  • 尽管现了那个小的失误,观众仍被他们那富于高难度技术与艺术表现力的表演所吸引。
    Regardless of the slight mishap, the audience was held breathless by the captivating performance filled with technical skills and majestic choreography.
  • 我们的发展潜力,就像矗立在吉隆坡这个杰城市的petronastowers一样,教人看得凝神屏息,叹为观止。
    Our potential is breathtaking - like the Petronas Towers that soar above this great city of Kuala Lumpur.
  •  这惊心动魄的一幕自张艺谋的最新动作片《英雄》。该片将于12月14日在北京首映,一周后在全国放映。
    The breathtaking scene is out of "Hero", Zhang Yimou's first action film, which debuts in Beijing on December 14 and is released across the country one week later.
  • 游览尼加拉瓜的玛莎雅火山是一次惊心动魄的历程。置身其中,你会被从火山口喷发来的强烈硫磺气味和鹦鹉的尖叫声所震撼。
    The view into the crater of the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua is a breathtaking experience, enlivened by the accompanying strong smell of sulphur and the loud screaming of parrots.
  • 她一生就受到天主教的熏陶。
    She was born and bred a Catholic.
  • 他是在伦敦生并长大成人的。
    He was born and bred in London.
  • 埃文斯先生是在伦敦生长大的。
    Mr Evans was born and bred in London.
  • 它们是农学院培育的改良品种。
    They are improved strains bred by the Agricultural College.
  • 双方都口恶言,因而彼此感情极为恶化。
    Hot words passed on both sides and ill blood was plentifully bred.
  • 婴儿足或臀部先露来的临盆
    breech delivery (=breech birth)
  • 男孩穿上马裤,去骑马了。
    The boy put on his breeches and went out for a ride.
  • 身名门者身高贵的人,有良好的教养或高层社会地位的人
    People of gentle birth, good breeding, or high social position.
  • 教养比出身更重要。
    Birth is much, but breeding is more.
  • “现在到了艰难的时刻,”布伦达指
    "Now comes the hard part, "Brenda noted.
  • 最后,到了1998年1月30日,布伦达看到这个中国小男孩和他的父母亲从洛杉矶国际机场的终点站走了来。
    Finally, on January 30, 1998, Brenda watched a little Chinese Boy emerged with his parents from the terminal at Los Angeles airport.
  • 他的酒一酿好即卖
    He sells the beer as soon as he can brew.
  • 眼看就要什么乱子。
    There is something brewing.
  • 冲茶叶的;一般有口和手柄。
    for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle.
  • 这种老式的啤酒酿造方法由古城中的8家啤酒厂延用下来,酿的啤酒呈淡黄色。最好的啤酒厂大概要数曲姆希分和曲姆羽埃盖,因为那儿的气候环境清新,也更接近自然本色。
    The old-fashioned brewing method for this copper-colored ale is kept alive by eight breweries in town and perhaps the best places to sample it are Zum Schiffen and Zum Uerige where the atmosphere is lively and down to earth.
  • 我听说,布赖恩事故以后病得很重。
    I hear that Brian is in a bad way after his accident.
  • 正如brian指的,不管怎样,戒烟是世界上最容易的事。
    Anyway, as Brian point out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking.
  • 然而,由于马克.考克斯与布赖恩.费尔利人意料地进入单打决赛,原计划不起作用了。
    I want the right time. Mark Cox and Brian Fairlie unexpectedly coming through to the singles final, the original schedule went haywire.
  • 除非这个故事曾使一个租车司机和一个大学教授爱不释手,否则它就不是足够好--布莱恩布兰德。
    Unless the story is at once as unputdownable to a taxi driver as to a university professor it is not good enough- Brian Burland.
  • 最终她在briandepalma的名作“疤面煞星”(scarface,1983)中获得了演alpacino妻子的角色,由此获得了广泛的关注及机遇。
    This led to her portrayal of Al Pacino's wife in Brian De Palma's 1983 classic Scarface, for which the actress garnered favorable attention and greater opportunities.
  • 这位老师名叫布莱恩-法费尔德-舍勒在接受英国《太阳报》采访时说,本-拉登小时候在学校表现很好,作业从不拖拉,对宗教也没有显示极端的热情,而今他却成了世界头号通缉犯。
    Brian Fyfield-Shayler told Britain's Sun newspaper the boy who grew into the world's most wanted man behaved well, did all his work on time and was not particularly religious.
  • 我说我要见布赖恩医生。他欠欠身子,露蒙娜丽莎般的微笑,有所期待似地沉默了一会儿,然后把我引进了一间候诊室。
    I said I was to see Dr Brian. With a slight bow, the beginnings of a Mona Lisa smile, and a pregnant silence, he ushered me into a waiting room.
  • 这一结论是由来自位于维也纳的奥地利科学院的沃尔夫冈·卢茨和奥地利拉克森堡的国际应用系统分析研究所的布赖恩·奥尼尔调查得的。
    The findings come from a study by Wolfgang Lutz, of the Austrian Academy of Science in Vienna, and Brian O'Neill, of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria.
  • 而且即便有人纯然是于恶性而作恶,那也不过像荆棘藜枯一般,刺扎戳钩皆因其没别的本事。
    And if any man should dowrong, merely out of ill-nature, why, yet it is but like the thorn or briar, which prick and scratch, because they can do no other.
  • 他想让我接受贿赂--我但愿我决不至於做这种低级的事.
    He tried to make me accept a bribe I hope I would never stoop so low.
  • 略为有钱的人,就向国民党政府的官吏行贿,钱买人代替。
    Those who had money would bribe the Kuomintang officials or pay for substitutes.
  • 为了击败参议员后选人,反对党找一桩贿赂旧案。
    In order to defeat the candidate for senator, the opposing party fished up an old story about a bribe.
  • 在贿赂案的调查中,证人拒绝指有关人员的名字。
    The witness in the bribery investigation refused to name names.