  • 属于、关于或类似于个饮酒狂欢的人。
    of or relating to or resembling a bacchanalian reveler.
  • 在印刷技术中,个铅字由其身向外突出与相邻的铅字相搭接的部分。
    Overhangs he body and so overlaps onto an adjacent piece.
  • 年以前,那些夜总会总是人满为患。
    A year ago, those nightclubs were packed with revelers.
  • 北以及临近的几个小岛组成。
    North Island and South Island and adjacent small islands.
  • 痛饮狂欢的夜晚;群酗酒狂欢的水手;狂欢的节日。
    a night of bacchanalian revelry; carousing bands of drunken soldiers; orgiastic festivity.
  • 他一直在想报复。
    He has been meditating revenge.
  • 报复实行报复,尤指为报复个错误而刺杀
    To take revenge on, especially to kill in revenge for a wrong.
  • 复仇是种野生的裁判。
    Revenge is a kind of wild justice;
  • 我们应该摒除切报复的念头。
    We should dismiss all thought of revenge.
  • 他突然产生了种复仇的欲望。
    He was seized with a desire for revenge.
  • 条把两条相近河流分开的线。
    a line that divides two adjacent river systems.
  • 为了报复场进攻而回击。
    strike back, as in revenge for an attack.
  • 我发誓,总有天我会找你报仇的。
    I'll revenge on you one day, so help me God.
  • “我有种强烈的、对侮辱进行报复的感觉”(纳沙尼尔·霍桑)
    "I had a keen, revengeful sense of the insult?Nathaniel Hawthorne).
  • 组相邻的卡片行。参阅lowercurtate。
    A group of adjacent card rows.
  • 薪俸这类财源的收入
    The revenue from such assets.
  • 尽管他没有上班,可还是拿到了公司收入的份。
    a slice of the company's revenue.
  • 他们直在要求获得收入损失赔偿金。
    They are seeking damages for loss of revenue.
  • 鲑鲈种小型北美淡水鱼(鲑鲈鲑鲈属),身体透明,鳍多脂肪,鳞边有细小锯齿状边缘
    A small North American freshwater fish(Percopsis omiscomaycus) having a translucent body, an adipose fin, and fine saw-toothed edges on its scales.
  • 征税人员税务局官员,检查应纳税的大批货
    A revenue officer who inspects bulk goods subject to duty.
  • 经济效益进步提高,财政收入不断增长。
    Economic returns have further improved. National revenue has kept growing.
  • 照目前情况看,我们定是永别了。
    Since the chances are remote, adieu, my dear;
  • (英国)个明显的错误它的不动产好象能回响。
    (British) a conspicuous mistake whose effects seem to reverberate.
  • 这次《联合早报》主办的“跨世纪的文化对话”确是难得的文化盛筵,不仅余音袅袅,还留下了些有趣的话题可以讨论。
    The Chinese cultural forum "Towards the Next Century-A Cultural Dialogue", organized by Lianhe Zaobao recently, is a rare cultural feast. The discussions still reverberate in our minds. Not only that. Some interesting topics can be further deliberated upon.
  • 我听到个声音在回荡:“爬出来吧,我给你自由!”
    I heard a voice reverberating: "Crawl out! I give you liberty!"
  • 长有纤细掌状复叶的种陆生铁线蕨。
    any of various small to large terrestrial ferns of the genus Adiantum having delicate palmately branched fronds.
  • 这样的大劣绅、大土豪,枪毙个,全县震动,于肃清封建余孽,极有效力。
    The execution of one such big landlord reverberates through a whole county and is very effective in eradicating the remaining evils of feudalism.
  • 约在十个月前,部分亚洲国家在经济结构上的弱点,触发了场震动全球的金融危机。
    Some 11 months ago, structural weaknesses of some Asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world.
  • 六个月前,部分亚洲国家在经济结构上的弱点触发了场震动全球的金融风暴。
    Six months ago, these structural weaknesses of selected Asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world.
  • 约在十个月前,部分亚洲国家在经济结构上的弱点,触发了场震动全球的金融危机。
    Some eleven months ago, structural weaknesses of some Asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world.
  • 约十个月前,部分亚洲国家在经济结构上的弱点,触发了场震动全球的金融危机。
    Some ten months ago, structural weaknesses of some Asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world.
  • 面筋产生于谷类中的种植物蛋白混合物,主要产生于玉米和小麦,用作粘剂和面粉替代物
    A mixture of plant proteins occurring in cereal grains, chiefly corn and wheat, used as an adhesive and as a flour substitute.