  • 恐慌始于3日晚。距赫尔辛基30里的小城维赫蒂的一名男子当晚在食杂店用一张面值为500欧元的纸币付账时,收款员不接受这张纸币。
    The alarm was raised when a man paying for groceries in the small town of Vihti, 30km from Helsinki, had his- 500 note rejected by a cashier on Jan, 3 night.
  • 建立一个国家;从他们街道拐角的杂货店创办了一家成功的
    Build a nation; built a successful business out of their corner grocery store.
  • 司去年总共获利在500万美元以上。
    The company grossed over $5000000 last year.
  • 极不正,不道德;邪恶
    Gross immorality or injustice; wickedness.
  • 连皮二十三公斤。
    The gross weight is23 kilos.
  • 很明显,让一些家庭生活在对遗传病的恐惧中是不平的。
    It is grossly unfair that some families' lives are dominated by the horrors of genetic disease.
  • 声称进入中国市场会给外国司带来立即获利的途径是非常错误的,事实已经一次次地证明了这一点。
    Claim that entering the Chinese market offers foreign companies an immediate road to profits are grossly misstated and have been proven wrong time and again.
  • 我对市议会不满, 主要是投入营运的共汽车不够用.
    One of my main grouches against the council is that they don't run enough buses.
  • 那年轻人曾这样告诉我,他初来这间办室时,认为我是一个凌厉可憎,脾气极坏的人,而最近一段时间来,他对我的观感,已彻底的改了过来。
    He then confessed that when I first came to share my office with his firm he thought me a terrible grouch - and only recently changed his mind.
  • 真人真事:1996年一架装有普拉特和威特尼飞机引擎司生产的一个小塑料部件阻塞了飞机油路并使其迫降。
    True story: In 1996, a small plastic part clogged an oil line and grounded a jet equipped with Pratt & Whitney engines.
  • 司准备按市场价供应一千吨花生仁,即期装运。
    We are prepared to offer 1000 tons of groundnut at the market price for immediate shipment.
  • 生产奔腾(pentium)微处理器的英特尔司总裁格罗夫(grove)认为,新的电脑和网络技术的结合将会对未来产业带来十倍速的影响。
    Grove, President of Intel, producer of the Pentium microprocessors, feels that the new synergy between computers and Net technology will have multiple implications for industry of the future.
  • 为长期发展而牺牲短期利润是司的方针。
    It's the company's policy to sacrifice short-term profits for the sake of long-term growth.
  • 他对我怀恨在心,因为我取代了他在办室里的位置。
    He bears a grudge against me because I took his place in the office.
  • 我们司在北京火车站附近的馆前路上。
    Our office is near Beijing railway station, on Guan-Qian Road.
  • 我们司在北京火车站附近的馆前?上。
    Our office is near beijing railway station, on guan qian road.
  • 来自湖北的关红成为焦点人物,她在女子46斤级决赛时赢得金牌并创造了3项新纪录。
    Guan Hong from Hubei. She set three records on route to winning the final of women's 46-kilogramme weightlifting.
  • 连人都可以变神,像关、孔明、岳飞就是。
    Even human beings could become gods. For example, Chinese folk heros such as Guan Gong, Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei.
  • 华光司将在新加坡建立一个子司。
    Uh guano company will set up a sale subsidiary in singapore.
  • 东方机械司将为华光司提供工程帮助及技术服务。
    East machinery co will provide engineering assistance and technical service to uh guano corporation.
  • 对这种股票,该司保证6%的年利。
    6% interest p.a. is guaranteed on this stock by the company.
  • 对这种股票,该司保证6%的年利。
    6% interest p. a. is guaranteed on this stock by the company.
  • 新中国采取各种措施,大力发展教育事业,民的受教育权得到了切实的保障和实现。
    However, the right to receive education in New China is guaranteed and realized.
  • 宪法规定的民言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由得到维护和保障。
    Freedom of speech, of the press, assembly, association, marching and demonstration is guaranteed.
  • 他们的行为最终被通用司的一名警卫发线。
    A guard chased them away.
  • 他们小心翼翼保守的秘密很快就在司传开了。
    Their carefully guarded secret was soon common property in the company.
  • 而在另一些地区,戒备森严的州立商店只在办时间才开放,而且提供的酒类很有限。
    In others places heavily-guarded State Stores are only open during office hours and offer a minimal selection.
  • 男女老少日夜守卫阵地,为保卫巴黎社流尽了最后一滴血。
    Men and women, young and old, guarded the positions night and day and shed their last drop of blood in defence of the Paris Commune.
  • 如果父母或监护人同意你去约会,一定要选在共场所约会、并且要有家长或监护人陪同。
    If your parents or guardian agree to the meeting, make sure that you meet in a public place and have a parent or guardian with you.
  • 对不宜收入强制戒毒所的吸毒人员,在家属监护下和住地安派出所的教育、管理下,令其限期戒毒。
    Addicts who are unsuitable for receiving treatment in compulsory rehabilitation centers are ordered to give up within a definite time period under the guardianship of their family members and the education and administration of the local public security stations.
  • 自一九九五年实施《保安及护卫服务条例》以来,有超过700间保安司申领牌照。
    Since the implementation of the Security and Guarding Services Ordinance in 1995, more than 700 security companies have applied for licences.
  • 马雅人中美洲印第安人,居住在墨西哥的东南部、危地马拉和伯利兹,其文明在大约元300年-900年发展到最高点。马雅人以其建筑、城市规划、数学、历法和象形文字著称
    A member of a Mesoamerican Indian people inhabiting southeast Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, whose civilization reached its height around a.d.300-900. The Maya are noted for their architecture and city planning, their mathematics and calendar, and their hieroglyphic writing system.