  • 亚海湾中的一个岛屿,是普林西比的一部分。
    an island in the Gulf of Guinea that is part of Sao Tome e Principe.
  • 能在身体部产生横截的x光代谢的过程的断层x光摄影装置。
    a tomograph that produces cross-sectional X-rays of metabolic processes in the body.
  • 他要把室的亮光色彩缓和一下。
    He wanted the bright colours in her house toned down.
  • 瑞士人热衷于维护本族群的母语,所以,不同语区境的学校都是以各自的母语为教学用语,就是少过1%人口的罗曼斯区,也保持用罗曼斯语作为母语。
    The Swiss are keen to preserve their own mother tongues,hence the schools in the different language areas use their own mother tongues as the language of instruction. Even in the Romansh-speaking areas treat Romansh as their mother tongue, though the language is only spoken by less than 1% of the total Swiss population.
  • 瑞士人热衷于维护本族群的母语,所以,不同语区境的学校都是以各自的母语为教学用语,就是少过1%人口的罗曼斯区,也保持用罗曼斯语作为母语。
    The Swiss are keen to preserve their own mother tongues, hence the schools in the different language areas use their own mother tongues as the language of instruction. Even in the Romansh-speaking areas treat Romansh as their mother tongue, though the language is only spoken by less than 1% of the total Swiss population.
  • 纽约市验尸主任查尔斯-希尔施说,警方可以通过对黏附在遇难者生前用过的牙刷和衣上dna的检验来确认他们的身份。
    New York's chief medical examiner, Charles Hirsch, said police would manage the collection of personal items like toothbrushes and underwear to identify victims by their DNA.
  • ,这项服务设有71个课题,接获的电话查询有78953宗。
    During the year, 71 topics were available and 78 953 calls were received.
  • 因为现在一方面,党有一部分同志还深受林彪、“四人帮”极左思潮的毒害,有极少数人甚至散布流言蜚语,攻击中央在粉碎“四人帮”以来特别是三中全会以来所实行的一系列方针政策违反马列主义、毛泽东思想;
    This need continues because some Party comrades have not yet freed themselves from the evil influence of the ultra-Left ideology of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four.A handful have gone so far as to spread rumors and calumnies, attacking the principles and policies adopted by the Central Committee since the toppling of the Gang of Four and particularly since the Third Plenary Session as running counter to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 那时不仅损害了少数民族,受害最大的还是汉族,大多数老一辈的革命家都被打倒了嘛,这些人几乎都是汉族嘛,包括我在
    In those years it was not just the minorities that suffered; it was the Han nationality that was hit hardest. The majority of the revolutionaries of the older generation, nearly all Han, were toppled, including myself.
  • 约翰在三周时间草草写成了一个剧本。
    John tore off a play in three weeks.
  • 克林顿的仕途虽然谈不上坎坷,但是,他有时看起来心充满矛盾。
    Clinton's not tormented, but he does seem conflicted.
  • 你能不能在几分钟凑合出一顿饭来?
    Can you toss a meal together in a few minutes?
  • 5.研究制定外商收购、兼并国有企业,利用bot、tot等方式进行投资,以及外商投资企业在境外上市发行股票等各项政策措施。
    5. To study and formulate various policy measures governing merger and acquisition of state-owned enterprises by foreign investors, investment in the form of BOT and TOT and overseas public offering of foreign funded enterprises in China.
  • ,注册新公司的法定资本总额达2,417.2亿元,另有5510家公司增加法定资本,总额达4,314亿元。
    During the year, the nominal capital of new companies registered totalled $241.72 billion and 5510 companies had increased their nominal capital by amounts totalling $431.4 billion.
  • 概念这种东西已经不是事物的现象,不是事物的各个片面,不是它们的外部联系,而是抓着了事物的本质,事物的全体,事物的部联系了。
    Concepts are no longer the phenomena, the separate aspects and the external relations of things; they grasp the essence, the totality and the internal relations of things.
  • 汤姆在球门区接得一传球而得分。
    Tom caught a pass in the end zone for a touchdown (=he caught the pass back of the goal line and inside the marked area and it counted for a touchdown).
  • 旅游协会本身定期举办特色观光团──"遨游新界东北游"、"赛马观光团"、"体育及康乐观光团"、"香港古迹游"及"生活写照观光团",年共有23000名游客参加。
    The HKTA's own regular tours - The Land Between Tour, the Come Horseracing Tour, the Sports and Recreation Tour, the Heritage Tour and the Family Insight Tour - were enjoyed by about 23 000 visitors in 1997.
  • 旅游收入3878亿元,增长10.1%。
    Income from domestic tourism stood at 387.8 billion yuan, up 10.1 percent.
  • 旅游业的代表也表示对澳大利亚在中国旅游市场的发展前景持乐观态度。
    Chinese tourist representatives were optimistic about the future of Australian tourism in China.
  • ,委员会资助了165次考察团活动,以及237个青年社区服务资助计划的项目。
    In 1999, the commission sponsored 165 study tours to the Mainland and 237 projects for voluntary work.
  • ,委员会资助了200个青年领袖培训活动、132个地考察活动,以及82项社区服务计划。
    In 2001, the commission sponsored 200 leadership training programmes, 132 study tours to the Mainland and 82 projects for voluntary work.
  • 除了不断进行巡回演出,他还在犹他州创办了莱昂尔·汉普顿爵士乐学校,并任主任。
    In addition to a never-ending schedule of tours, he was the founder and director of the Lionel Hampton School of Jazz in Utah.
  • 他被监禁在一个塔状石头建筑物
    He is incarcerated in a stone tower.
  • 除对亲日派破坏抗日、袭击人民军队、发动战之滔天罪行,另有处置外,兹特任命陈毅为国民革命军新编第四军代理军长,张云逸为副军长,刘少奇为政治委员,赖传珠为参谋长,邓子恢为政治部主任。
    In addition to the adoption of measures to deal with the towering crime of the pro-Japanese clique in sabotaging the War of Resistance, attacking the people's armed forces and launching civil war, the Commission hereby appoints Chen Yi as Acting Commander of the New Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, Chang Yun-yi as Deputy Commander, Lai Chuan-chu as Chief of Staff, and Teng Tzu-hui as Director of the Political Department.
  • 验尸结果显示肠留有微量的砒霜。
    he speaks French with a trace of an accent.
  • 纹孔一个没有从属壁的植物细胞壁里的腔,如在纤维、管胞和导管中
    A cavity in the wall of a plant cell where there is no secondary wall, as in fibers, tracheids, and vessels.
  • 为缩减答覆顾客查询的时间,香港邮政已于年装设一个电脑追查邮件系统。
    To reduce the response time in handling customer enquiries, a computerised system has been developed in 1997 for tracking and tracing items.
  • ,外汇基金所持的香港股票继续按盈富基金的持续发售机制售予盈富基金。
    During the year, Hong Kong equities from the Exchange Fund continued to be sold to the Tracker Fund of Hong Kong (TraHK) under the Tap Facility for TraHK.
  • 她在图书馆花了几周时间,从所有的书中查找有关这些课题的参考资料。
    She spent weeks in the library tracking down the reference in all their books on the subjects.
  • 在一九九九年,地仍然是香港最大的贸易伙伴,占香港贸易总额的39%。
    In 1999, the Mainland was still Hong Kong's largest trading partner, accounting for 39 per cent of Hong Kong's total trade.
  • 在一九九九年,地仍然是香港最大的贸易伙伴,占香港贸易总额的39%。
    In 1999, the Mainland was still Hong Kong's largest trading partner, accounting for 39 per cent of Hong Kong's total trade.
  • 所有的商人必须在合法的范围经营。
    All the traders must transact in the legal extent.