Chinese English Sentence:
  • 在非常不利的条件下,登山运动员们仍情绪高涨。
    The mountaineers' spirits kept up against heavy odds.
  • 甲烷一种无味,无色,易燃汽体,ch4,是天气的主要组成部分,被用作燃料,是氢和其它多种有机化合物的重要来源
    An odorless, colorless, flammable gas, CH4, the major constituent of natural gas, that is used as a fuel and is an important source of hydrogen and a wide variety of organic compounds.
  • 自然状态说
    theory of state of nature
  • 人们听了这样的话必会生气。
    One cannot hear such a remark without offence.
  • ,犯规选手必须补走所抄的捷径。
    Of course the offender will have to cover the corner he or she, has cut.
  • 他竟动怒,使我感到遗憾。
    I grieved that he should take offense.
  • 我提出的愿效劳的想法仍未变。
    My offer still stands.
  • 而他仅是帮忙而已。
    But mainly he just offered himself.
  • 党的缔造者们现在不担任正式职务,但他们很有一些影响。
    Although the retired architects of the party do not occupy any official positions, they have a lot of authority.
  • 后所有运动员一齐向火炬奔跑,最先到达的三名运动员将高举火炬跑遍希腊,开始四年一度的奥运会。
    In the ceremony, with a originally officiated by a priest. Once the flame was lit, sport men would run to the flame.
  • 你居可以借助罢工做件正当的事情;她竟说拉丁语;他们认为他们制定了那些章程而事实上他们仅仅是傀儡而已;其实那些似乎冷漠地站着的人常常只是紧张而已。
    you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out; she actually spoke Latin; they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets; people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous.
  • 一个人虽既不勇敢,也不困穷,而为了倦于屡次作同一的事,也会寻死的。同样值得注意者,是死底来临在豪杰之士底心上所引起的改变是如何地小,因为这些人好象到了最后的一刹那仍是依故我似的。
    A man would die, though he were neither valiant, nor miserable, only upon a weariness to do the same thing, so oft over and over. It is no less worthy to observe, how little alteration, in good spirits, die approaches of death make;
  • 妻子和儿女对于人类确是一种训练;而独身的人,虽他们往往很慷慨好施,因为他们底钱财不易消耗,而在另一方面他们较为残酷狠心(作审问官甚好),因为他们不常有用仁慈之处也。
    Certainly, wife and children are a kind of discipline of humanity: and single men though they be many times more charitable, because their means are less exhaust; yet, on the other side, they are more cruel, and hard hearted (good to make severe inquisitors), because their tenderness is not so oft called upon.
  • 欧姆最后的话使他勃大怒,迅速站了起来。
    It was finally a remark of Ohm's that brought him to his feet in a rush of anger.
  • "一束阳光突刺入眼中,"他说,"刚开始的时候,我无法看见任何东西,因为我的眼睛上敷着一层药膏,但是,当医生把我眼睛上的药膏擦去后,我最先看见了他的领带,后是他的手。
    "This sudden whoosh of light penetrated," he says. "At first I couldn' t see through the film of ointment covering my eyes, but as the surgeon cleaned it off I started to focus on his tie, then his hands.
  • 老干部现在大体上都是六十岁左右的人了,六十岁出头的恐怕还占多数,精力毕竟不够了,不为什么有些同志在家里办公呢?
    Most of them are around 60 years old now, or even older.Their energy is, after all, running out.Otherwise, why do some work at home?
  • 乳脂牛奶中的天脂肪,是奶油的成分之一,主要由含有油酸、硬脂酸和软脂酸的甘油脂混合物构成
    The natural fat of milk from which butter is made, consisting largely of the glycerides of oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids.
  • 一个超然卓立的智者
    An intellectual Olympian.
  • 即使周围的人都惊惶不已,她也总是保持著超的镇静
    Even when those around her panic she always maintains an Olympian calm
  • 她想不到他突来到,匆忙为他煎了一个蛋饼。
    She cooked up an omelet when he arrived unexpectedly.
  • 但这些鸟类对我们还有好处的。虽我们不再从它们的飞行方式中得到预兆。
    Such birds do us good, though we no longer take omens from their flight.
  • 了,肉类柜台最充满凶兆。
    Surely the meat department is most ominous of all.
  • 她当会烧菜, 她正好学会了这种手艺。
    You bet she could cook, She was just on it.
  • 她突然发起脾气来。
    All at once she lost her temper.
  • 一个人有明显动机的举动跟下意识的举动往往截不同。
    One's conscious motives are often different from one's subconscious ones.
  • 1600年间,不同朝代开掘的700多个洞窟大的如同礼堂,小的一米见方,高低、深浅和形制更是彼此迥异。洞中小环境自也会千差万别了。
    Of the 700-odd grottoes carved during the 1,600 years, big ones may be as large as halls while small ones are but one meter square. They are greatly different from one another in height, depth, shape and style as is the small environment in the grottoes.
  • 但是由于新疆地处中国西北边陲,自条件较差,经济基础薄弱,教育、文化、卫生等各项社会事业的发展还面临着不少困难,提高各族人民生活水平的任务还十分艰巨。
    However, as Xinjiang is located in China’s northwest border, with rough natural conditions and a weak economic foundation, it is still faced with many difficulties in developing its public undertakings, such as education, culture and medical care and health. And there is still the onerous task of raising the living standard of the people of all ethnic groups.
  • 后早上6点重新上线。离异,只有一个猫咪与他相依为命。
    back online by 6 a.m. Divorced, lives alone with his cat.
  • 飞机失事后,旁观者说是飞机突从天而降。
    After the crash, onlookers said that the plane had suddenly dropped down out of the sky.
  • 发作持续时间较短的分裂症。
    schizophrenia of abrupt onset and relatively short duration (a few weeks or months).
  • 他射门得分时,显并未越位。
    He was definitely onside when he scored that goal.
  • 猛攻突拜访(或攻击);猛攻
    A sudden visit or attack; an onslaught.