  • 暗号为通过岗哨而必须出的秘密记号或口令;暗语
    A secret sign or signal to be given to a sentry in order to obtain passage; a password.
  • 我们对敌人最大的补来源予以重击。
    We pasted the enemy 's greatest source of supply.
  • 新加坡的文化生活似乎很难人留下深刻印象,几位长期在这里工作的中国人都有“孤独”的感觉,他们说,这种孤独表面上是缺乏朋友之间的交流,实际上折射了这里文化生活的寂寞。
    Entertainment in Singapore seems less than impressive. Some China nationals who have long resided and worked here feel "lonely", partly for lack of friends' company — they say — and partly because not much cultural pastime is available.
  • 我说,帕特,窗子里是什么?”
    `Now tell me, Pat, what's that in the window?'
  • "医生火灾中的伤号敷好了伤口,就让他们回家了。"
    The doctors patched up the victems in the fire accident and sent them home. (喻)
  • 你去给他们说和。
    Try to patch things up between them,will you?
  • 你去给他们说和。
    Try to patch things up between them, will you?
  • 她在我的房间我补裤子。
    She patched my trousers in my room.
  • 医生们草草地这个伤员包扎了一番就送他回去作战。
    The doctors patched up the wounded soldier and sent him back to fight again.
  • 那个圣诞节,我把这件衬衫洗过熨过后用礼品纸包好寄妈妈。
    That Christmas, I patched one elbow, washed and pressed the shirt, wrapped it in holiday paper and sent it to Mom.
  •  (1)本联盟国家应按其本国法律对在本联盟任何国家领土内举办的官方的或经官方承认的国际展览会展出的商品中可以取得专利的发明、实用新型、外观设计和商标,予临时保护。
    The countries of the Union shall, in conformity with their domestic legislation, grant temporary protection to patentable inventions, utility models, industrial designs, and trademarks, in respect of goods exhibited at official or officially recognized international exhibitions held in the territory of any of them.
  • 他像父亲般保护我,并且了我一些好的忠告。
    He was very paternal and gave me some good advice.
  • 一个携带病菌自身能够对病菌免疫但能够把病菌能够把病菌传别人的人。
    a person who has some pathogen to which they are immune but who can pass it on to others.
  • 生活中走过最多的老路诚实的工作者以充分努力的机会和自我修养的空间。
    and its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and mom for self-improvement.
  • 医务工作者有时到家里病人看病。
    Medical workers sometimes visit patients at home.
  • 缺乏维生素的病人吃的食物。
    a diet designed to patients with vitamin deficiencies.
  • 那位医生每天好几个病人动手术。
    The doctor operates on several patients every day.
  • 看到帕特里克掏腰包表示愿意买酒大家喝,那群人都感到大为吃惊。
    The group was surprised to see Patrick dip into his pocket and offer to buy round of drinks.
  • 几个月前,泰莉琳生下了儿子杰克,她将戒指珍藏起来,准备以后传儿子--"他现在已经拥有了与爸爸一样温暖的笑容。
    Patrick plans to give it to her newborn son Jack, who she says already has his father's smile.
  • 他将这些诗献他的赞助人。
    He inscribed those poems to his patron.
  • 我很高兴知道,国际复康总会将予香港特区政府永久会员的资格。
    I am most pleased to note that the Rehabilitation International will present to the HKSAR Government a Life Patron Membership.
  • 藉此机会,让我们对凡在业务发展方面予有力支持的朋友、客户表示感谢。
    We take this opportunity to thank our patron and friend for the liberal support extended to us during our business career.
  • 我们相信将来您能予惠顾。
    We trust that we may be able to count upon your kind patronage.
  • 上学时,我她换下大衣,只穿了一件小毛绒衣。
    I let Patsy go to school with just a little sweater on instead of her coat.
  • 那个声音喊道,“赶快我拿手套,”然后一连串小脚步声步上楼梯了。
    said the voice. `Fetch me my gloves this moment!' Then came a little pattering of feet on the stairs.
  • 我看些纸样好吗?
    Will you show me some pattern?
  • 我看些纸样好吗?
    Would you show me some patterns?
  • 他们做了一些小馅饼。
    I made some patties for them.
  • 2:30在离家之前,帕蒂她当消防队员的丈夫加里打电话。
    2:30 Before leaving,Patty phones her firefighter husband Gary.
  • 她和保罗争吵後愤而嫁了彼得.
    She quarrelled with Paul and then married Peter on the rebound.
  • 谁给了保罗一支钢笔?
    Who gave Paul a pen?
  • 谁给了保罗一支钢笔?
    Who gives Paul a pen?