  • 产用于制造绳索、地席和刷子的纤维的巴西棕榈。
    Brazilian palm yielding fibers used in making ropes, mats, and brushes.
  • 一种重要的巴西成材乔木,产一种沉实、坚硬、并带有黑色条纹的深色木材。
    an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black.
  • 例如要是新加坡国家足球队对上了巴西国家队,在哪里赛都不重要,也不管天气和场地状况,结局大概谁都猜得
    For example, if Singapore's national soccer team were to take on the Brazilian national team, it does not matter where the match is played. Regardless of the weather and field conditions,the result would be obvious to anyone.
  • 例如要是新加坡国家足球队对上了巴西国家队,在哪里赛都不重要,也不管天气和场地状况,结局大概谁都猜得
    For example, if Singapore's national soccer team were to take on the Brazilian national team, it does not matter where the match is played. Regardless of the weather and field conditions, the result would be obvious to anyone.
  • 等待鲸跃出水面
    Waiting for the whale to breach.
  • 大浪在堤上冲一个缺口
    The huge wave made a breach in the sea wall
  • 要求赔偿损失的诉讼对违背这种协议而提的强制实施或赔偿损失的法律行为
    A legal action to enforce or recover damages for a breach of such an agreement.
  • 根据担保的条款当项目不足时现的违约。
    a breach that occurs when an item is deficient according to the terms of a warranty.
  • 麦粒面粉任何这类禾本植物的谷粒,经碾磨以生产用于做面包原料及淀粉的面粉
    The grain of any of these grasses, ground to produce flour used in breadstuffs and pasta.
  • 我们从九死一生的险境中逃.
    We escaped by a hair's breadth.
  • 他写的书表现他学识渊博。
    His book showed the great breadth of his learning.
  • 这部新版的编年史分成八大部分。
    The newly-published chronicle breaks down into eight major parts.
  • 8点钟的那趟车因在芬格林车站了故障而被取消了。
    The 8 o'clock train broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.'
  • 观众们爆发一阵欢呼,醉汉鞠了一躬。
    The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.
  • 他背上现了许多斑点。
    His back broke out in spots.
  • 这个方案没有新意,它没有提新的见解。
    The scheme says nothing new; it doesn't break new ground.
  • 迸发假声;迸发歌声;迸发泪水。
    break into a yodel; break into a song; break into tears.
  • 我想请你预付200元租金外加50元的损毁押金。你搬时这笔押金会退给你。
    I need two hundred dollars rent in advance plus a fifty dollar breakage deposit back when you move out.
  • 根据你们的要求,我们具了投保水渍险的保险凭证,但没提破碎险。
    According to your instructions, we made out an insurance certificate covering W. P. A. and risk of breakage wasn't mentioned in it.
  • 维切思先生是马尼拉的一家进口商,为一笔釉面瓷砖破碎率占船货的百分之三十以上一事,向我轻工业品进口总公司提了意见。
    Mr Vichers, an importer from Manila, has filed a complaint with our Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation about the breakage of glazed wall tiles, which exceeds 30% of the consignment.
  • 我们已通过你公司向保险公司提索赔,但保险公司拒绝负责。因为没投保破碎险,我们当然对这种回答是不满意的。
    We've presented a claim to the underwriters through your firm, but the insurance company refused to admit liability, as there was no insurance on breakage. We naturally were not satisfied with such a reply.
  • 从那个旧政党中分裂去的一派又组成了一个新政党。
    A breakaway group within the old political party formed a new one.
  • 我们的汽车了故障。
    Our car had a breakdown.
  • 图1显示二零零一年各主要口项目的港产品口值。
    Chart 1 shows the value breakdown of domestic exports in 2001.
  • 其中,口1837.6亿美元,增长0.5%;
    In a breakdown, export stood at 183.76 billion US dollars, up 0.5%;
  • 其中,口1002亿美元,下降2.8%;
    In a breakdown, the export valued at 100.2 billion US dollars, down 2.8%;
  • 中年人经常现的一种关节软骨慢性损伤。
    chronic breakdown of cartilage in the joints occurring usually after middle age.
  • 我问汽车修理工他是否有1967年生产的莫里斯・迈纳车的油泵,使我惊奇的是他竟然马上拿一个来。
    I asked the car breaker if he had a fuel pump for a1967 Morris Minor and lo and behold he produced one immediately.
  • 1988年美国公开赛冠军达文波特从第一盘的不利情况中挣脱来,在第二盘中逼平对手,救了两个赛末点赢得了该盘比赛的胜利。
    Davenport, the 1998 U.S. Open champion, surged back from a poor first set to force a tie breaker, in which she saved two match points.
  • 他把吃下的早饭全都呕吐来了。
    He chucked up his breakfast.
  • 一头跃出水面的海豚
    A dolphin breaking water.
  • 《爱我本色》1993年10月一经发行,就获得了初茅庐的歌手们梦寐以求的成功。
    Released in October of 1993,Take Me as I Am became the sort of breakout album that fledgling artists dream about.