| - 可能的客户;预期收入。
potential clients; expected income. - 他们奉客户之“命”为之推荐具有特殊技能的求职者,起的是一个“粗筛”的作用。
They get orders from their clients for appli- cants with special skills. They perform a "screening" function for their clients. - 我们从悬崖顶上的高处能看到城市的全景。
From our perch up there on top of the cliff we can see the whole town. - 你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?
Do you think you can climb that steep cliff? - 其产品包装均能适应当地多变的气候条件。
They are manufactured and packed to withstand changeable climatic conditions. - 其产品包装均能适应当地多变的气候条件。
They is manufactured and packed to withstand changeable climatic condition. - 第三十四条 各级气象主管机构应当组织对城市规划、国家重点建设工程、重大区域性经济开发项目和大型太阳能、风能等气候资源开发利用项目进行气候可行性论证。
Article 34 Competent meteorological departments at all levels shall arrange for climatic feasibility studies relating to city planning, key national construction projects, major regional economic development projects and large projects for the exploitation of climatic resources such as solar and wind energy. - 第三十二条 国务院气象主管机构负责全国气候资源的综合调查、区划工作,组织进行气候监测、分析、评价,并对可能引起气候恶化的大气成分进行监测,定期发布全国气候状况公报。
Article 32 The competent meteorological department under the State Council is in charge of the overall survey and zoning of climatic resources nationwide, coordinates efforts in climate monitoring, analysis and assessment and in the monitoring of the atmosphere composition that may cause climate deterioration, and issues, at regular intervals, bulletins on climatic status. - 根据《气候变化框架公约》,中国没有限制二氧化碳排放的具体义务,但本着对保护全球气候负责的态度,采取了节约能源与发展能源工业并重的方针,努力提高能源利用效率,积极调整能源结构,大力发展水电,适当发展核电,加强地热、太阳能、风能、海洋能等新能源的研究与开发,以减少温室气体的排放。
According to the Framework Convention on Climatic Changes, China is under no specific obligation to limit the emission of carbon dioxide. However, mindful of its responsibility for protection of the global climate, China follows the principle of attaching equal importance to economization on energy and expansion of the energy industry, striving to raise its energy utilization efficiency and to readjust its energy structure. While appropriately developing nuclear power, China spares no effort to develop hydroelectric power and to strengthen research into and exploitation of geothermal power, solar energy, wind energy, oceanic energy and other new energy sources, so as to reduce the green-house gas emission. - 每个章节都没有明显的剧情变化和高潮,同时,作者竟能如此流畅地刻画人物。
No obvious drama and no climax in every chapter or whatever, the author simply describes the characters in such a smooth way. - 约翰能爬树吗?
Can john climb tress? - 不可能攀越或攀登的。
impossible to surmount or climb. - 我怎么能够爬得上那堵墙!
How can I climb up that wall! - 这辆小汽车没能爬上山去。
The car failed to climb the hill. - 你看你能爬上那棵树吗?
Do you think you can climb that tree? - 那怕是个有经验的登山者也能陷入困境。
Even an experienced climber can get into trouble. - 这个登山的人跌瘫了,不能走了。
The climber was paralyzed in a fall, and couldn't walk. - 一个爬山运动员不能用较劣的装备去冒险碰运气。
A mountain climber can not afford to take chances with inferior equipment. - 人们预测世界短道速滑全能冠军杨扬将在星期三的女子1500米赛中为东亚体育强国——中国——捧加首枚冬奥会金牌。
World overall short-track speed skating champion Yang Yang of China is tipped to clinch the first-ever winter Olympic gold for the Asian sports superpwwer in the women's 1,500 meters on Wednesday. - 她惟一能依靠的是她的丈夫马克。
And all she had to cling to was her husband Mark. - 你怎么能不顾一切反对意见而一意孤行呢?
How could you set all the objections by and cling to your own course? - 你怎能不顾一切反对意见而一意孤行呢?
How could you set aside all the objections and cling to your own course? - 你怎么能不顾一切反对意见而一意孤行呢?
How could you set all the objections on one side and cling to your own course? - 人唯有找寻到那最原始,最单纯的爱,才能和平相处。就算没有大房子、大汽车,你也能在小房子里享受那亲密的家庭生活。
People can live in harmony with one another only when they regain that simple and basic love, which alone will bless them with the endearing closeness of family life that can be found even in a small house, rather than a stately mansion complete with limousines. - 要培养、选拔一批年轻干部到各级领导岗位上来,老干部对他们要传帮带,要给他们树立一个好的作风,要使他们能够继承和发扬党的艰苦朴素、密切联系群众等优良作风。
Younger cadres should be selected and promoted to leading positions at different levels.The veteran cadres should pass on their experience to them, help and guide them and set a good example for them so that they will inherit and develop the Party's fine traditions of hard work and plain living and closeness to the masses. - 因此,尽管情报可能已随后发现,但考克斯报告中的断言,还是建立在安全部门(doe及fbi)官员的怀疑基础上的。这些官员不能确定李文皓(wenholee)赴中国旅行与中国情报机关机密文件之间的关系。?
Hence, despite what information may have been unearthed since, the allegations contained in the Cox Committee Report had to have been based upon the suspicions of the Security [DOE and FBI] officials about the closeness in timing between the trip to PRC by Wen Ho Lee and the "date" on the document "planted" with the CIA by the PRC Walk-in. - 你愈接近大自然,就愈能了解它的美。
The closer you stay to nature, the more you will appreciate her beauty. - 你能不能稍微再挪近点儿?
Could you move a fraction closer? - 比别的船更能顶风行驶航行比(其它船只)更接近风的方向
To sail closer to the wind than(another vessel). - 还有更痛苦的惩罚是母校因任何理由关闭了,校友欲哭无泪,孩子欲读无门,只能怨叹遇“校”不淑,误了孩子的机会。
Even more hurt and grieved are those old boys and girls whose mother schools were closed down for whatever reasons. As former students, they have nowhere to attach their memory; as parents, they can find no schools that would accept their children on preferential terms.Perhaps, if anything, they could only curse their stars for having attended a school doomed to closure, a sad fact now putting their children at a disadvantage. - 事实上,《南洋商报》与《中国报》的销量已在马华宣布收购后分别下跌约一万份,它是否会重演当年马华控制《通报》,因无法获得华社的支持而被迫关闭的历史,这视马华是否能够恢复华社对它的信心。
In fact, sales of Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press each fell by about 10,000 copies when news of MCA’s takeover bid broke. The closure of Tong Bao, a daily controlled in the past by the MCA but failed to gain the support of the Chinese community, also comes to mind. Will Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press suffer the same fate? The answer lies in whether the MCA can regain the confidence of the Chinese community in the party. - 血小板释放的一种酶,能在血液开始凝结时将凝血素转化为凝血酶。
an enzyme liberated from blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood starts to clot.