  • 顺利考取功名的读书人,还光宗耀祖。
    Those who excelled would bring prestige and honour to their families and clansmen.
  • 请你的朋友拍拍手,捂住你的耳朵,你听到你朋友的拍手声吗?
    Ask your friend to clap his hands. Cover your ears. Can you hear your friend clapping?
  • 朱巴舞一种集体舞蹈,可发源于西非,以复杂而有节奏的击掌和身体动作为特征,流传于18、19世纪时美国南部的种植园
    A group dance, probably of West African origin, characterized by complex rhythmic clapping and body movements and practiced on plantations in the southern United States during the18th and19th centuries.
  • 请惠寄红葡萄酒价格表,如告知最好的交易条件,将非常高兴。
    I shall be glad if you will send me your price-list of claret, and state your best term.
  • 请惠寄红葡萄酒价格表,如告知最好的交易条件,将非常高兴。
    I shall be glad if you will send me your price - list of claret, and state your best term.
  • 饭后一瓶优质红葡萄酒对于在通红的煤块里挖掘的人除了有可使他挖不下去之外,别无妨碍。
    A bottle of good claret after dinner does a digger in the red coals no harm, otherwise than as it has a tendency to throw him out of work.
  • 玛丽先让约翰自由自在地过上一段时间,然后,当他已完全习惯于养尊处优的生活、非此而不生存时,她又把他撵了出去,撵到没有红葡萄酒和香槟的大街上。
    Mary let John have his head for a bit, and then, when he’d got quite accustomed to the best of everything and couldn’t live without it, she turned him into the street, where there is no claret and no champagne.
  • 至于法塔赫导弹系统,专家们发现,在该导弹系统的够被全面评估之前,伊拉克方面提供的导弹数据需要进行澄清。
    As for the Al Fatah, the experts found that clarification of the missile data supplied by Iraq was required before the capability of the missile system could be fully assessed.
  • 我希望我说的话澄清这一情况。
    I hope that what I say will clarify the situation.
  • 帮我区分一下吗?
    Can you clarify them for me?
  • 政府什么时候阐明本身对男女同工同酬的立场?
    When will the government clarify its position on equal pay for women?
  • 阐明这些注释吗?;明确责任该谁负的问题。
    Could you clarify these remarks?; Clear up the question of who is at fault.
  • clarion的新型车载个人电脑与微软软件一起刚刚投放市场,这是第一批多功的集成装置,它查看你的电子邮件,从电子通讯记录本中找出所要的电话号码。
    And Clarion's new AutoPC, just launched with Microsoft software, is the first device that integrates many functions, like checking your E-mail and plucking a telephone number from an electronic address book.
  • 迷惑的不清楚地思考或不理智或清晰地行为
    Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence.
  • 透过光线;通过透明的东西看到。
    transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity.
  • 思想上混乱;不够清晰的思考或者聪明的行动。
    mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently.
  • 使迷惑使不清析地思考或理智地行动;使犯错误
    To cause to be unable to think with clarity or act with intelligence or understanding; throw off.
  • 他们以无记名方式,评估我在授课时的思路清晰程度、课堂组织力以及知识层次的高低。
    They got to grade me anonymously,assessing the clarity of my thinking,my organizational skills and the depth of my knowledge.
  • 但是,在公司网上传送图像的清晰度和伴音的改进可被带宽要求抵消掉。
    But the improvements in clarity and sound of images sent over a corporate network can be offset by bandwidth requirements.
  • 够看透宣传的迷雾,也以无比清晰的思路去分析当代的课题,并有办法加以解决。
    He had a way of penetrating the fog of propaganda and expressing with unique clarity the issues of our times and the way we tackle them.
  • 我不是说感到刺激或激动,而是强烈地保持警觉状态,在想问题时够全神贯注和头脑清晰,充满了为排除惊慌所需要的全部的内在力量。
    I don't mean thrilled or excited, but vividly alert, able to think with striking focus and clarity, imbued with whatever inner strength I needed to keep panic at bay.
  • 由于强海流的作用,冲绳有着异常清澈的海水,即使海面波涛汹涌或者有大量的浮游生物,海水也保持清洁。
    The clarity of the water in Okinawa is striking.Thanks to strong-flowing currents,the wa-ter stays quite clear,even when surface waters are rough or there is a large growth of plankton.
  • 此外,还需要具备一些关键技,例如,思路清晰的书写力、对数字应付自如、善于利用资讯科技(使用它们也培养逻辑思维和伸缩性)和应变的力。
    .......Then I'll work on a few core competencies - eg ability to write with exceptional clarity; a disciplined mind that works well with numbers; IT skills and the attendant traits they develop such as logical flow or flexibility; capacity to cope with changes.
  • 我弄不明白克拉克怎么够拉到三分之二的选票。
    I didn’t see how Clark could possibly line up two thirds of the votes.
  • "我没去参加她的婚礼,因为和我的考试日期冲突了。"
    I failed to go to her wedding because it clashed with my examination.
  • 分权化管理的理想与对下属们的力缺乏基本信任的现实发生冲撞。
    Ideas about decentralized management clash with a basic lack of faith in the abilities of the subordinates.
  • ,有些人认为,华族传统文化和我们要追求的、富有创意的社会,是有冲突的。
    Some people may say that traditional Chinese culture will clash with an innovative society that we are pursuing.
  • 英国的动摇政策只落得无结果,这是英国和日本的不同利害决定了的。
    Britain's policy of wavering can get her nowhere, her clash of interests with Japan making this certain.
  • 不过我发现,在卿卿我我的爱情之外,产房实际上最体现大西洋两岸生育文化的差异。
    Yet beyond the cooing and the loving, I've di scovered, the maternity ward is actually ground zero for a trans?Atlantic cultu re clash ovr childbirth.
  • 最高水平的教练员培养出世界水平的运动员。
    Top class coaches can produce world class athletes.
  • 作为种类的例子。
    not exemplifying a class.
  • 这本小说很有可成为经典作品。
    This novel may well become a classic.