  • 教员走进了房,随之我们全站了起来
    The instructor entered the room, whereupon we got to our feet.
  • 可以考虑连队指导员的年龄稍微大一点,任职时稍微长一点。
    Perhaps we should assign comrades who are somewhat older to the post of company political instructor, and keep them in that position somewhat longer than is usual now.
  • 故事发生在弗吉尼亚州皮里营的"农场"--中情局的秘密培训基地。一名年轻的情报受训生怀疑他的教练(和"农场"的其他人)是双重谍。
    Set at the "secret"CIA training facility called the Farm at Camp Peary in Virginia,a young agent trainee suspects his instructor (and others at the Farm) of being a double agent.
  • 短的器乐音乐为在戏剧或者歌剧的表演之而创作。
    a short piece of instrumental music composed for performance between acts of a drama or opera.
  • 通融票据利用筹款需要的时隔开出不足的资金的银行支票
    A bank check drawn on insufficient funds to take advantage of the time interval required for collection.
  • 在光学字符识别中,字符水平距不够的现象。
    In optical character recognition, the insufficient horizontal spacing between characters.
  • 逼迫、挤压或塞如不充足的空;塞满
    To force, press, or squeeze into an insufficient space; stuff.
  • 不尽全力做做得程度不够,尤指烧得时太短
    To do to an insufficient degree, especially to cook for too short a time.
  • 虽然10mbps对寻常的工作站来说已够快的了,但这种速度对于服务器之的通信就不够了。
    Although 10Mbps was plenty fast for ordinary workstations, it was becoming insufficient for interserver communication.
  • 这个房间隔音。
    This room is insulated against noise.
  • 制冷器一种为迅速制冷和贮藏易腐坏的食物而保持着零度以下温度的热绝缘分隔,柜子或房
    A thermally insulated compartment, cabinet, or room in which a subfreezing temperature is maintained for the rapid freezing and storing of perishable food.
  • 他们叫他去设计一个房隔热方案,以防止室温散失。
    They set him to work on a project for insulating rooms against loss of heat.
  • 经理叫他去设计一个防止室温散失的房隔热方案。
    The manager set him to work on a project for insulating rooms against loss of heat.
  • 如果在这些插头之加些绝缘材料就会更安全些。
    These plugs would be safer if you could insert some kind of insulating material between the wires.
  • 即使二氧化碳与甲烷相比,其隔热性较差,但是它在大气中停留的时较长,所以我们需立即解决二氧化碳的问题。
    Even though carbon dioxide is less insulating than methane, it stays in the atmosphere longer, so we may want to get cracking on it right away.
  • ibm长久以来一直是科研领域中的领先者,最近它宣布了处理器制造技术中的两项重大改进:该公司已开始在构成处理器的晶体管之用铜线代替铝线连接,它还将用硅作为这些晶体管的绝缘器。
    IBM, long a leader in the research and development area, recently announced two major changes in processor manufacturing technology: The company has begun using copper rather than aluminum wiring between the transistors that make up the processor, and it will use silicon as an insulator for those transistors.
  • 三、讲到基础科学,1958年到1964年中国科学家成功合成胰岛素,领先世界,是完全可以得到诺贝尔奖的成就。
    3. In the basic science, Chinese scientists succeeded in synthesising insulin between 1958 and 1964. This is a world pioneering effort that fully deserved a Nobel Prize.
  • 科学家分析了酒摄入量与肺部功能之的关系,结果表明,近期以及终生饮用葡萄酒与每秒钟肺活量(fev1)和最大肺活量(fvc)关系最大。
    Analysis of all of the alcohol consumption variables with lung function showed that both recent and lifetime intake of wine had the strongest association with FEV1 and FVC.
  • 我们如今正迈向有史以来最令人骇异的时代。也许我们在经历这一时代的期,应该学到,望向镜面的时候,看不见的那“另一个自我”的力量比看得见的那一个要来得强大。
    We are now entering the most marvelous of all ages-an age which will teach us something of the intangible forces of the world about us. Perhaps we shall learn, as we pass through this age, that the "other self" is more powerful than the physical self we see when we look into a mirror.
  • 考虑从1到25之的任意整数。
    Think of any integer between 1 and 25.
  • 在有限隔内的函数积分。
    the integral of a function over a definite interval.
  • 集成电路指的是一件产品,在其最终形态或中形态中,元件(至少有一件是有源元件)和一些或全部的连接是集成在材料中和/或上,以执行某种电子功能。layout-designsofintegratedcircuits集成电路布图设计
    An "integrated circuit" means a product, in its final form or an intermediate form, in which the elements, at least one of which is an active element, and some or all of the interconnections are integrally formed in and/or on a piece of material and which is intended to perform an electronic function.
  • 美国政府已尽力在各个方面消除种族之的隔离。
    American government has tried its best to integrate in every aspects.
  • 在计算机中能实现积分的数学运算的一种装置(通常涉及到时)。
    Unit in a computer which performs the mathematical operation of integration, usually with reference to time.
  • 将语音识别与应用程序完整结合,仍需几年时
    The industry is still at least several years away from full integration of voice recognition into applications.
  • 常人考虑消磨时;智者力图利用时
    Ordinary people think merely how they will spend their times; a man of intellect try to use it.
  • 从事脑力劳动的青年,也应该经过一段时的体力劳动,这对于他们的德育、智育、体育的全面发展是必要的。
    Young people engaged in mental work should also undergo a period of manual labour, which is essential to their all-round development, morally, intellectually and physically.
  • 不久的时内,全省当有几万所学校在乡村中涌出来,不若知识阶级和所谓“教育家”者流,空唤“普及教育”,唤来唤去还是一句废话。
    Before long tens of thousands of schools will have sprung up in the villages throughout the province;this is quite different from the empty talk about "universal education", which the intelligentsia and the so-called "educationalists" have been bandying back and forth and which after all this time remains an empty phrase.
  • 春节期你打算做什么?
    What are you intending to do during the Spring Festival?
  • 我的工作非常紧张,以致于我没有时休息。
    My work is so intense that I even have no time to take a rest.
  • 在很短一段时里非常流行。
    intensely fashionable for a short time.
  • 目光紧盯别人不放在英国被认为是无礼的,如果小孩子看别人的时过长,目光过于热切,会遭到父母的训斥。
    Staring at people is considered rude in Britain and young children will be reprimanded by their parents if they look too long and too intensely at another person.