  • 请把这个包裹史密斯先生送去。
    Please take this package round to Mr.Smith.
  • 来此公干的客人如有一、二天空闲,都会希望交旅游公司去整套安排。
    Visitors on business trips here with one or two free days on their hands would like the tour agencies to provide packaged tours.
  • 她给孩子装便餐。
    She packed her child a lunch.
  • 他买了一袋糖果。
    I bought him a packet of sugar.
  • 他让这男孩去他买一包香烟。
    He sent the boy for a packet of cigarettes.
  • 中国亲日派大资产阶级的政治代表汪精卫,看了这种情形,吓得发疯,跪倒在日本面前,订立了日汪卖国条约,把中国出卖日本帝国主义。
    Frightened out of his wits by this fact, Wang Ching-wei, the political representative of the pro-Japanese faction of the Chinese big bourgeoisie, grovels before Japan and concludes a traitorous pact, betraying China to Japanese imperialism.
  • 给上衣肩部加衬垫
    to pad out the shoulders of a jacket
  • 他拿出一张便笺薄准备母亲写信。
    Taking out a pad , he prepared to write to his mother.
  • 套在茶壶外面茶壶保温的外套。
    a padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm.
  • 他母亲他做了一件棉上衣。
    A padded coat was made for him by his mother.
  • 对方留下自己的电子邮件地址或呼机号码以避免其知道你的住址。
    Give out an e-mail address or a pager number to prevent someone from getting your home address.
  • 不要与只你呼机号码而不你家庭电话号码的男人约会。
    Don't date a man who will not give you his home number but instead offers his pager number.
  • 当你感到足够放心,可以和网友电话聊天时,他(她)一个办公室电话、手机或呼机号码。不要告诉对方自己的住宅电话号码或索要对方的宅电。
    When you feel secure enough to talk on the telephone to your on line friend, give him or her a work, cellular phone or pager number rather than your home telephone number, or get theirs.
  • 在印刷技术中,按页面拼版或页面编号的过程。
    In printing, making up in pages ornumbering pages.
  • 按顺序给各页编号。
    Number the pages in sequence.
  • “她的是所有人能的最高价,”皮特说。
    "She paid the biggest price anyone can ever pay," he said.
  • 她付给怀特和我了。
    She paid White and me.
  • 我们必须他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。
    We must give him sth. for his pains.
  • 请给我止痛药好吗?
    May I have a painkiller?
  • 为了酬谢那个计程车司机的辛劳,我们了他一些报酬。
    We gave the taxi driver something for his pains.
  • 医生小孩的胃痛开了药。
    The doctor prescribed a medicine for the child's stomach pains.
  • 精心制作的对众多部分或细节予精心注意的计划或制作的
    Planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details.
  • 把漆刷递上去交梯子上的父亲。
    Hand the paintbrush up to Father on the ladder.
  • 当他年届13岁时,已经教了他六年的父亲把自己的颜料和画笔交了儿子,从此就再也没有动笔。
    When he was 13, his father, who had been teaching him for six years, handed over his own paints and brushes to his son. The father never painted again.
  • 他画了一张画给我。
    He painted me a picture.
  • 标牌和广告牌涂漆的人。
    someone who paints signs and billboards etc..
  • 拿出你的颜料这张画涂上颜色。
    Take your paints and colour this picture.
  • 我在(你)结一双袜子。
    I'm knitting a pair of socks.
  • 从未有人重视过我,也没人对我所说的话予过任何一点注意。是的,我可以交朋友――但却无法影响他人。
    Nobody ever takes me seriously, or pays the least attention to what I say. Sure, I can make friends--but I can't influence people.
  • 你应该和约翰交朋友,他可以你帮助。
    You should pal up with John. He's the man to help you.
  • 一报社朋友他介绍对象,选中的阿莉斯,因为她是惟一个子比他矮的女记者。
    A newspaper pal got him a blind date, choosing Alice because she was the only girl reporter shorter than he.
  • 在过去的十年中,他以人拉皮条而闻名。
    In the past ten years, he became wellknown for pandering to any man who needed a woman.