  • 他们带领我们到了办室。
    They guided us to the office.
  • 此外,该署亦编制写作辅助工具和参考材料,例如出版政府文写作手册。
    The agency also developed writing aids and reference materials such as guidebooks on official Chinese writing.
  • 年内,该处除了举办研讨会和出版工作指引外,还举办了第二届方便营商奖励计划,藉以提高务员方便营商的意识。
    Apart from organising symposia and publishing guidebooks, the unit organised the second Helping Business Awards Scheme during the year to enhance civil servants' awareness of the need to help business.
  • 年内,城规会布了五套新指引,又修订了三套指引。
    During the year, the board promulgated five new guidelines and revised three guidelines.
  • 尽管只是内部指针,诉人通常只起诉可被判处监禁的违法者。
    Prosecutors, through internal guidelines, prosecute only violations which will result in incarceration.
  • 迄今,委员会已布13套这类指引。此外,自一九九零年起,委员会还出版了年报。
    The TPB has promulgated 13 sets of such guidelines and has published annual reports since 1990.
  • 城规会亦就法定图则所涵盖地区的发展申请布指引。
    The board also promulgates guidelines for applications for developments in areas covered by statutory plans.
  • 全面贯彻落实《民道德建设实施纲要》,克服社会生活中的不文明行为;
    we will implement the "Guidelines for Citizen Moral Improvement", and take measures to eliminate the uncivilized conducts in social life.
  • 共系统中的个体必须了解道德对他们提出的要求,做出的判断和制定的准则对他们必须是合理的。
    The indMduals of the public system must know what morality requires of them, and the judgments and guidelines made must be rational to them.
  • 年内,当局修订了有关教育设施、社会福利设施、康乐及休憩用地的规划标准与准则,并为与“工业──办室发展”有关的泊车和上落客货设施,制定新的标准与准则。
    During the year, planning standards and guidelines for education facilities, social welfare facilities, recreation and open space were revised while new standards and guidelines for parking and loading/unloading facilities for industrial-office development were formulated.
  • 她在外科医生同业会工作。
    She works in the Guild of Surgeons.
  • 同业会或有限司的集会大厅。
    the hall of a guild or corporation.
  • 行会成员这一职业或行业的成员;同业
    The membership of such an occupation or trade; guild.
  • 自由民和奴隶、贵族和平民、领主和农奴、行会师傅和帮工,一句话,压迫者和被压迫者,始终处于相互对立的地位,进行不断的、有时隐蔽有时开的斗争,而每一次斗争的结局是整个社会受到革命改造或者斗争的各阶级同归于尽。
    Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
  • 9月里,几内亚举行民投票赞成从法国统治下独立出来。
    In September Guinea voted for independence from France.
  • 南海湾国家历史公园
    South Gulf National Historic Park
  • 他在他办室外的街上被枪杀。
    He is gunned down in the street outside his office.
  • 包装:新麻袋包装,每袋50
    Packing: in hew gunny-bags, 100 kgs. to each bag
  • 包装:新麻袋包装,每袋100
    Packing: in new gunny-bags.50 khs. to each bag
  • 包装:新麻袋包装,每包100
    Packing: To be packed in new gunny bags of 100 kgs. each
  • 中国火药的发明,大约在元九世纪。到了宋朝初年,即元十世纪后半期至十一世纪初,中国已经使用火药制造火炮。
    According to tradition, gunpowder was invented in China in the 9th century and by the 11 century it was already in use for firing cannon.
  • 这个合约应给我们自己的一间司,让我们保证自己的利益。
    This contract should be given to one of our own companies; let us keep our own fish-guts to your own seamaws.
  • 这个家伙老是在办室周围刺探。
    This guy is always nosing around the office.
  • 方便,它位于杨浦区中心,可以乘70路和77路共汽车到达。
    Sure, it is located in the center of Yangpu District. Spectators can take No. 90 and No. 77 buses to the gym.
  • 比方说,要是他白天在办室里紧张忙碌,可建议他去园从容地散散步,而不要催他赶到健身馆去踩踏轮。
    For example,if his day at the office is hectic,recommend a leisurely walk around the park,not a quick trip to the gym to hit the treadmill.
  • 小橱尤指在体育馆和共场合用于保存衣服或贵重物品的、可以锁起的、通常是金属的小柜
    A small, usually metal compartment that can be locked, especially one at a gymnasium or public place for the safekeeping of clothing and valuables.
  • 那是第四届奥运会的马拉松比赛,意大利的一个经常糖果的商人皮特里参加了这次比赛,他第一个跑完42里冲进运动场,当时神志都有些不清了,居然跑错了方向。
    That was in the marathon race of the 4th Olympic Games. An Italian candy businessman called Peter Lee participated in it. He was the first to complete the 42 kilometers and dashed into the gymnasium.
  • 灌溉面积共达二万顷。
    The irrigated area amount to 20000 ha.
  • 中国现有宜农荒地3500万顷,其中可开垦为耕地的约有1470万顷。
    China now has 35 million ha of wasteland which is suitable for farming. Of this, about 14.7 million ha can be reclaimed.
  • 加快解决骨干排灌水利工程老化失修问题,使旱涝保收的农田面积由目前的3300万顷增加到2030年的4000万顷以上,使其中的2000万顷以上农田单位面积产量达到每顷15吨;
    The rebuilding and repair of key irrigation and drainage projects should be quickened to increase the area with stable yields despite drought or excessive rain to more than 40 million ha in 2030 from the present 33 million ha. The per unit area yield of more than 20 million ha of the 2030 figure will reach 15 tons per ha.
  • 到2000年,中国计划改造中低产田1400万顷,力争到2030年使现有6000万顷中低产田全部得到改造。
    China plans to upgrade 14 million ha of medium- and low-yield fields by 2000, with a target upgrading of 60 million ha of medium- and low-yield fields by 2030.
  • 在城市共绿地建设方面,拉萨市、日喀则市的绿化覆盖面积已达1693.6顷,共绿地面积有47.48顷,建成区绿化率为23.5%。
    In Lhasa and Xigaze, 1,693.6 ha of land are covered by trees or grass, and 47.48 ha are public green areas. The rate of green coverage in established districts is 23.5%.