  • 让人喜欢的司;发现她的赞美很讨人喜欢;充满幸福和欢乐;好的印刷使一本书读起来更有趣。
    the company was enjoyable; found her praise gratifying; full of happiness and pleasurable excitement; good printing makes a book more pleasurable to read.
  • 道路有时由政府建造,并向众免费开放,但建造道路的劳动仍须由产品支付报酬。
    Roads are sometimes made by the government, and opened gratuitously to the public; but the labour of making them is not the less paid for from the produce.
  • 但是,我们并不是在这里随意编造什么风流韵事,而是在讲一件真人真事。这种事,如果我们认为没有必要经常把这些女人的苦难诸于世,那也许还是索性闭口不谈为好。人们谴责这种女人而又不听她们的申诉,人们蔑视她们而又不正地评价她们,我们说这是可耻的。可是那位母亲答复女儿说,她们两个人生活已经不容易了,三个人的日子就更难过了;
    but we do not write gratuitously of immorality here, we relate a true incident and one perhaps which we would be better advised to leave untold if we did not believe that it is essential from time to time to make public the martyrdom of these creatures who are ordinarily condemned without a hearing and despised without trial ? it is, we say, a matter for shame, but the mother answered her daughter saying that as things stood they scarcely had enough for two, and that they would certainly not have enough for three;
  • 小伙们会说,“我为这家司工作,我赚这么多钱,我开这样的车--这就是吸引姑娘们的东西”。
    " Guys would say, ' I work for this company, this is how much money I'm making, this is what I'm driving' and that's what the girls would gravitate to.
  • 外逸层地球大气层的最外圈,位于热层之上,并向太空延展几千里,在那里分子具有足够的速度可以逃出地球的吸引力
    The outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, lying above the thermosphere and extending thousands of kilometers into space, from which molecules having sufficient velocity can escape Earth's gravitation.
  • 8月至10月中旬是鹿正肥的时候。
    The harts are in grease from August to the middle of October.
  • 和30的最大约数为6。
    The greatest commondivisor of 24 and 30 is 624.
  • 元前2500-1100希腊大陆在青铜时代的文明。
    the bronze-age culture of mainland Greece 2500-1100 BC.
  • 他的贪婪永不满足是认的。
    His greed knew no limits.
  • 4.世界永远不会缺少贪婪,很少有人、有司或国家能例外。
    4.Greed is in no short supply,and few individuals,businesses,or countries are exempt.
  • 小偷假扮成煤气司的巡视员而得以进入大楼。
    The thief greed entry to the building in the disguise of an inspector from the gas company.
  • 在路易十六统治时期,法国人根本不叫民而称臣民,遭受着两个人少势强的集团的蹂躏:无情的贵族和贪婪的教会。
    During the reign of Louis XVI,the French weren't citizens at all but subjects3,ruled roughshod4 by two small but powerful elites5:the callous6 nobility and the greedy clergy.
  • 希腊抒情诗人(元前518年-元前438年)。
    Greek lyric poet (518-438 BC).
  • 他们在村里有草地上跳舞。
    They are dancing on the village green.
  • 为配合每年在各园及路进行的大型植树计划,约1400棵标准树木及2万株树苗已分别在各街道及山坡上种植,使本港更加绿化。
    To complement the major annual planting programme in parks and highways, some 1 400 standard trees and 20 000 saplings were planted along streets and on hill slopes respectively in order to make the city greener.
  • 临时区域市政局负责管理新界区内各园、花园、运动场、足球场、体育用地及儿童游乐场的花草树木,这些绿化地带占地达703顷。
    The Provisional Regional Council maintains 703 hectares of greenery in parks, gardens, sports grounds, soccer pitches, games areas and children's playgrounds in the New Territories.
  • 国王林荫大道北端有漂亮的霍夫花园供人们小憩。园内已经尝试在僻静的小块区域种植草木。
    The pretty Hofgarten at the north end of the Konigsallee offers a brief respite and, within the grounds, attempts have been made to pro-vide quiet pockets of greenery.
  • 全国拥有城市共绿地面积163208顷,比上年增加20093顷,城市人均拥有共绿地4.6平方米,比上年增加0.9平方米。
    In the whole country, the public urban greening land area is 163208 hectares, with 20093 hectares over the previous year. The per capita urban public greening land area is 4.6 m2, 0.9 m2 over the previous year.
  • 2001年末,城市建成区绿化覆盖面积682039顷,比上年增长8.0%。建成区绿化覆盖率由上年的28.1%上升至28.4%。
    By the end of 2001, the greening coverage of the current urban areas is 682039 hectares, 8.0% over the previous year, increasing from the 28.1% in the past year to 28.4%.
  • 为应付失业率不断上升的问题,行政长官在十月发表的《施政报告》中宣布,政府短期内会在文康设施、屋?管理、教育、环保、众卫生、绿化及健康护理和福利服务等多个范畴,创造三万个就业机会。
    In his Policy Address in October, the Chief Executive announced the creation of 30000 job opportunities in the short term in a number of areas including recreational and cultural facilities, housing estate management, education, environmental protection, public sanitation, greening and health care and welfare services in response to the rising unemployment rate.
  • 格林威治园很可爱,但天文台真有趣。
    Greenwich Park is lovely, but the observatory is really interesting.
  • 格林威治时间有限司发现,1996年和1996年以前的bios有93%不能顺利过渡到2000年或者没有考虑2000年是闰年。
    Greenwich Mean Time, Ltd. found that 93% of 1996 and pre1996 BIOSes do not roll over successfully to 2000 or take into account that 2000 is a leap year.
  • 月份由日历确定、尤指由历确定的将一年分为十二份之一
    One of the12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar, especially the Gregorian calendar.
  • 农村的重点是,开拓当地市场,加快农村电网改造和自来水、路等基础设施建设。
    In rural area, the emphasis will be the opening-up of local market, the upgrading of rural electricity grid, and the construction of infrastructure such as water supply and highways.
  • 全国基本建设投资新增的主要生产能力有:原煤开采351万吨/年,大中型发电机组容量1690万千瓦,变电设备4726万千伏安,其中城乡电网改造779万千伏安,原油开采1378万吨/年,天然气开采24亿立方米/年,新建铁路主线正线交付运营里程900里,增建铁路第二线交付运营里程596里,电气化铁路主线正线交付运营里程995里,新建高速路1487里,新(扩)建万吨级港口码头年吞吐量1400万吨,长途光缆3万皮长里,新建数字微波线路1万里。
    The newly-increased annual production capacity in 1998 through capital construction projects included: 3.51 million tons of coal mining, 16.9 million kilowatts of power generation by large and medium-sized generators, 47.26 million kilovolt-amperes of power transformer equipment (including 7.79 million kilovolt-amperes of updated power grid in urban and rural areas), 13.78 million tons of oil extraction, and 2.4 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The year 1998 also saw the operation of 900 kilometers of new trunk railways, 596 kilometers of double-track railways, 995 kilometers of electrified railways, 1,478 kilometers of newly constructed express highways, 14.0 million tons of cargo-handling capacity of coastal harbors, 30,000 kilometers of long distance optical-fiber cable and 10,000 kilometers of newly constructed microwave digital telecommunication lines.
  • 这位电话司「调解员」所回答的,都是简短的「是!是!」,并且表示同情他的委屈。
    The telephone representative listened and said “yes” and sympathized with his grievance.
  • 人事经理答应他将调查司职员的疾苦。
    The personnel manager promises he will look into the grievance of the office staff.
  • 正的审判中,你曾被判定有罪,并且你已经服刑,现在没有必要心怀不满了。
    You were found guilty in a fair trial and you've served your sentence; there's no point in nursing a grievance.
  • 更重要的是,大批失业民正面临严峻的生存问题,还有大批民正以艰辛的劳动换取微薄的报酬。
    More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equal and great number toil with little return.
  • 办公室是在一层吗?
    Be the office on the grind floor?
  • 我们的建筑物地产主是一家保险司。
    Our grind landlord is an insurance company.
  • 她看到自己办桌上又是一堆要处理的东西就暗自叫苦。
    She groan inwardly as she see the fresh pile of work on her desk.