对他说:“人们待客总是先上好酒,等客人喝足了,再把次的拿上来。可你却把好酒留到现在才端来。”
    He hailed the bridegroom and said,"Everyone serves the best wine first, and waits until the guests have drunk freely before serving the poorer sort; but you have kept the best wine till now."
  • 詹姆斯很快从新兵中脱颖而,而且爱上了同为新兵的蕾拉(布里奇特·莫伊纳汉饰)。
    James quickly rises through the ranks and falls for Layla (Bridget Moynahan),one of his fellow recruits.
  • 一纽约分钟比六十秒要短得多,事实上,几乎就是眨眼之间:“再过一纽约分钟,我就和布利吉德·芳达去。”
    A New York minute is thus much shorter than sixty seconds, indeed, it's almost instantaneous: "I'd go out with Bridget Fonda in a New York minute."
  • 系主任对我提的要求表示气愤。
    The dean bridled with anger at my request.
  • 伯恩:(从他的公文包里取一张名片。)
    (Takes out a business card from his briefcase.)
  • 你的名片应放在便于拿的地方--放在兜里或公文包里。
    Make sure your cards are readily available in a pocket or briefcase.
  • 或者想一些表示爱的小点子,比如在午饭盒里或是公文包里留个条子等。
    Or finding little ways to express love, such as leaving a note in a lunch box or briefcase.
  • 李先生从他的公文包里取两封信,他的一位在中国的朋友说这两封信很急。
    From his briefcase, Mr Li takes out two letter which a friend of him in China told him were urgent.
  • 我们谈完后,我走到我的公文包旁,拿我获得的第一枚金牌,给他戴在脖子上。
    When we finished talking,I went to my briefcase and pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around his neck.
  • 他将手伸入他的公文包,拿一个小首饰盒、一封信和一叠用纸巾仔细包好、用一个褪了色的粉丝带系住的旧信封。
    He reached into his briefcase and brought out a small jewelry box,a letter,and a stack of envelopes neatly wrapped in tissue paper and tied with a fading pink ribbon.
  • 此外,一个专为海外传媒而举办的廉署工作简报会于六月举行,其后并安排传媒代表访问廉署,共有170名本地及海外记者席。
    In June, a panel briefing onthe ICAC's work was conducted for the overseas media, followed by visits to the ICAC. The events attracted 170 local and overseas journalists.
  • 布劳恩博士在同一次听证会上作证说,我们的措施是访问者在访华前,对所有访人员进行严格的反情报教育,并向访问者介绍中国的最新背景材料。
    At the same hearing, Dr Browne testified, Our policy is to provide 100 percent of our travelers to the PRC with a counter-intelligence threat awareness briefing including the latest information regarding the country as possible.
  • 关于380个未经正常进口渠道引进的、违反1991年联合国687号决议第24段的sa-2型导弹引擎问题,伊拉克已在一次正式的汇报会议上通知联合国核监会,这些引擎是准备用在“萨姆2型”导弹系统中的,该系统目前已被评估为“禁止拥有”。
    On the matter of the 380 SA-2 missile engines imported outside of the export/import mechanism and in contravention of paragraph 24 of resolution 687 (1991), UNMOVIC inspectors were informed by Iraq during an official briefing that these engines were intended for use in the Al Samoud 2 missile system, which has now been assessed to be proscribed.
  • 简要的指事物的要点。
    briefly giving the gist of something.
  • 昨天消防队闻警动两次。
    The fire brigade was called out twice yesterday.
  • 消防队从顶楼救了三个小孩。
    The fire brigade rescued three children form the top floor.
  • 消防队昨晚动了三次。
    The fire brigade was called out three times last night.
  • 一有火警,消防队就立即动。
    The fire brigade turned out as soon as the fire broke out.
  • 有人把消防队叫来了,两个消防队员用一种专门的滑脂把乔治解脱来了。
    The fire- brigade was called and two firemen freed George using a special type of grease.
  • 生产大队拨一大笔款项来重建这座桥。
    The production brigade put up a large sum of money for the rebuilding of the bridge.
  • 金刚钻闪灿烂的光辉。
    The diamond sparkles with brilliant light.
  • 这是谁出的好主意?
    Whose bright idea was this?
  • 版业拥有光明的未来
    Had a bright future in publishing.
  • 当他得知他得了头奖时脸上露了喜色。
    His face brightened up when he was told to have won the first prize.
  • 如果我的名字和他的一起现,则会给我的日子带来光彩,让我觉得自己终于成为了家庭中的一员。
    If my name appeared along with his, it would brighten my day and make me feel like I was part of their family unit after all.
  • 燃烧烧亮;发出火焰
    To burn brightly; blaze.
  • 导线要发明亮的光就必须很细。
    They had to be thin because they had to shine brightly.
  • 黑色画框更加衬托这幅画的明亮色彩。
    The dark frame accentuates the brightness of the picture.
  • 涂漆的表面,呈现变钝或没有光泽,失去光泽或光亮。
    become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness, as of a varnished surface.