| - 文化的影响,尤其是通过电视、电影和一个技术上较先进的文明的一些无形的力量——软体的力量,与一个国家在国际事务上所能发挥的硬体力量是同样重要的。”
Soft power, the influence of culture, especially through television, films and the intangibles of a more technically-advanced civilisation, becomes as important as hard power in international affairs. - 大部分的中国人对《三国演义》里的故事都耳熟能详,书中有些故事未必合乎史实,但是这无关紧要,重要的是书中扣人心弦的故事,老少皆宜,它还蕴含了不少中国文化的智慧。
But most Chinese would be familiar with the stories from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Some of the stories in the Romance may not be accurate but that is not crucial. What matters is that the Romance is a gripping story, enjoyed by young and old alike, capturing much of the wisdom of Chinese civilisation. - 如果以任何国家的情况来说,在工业各部门都获得了发展的一个工业力量,是在文化上、物质繁荣上、政治力量上进一步发展的基本条件(这一点我们认为在历史上已组获得了证明);如果就目前世界形势来说,世界上已经有了一个国家处于强有力地位,并且早已在它自己领域以内有着周密的保护,处于这样的形势,在自由竞争下一个一无保护的国家要想成为一个新兴的工业国已经没有可能;如果这一点是确实的话(我们认为这一点的确切无疑是可以证明的),那么上述的流行学派的论点又怎能站得住脚呢?
If, therefore, a manufacturing power developed in all its branches forms a fundamental condition of all higher advances in civilisation, material prosperity, and political power in every nation (a fact which, we think, we have proved from history); if it be true (as we believe we can prove) that in the present conditions of the world a new unprotected manufacturing power cannot possibly be raised up under free competition with a power which has long since grown in strength and is protected on its own territory; - 如果一个国家人口的增长超过了食料生产的增长趋势,如果资本的积累最后达到了这样程度,以致不能再找到投资出路,如果机器生产造成了大批工人失业,使商品有了巨额过剩——如果发生了这样的情况,这只是说明,造化注定,不允许任何一个国家单独享有工业、文化、财富和权力,或者是说,地球上大部分宜于耕种的地方只应当成为野兽的窟穴,人类的绝大部分应当永久陷于野蛮、无知和贫因状态。
If in a nation the population increases more than the production of the means of subsistence, if capital accumulates at length to such an extent as no longer to find investment, if machinery throws a number of operatives out of work and manufactured goods accumulate to a large excess, this merely proves, that nature will not allow industry, civilisation, wealth,and power to fall exclusively to the lot of a single nation, or that a large portion of the globe suitable for cultivation should be merely inhabited by wild animals, and that the largest portion of the human race should remain sunk in savagery, ignorance, and poverty. - 有些国家在文化上同那占优势的国家比起来还差得很远,但是那个国家决没有从上帝手里取得垄断工业的永久权利,不过在时间上它比别的国家占先了一步而已。保护制度是使落后国家在文化上取得与那个优势国家同等地位的唯一方法。从这一点看起来,保护贸易制度可以认为是促进各国实现最后联合,也就是促进真正自由贸易的最有效方法,从这个观点来看时,国家经济学似乎是这样一种科学,它正确地了解各国的当前利益和特有环境,它所教导的是怎样使各个国家上升到上述那样的工业发展阶段,怎样使它同其他同样发展的国家结成联盟,从而使实行自由贸易成为可能,并从中获得利益。
The system of protection, inasmuch as it forms the only means of placing those nations which are far behind in civilisation on equal terms with the one predominating nation (which, however, never received at the hands of Nature a perpetual right to a monopoly of manufacture, but which merely gained an advance over others in point of time), the system of protection regarded from this point of view appears to be the most efficient means of furthering the final union of nations,and hence also of promoting true freedom of trade. And national economy appears from this point of view to be that science which,correctly appreciating the existing interests and the individual circumstances of nations, teaches how every separate nation can be raised to that stage of industrial development in which union with other nations equally well developed, and consequently freedom of trade, can become possible and useful to it. - 但是,当我们走在香港的街头,环顾整个城市的卫生,即使是我们自己,对於香港的高度文明,也不能不大打折扣。
However, when we walk in the street, we cannot stop asking ourselves if the description "highly civilised" is perhaps too good for Hong Kong. - 我国现在有迈向21世纪的美好理想,除了经济建设要跟得上先进国家外,文明社会该显现的文化素养,如瑞士人身上所表露出来的,我们也绝不能忽视啊!
As Singapore strives towards a better 21st century, not only must our economic development catch up with the developed nations, we must also not overlook the graciousness and other finer qualities, as epitomised by the Swiss, which are basic tenets of a more civilised society. - 有礼貌不能制止核战争,也不能为无家可归者提供栖身之所,但它的确能改变一个社会群体的面貌,犹如举重定能改变一个人的体形一样。
Civility doesn't stop nuclear holocaust and doesn't put a roof over the head of the homeless. But it makes a difference in the shape of a community, as surely as lifting weights can make a difference in the shape of a human torso. - 古老的文化可能会渐渐衰落下去。
Old civilization may fall into decay. - 财富未必创造文明,文明却能带来金钱。
Wealth may not produce civilization, but civilization produce money. - 跨文化的大架构,才能更丰富人类的精神文明。
Cross-cultural interaction alone can enrich our spiritual civilization. - 这样的行为在文明社会里是不能接受的。
Such behavior is unacceptable in a civilized society. - 女人将会是最不可能为男人所开化的东西。
Woman will be the last thing civilized by man. - 女人将会是最不可能为男人所开化的东西。
Woman will is the last thing civilized by man. - 即使在文明人之中,时不时也可以看出那么一丁点一夫一妻本能的痕迹。
Even in civilized mankind faint trace of a monogamic instinct can sometimes is perceive. - 文明人创造了马车,双脚却失去了功能。
The civilized man have build a coach, but have lose the use of his feet. - 这些发明和发现——火、语言、武器、家畜、农业和文字——使文明社会有可能出现。
These inventions and discoveries fire, speech, weapons, domestic animals, agriculture, and writing made the existence of civilized communities possible. - 穿上晚礼服、打上白蝴蝶领带之后,不管是谁,连股票经纪人,也能够得到斯文的称道。
With an evening coat and a white tie, anybody, even a stockbroker, can gain a reputation for being civilized. - 只要能够教导英国人怎样去谈、并教导爱尔兰人怎样去听,社会就会相当文明了。
If one can only teach the English how to talk and the Irish how to listen, society will be quite civilized. - 只要能够教导英国人怎样去谈、并教导爱尔兰人怎样去听,社会就会相当文明了。
If one could only teach the English how to talk and the Irish how to listen, society would be quite civilized. - 在一个文明国家内,所有其他物品似乎只因能换取货币才具有这一能力。
while all other things, in a civilized state, seem to confer it only by their capacity of being exchanged for money. - 战列舰巨型战舰之一,能装载大量武器,有厚重的装甲所覆盖
Any one of a class of warships of the largest size, carrying the greatest number of weapons and clad with the heaviest armor. - 一项不能取消的声明;不能废除的权利
An indefeasible claim; indefeasible rights. - 你能够证明你的要求正确吗?
Can you substantiate your claim? - 无权要求的没有权利或对…不能提出要求的
Having no right or claim. - 此要求不能成立。
The claim does not lie. - 一个有透视能力的人。
someone who has the power of clairvoyance. - 千里眼有假想的超视能力的人,如巫师
A person, such as a medium, possessing the supposed power of clairvoyance. - 其领导人民对敌斗争的策略,必须是利用一切可以利用的公开合法的法律、命令和社会习惯所许可的范围,从有理、有利、有节的观点出发,一步一步地和稳扎稳打地去进行,决不是大唤大叫和横冲直撞的办法所能成功的。
In leading the people in struggle against the enemy, the Party must adopt the tactics of advancing step by step slowly and surely, keeping to the principle of waging struggles on just grounds, to our advantage, and with restraint, and making use of such open forms of activity as are permitted by law, decree and social custom; empty clamour and reckless action can never lead to success. - 但是无论哪一县,封建的家族组织十分普遍,多是一姓一个村子,或一姓几个村子,非有一个比较长的时间,村子内阶级分化不能完成,家族主义不能战胜。
But as the feudal family system prevails in every county, and as all the families in a village or group of villages belong to a single clan, it will be quite a long time before people become conscious of their class and clan sentiment is overcome in the villages. - 事实证明,即使在同一族群内,信奉同一宗教、属于同一宗教机构、同姓同宗、一家之内,都可能由于意见分歧而导致言语冲突、争权夺位乃至大打出手。
It is a reality that differences in opinions have led to quarrels, leadership struggles and even fights within a race, a religion, a religious institution, a clan or a family. - 非法与合法的生产能同时进行,或者军民两用的化学生产设施可以随时转产。
Illicit and legitimate production can go on simultaneously; or, on a dime, this dual-use infrastructure can turn from clandestine to commercial and then back again.