  • 最近办室里频频有人发生严重的错误
    There have been far too many goof - ups in this office recently
  • 用来沾母鹅肉的酱也可用来沾鹅肉;适用於甲的也适用於乙。
    Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
  • 苏努努乘私家喷气机来回,衣阿华州共和党部支付两千元,其余由一家保险司代付。
    Sununu flew there and back on a private jet for which the Iowa GOP paid $ 2,000 - while an insurance corporation picked up the rest of the tab.
  • 一只牛发现一只狮子的幼兽在睡觉,便用角把它抵死了。
    A bull, finding a lion's whelp asleep, gore him to death with his horn.
  • 美国总统大选战况激烈,佛州两郡的人工计票仍继续进行,对于迈阿密德郡停止人工计票,副总统戈尔的律师团誓言上诉到底,即使计票结果将于星期日布。
    Two Florida counties scrambled to tally by hand more ballots in the achingly tight presidential election on Friday, as lawyers for Vice President Al Gore vowed to extend their legal battle into next week.
  • 这里刚有中国读者问“那个开叫嚷保护人权的美国哪里去了”,大洋对岸那边厢就有人送来网址,里面有克林顿和戈尔憨笑着的合影,和他们与夫人的开电邮地址。
    A reader in China asked: "Where is Uncle Sam who has been so vocal about human rights? " Then, almost in real-time, someone on the other side of the Pacific responded with a link to the White House website, in which Clinton and Gore were all smiles, and e-mail addresses of the Clintons and the Gores were listed.
  • 听到佣人们在他们富有的雇主家中所受到的不正的待遇,令我愤愤不平。
    It made my gorge rise to hear how servants were treated in the house of their wealthy employers.
  • 你肯定乔治不会在开场合演唱,是吗?他根本不能唱!
    You surely don't think Gorge could sing in public, do you? He can't sing for toffee!
  • 布道者讲道者,尤指以开传播福音为职业的人
    One who preaches, especially one who publicly proclaims the gospel for an occupation.
  • 唧唧喳喳地说办室闲话
    Twittering over office gossip.
  • 元年后发展于意大利和西欧,介于罗马和歌特式的一种建筑形式:特点是用圆形拱门和屋顶,用石礅代替柱子和采用复杂。
    a style of architecture developed in Italy and western Europe between the Roman and the Gothic styles after 1000 AD; characterized by round arches and vaults and by the substitution of piers for columns and profuse ornament and arcades.
  • 我们以极其道的价钱供应真正的美食家所享用的四道菜的晚餐,并无需门票。
    We serve a real gourmet's four-course dinner at a very reasonable price, with no entrance fee requited.
  • 一位申请以govsux作车牌的民遭到了拒绝,开抗议后,他得到了他想要的车牌。
    A citizen requesting GOV SUX was turned down, protested publicly, and got his tag.
  • 道德的,伦理的合乎认的支配职业行为的是非原则的
    Being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession.
  • 良好的企业管治对推行平、开及有效的制度十分重要。
    Good corporate governance is essential to fostering a fair, open and efficient regime.
  • 校本管理谘询委员会发表了谘询文件,经过为期两个月的众谘询后,向署长提出有关建立校本管治架构的建议。
    Following a two-month public consultation, the ACSBM has made its recommendations to the Director on the school-based management governance framework.
  • 今天,经过三四十年的良好管理和奋斗,新加坡已经成为一个繁荣的国家。新加坡民的人均国内生产总值在世界上排名第四位。
    Today, after decades of good governance and struggle, Singapore is a thriving nation with the world's fourth highest per capita income.
  • 不仅董事会应该更加独立,审计、报酬和管理委员会也应该更加明确地对各自所体现的司基本政策承担责任。
    Not only must boards be more independent but also audit,compensation,and governance committees ought to be held more clearly accountable for the basic policies of the companies they represent.
  • 按照现代企业制度的要求,国有大中型企业继续实行规范的司制改革,完善法人治理结构。
    Large and medium state-owned enterprises must continue their reform to convert themselves into standard companies in compliance with the requirements of the modern enterprise system and improve their corporate governance.
  • 该处亦负责处理各种法律、政策及规管问题,范围非常广阔,因此在检讨《司条例》与企业管治方面,也担当重要角色。
    The Registry is also responsible for a wide range of legal, policy and regulatory issues. In this respect, it is playing an important role in the Companies Ordinance and Corporate Governance reviews.
  • 跨国司和各国政府必须努力执行最佳司治理的标准,在社会范围内鼓励负责的商业活动,为世界各国象输氧一样注入投资。
    Together multinationals and governments must strive to implement standards of best practice in corporate governance and encourage socially responsible business activity, bringing the oxygen of investment to countries all around the world.
  • 自由从不正的或非法的政府控制下解放出来
    Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.
  • 海关进行征收关税并清理船只以进入或离开本国的政府大楼或办
    A governmental building or office where customs are collected and ships are cleared for entering or leaving the country.
  • 一个共的或私人的建筑物(或商业或政府或教育)它为它们提供活动场地和设备或着是居住地。
    a public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence.
  • 这位政府官员开宣布赞成停止征税
    The governor came out in favor of tax breaks.
  • 唐玄宗年间(元712年—元756年在位),唐朝又在两大都护府之上设“碛西节度使”,是当时全国八大节度使之一。
    Emperor Xuanzong (r.712-756) of the Tang Dynasty established a Qixi Military Governorship to supervise both frontier commands. Qixi was one of the eight major military governorships at that time in the country.
  • 访:早上好,我是约翰生司的布朗,与格雷勃先生约好了10点见面。
    Good morning. I'm Brown of Johnson's. I'm here for the 10 o'clock appointment with Mr. Grabber.
  • 莫:斯蒂纳先生,格雷勃先生要我带您到他的办室,请这边走。
    Mr. Steiner, Mr. Grabber asked me to show you to his office. Would you come this way, please。
  • 这件事发生在元88年。
    It happened in the year of grace 88.
  • 如果谁对陌生人都亲切、有礼貌,这就表明他是一个世界性的民——佛朗西斯·培根。
    if a man be gracious and courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world-Francis Bacon.
  • 当一位雇员度假或外出一段时间返回司时,要与其握手,亲切地表示欢迎。
    Shake hands and give a gracious welcome to an employee who's just returned from a vacation or from some other absence.
  • 正的批评容易让人体面地接受。
    It's easier to accept graciously.