  • shān dōng yuán fēng yòng shāntài shān shuǐbào quán shèng rénkǒng ), zhǎn shì liǎo wén huà de gāo nèi hán
    The Qilu Garden in Shandong exhibition area, is original creation in its styles, revealing the profound Qilu-cultural connotation with one mountain (the Taishan mountain), one water area (the Baotu Spring), and one sage (Confucius);
  • xíng róng néng róng zuò wéi míng yòng
    An adjective can easily be substantivizeed.
  • jiù hǎo xiàng de kōng huì shè kōng kuàng de kōng yàngyòu zài chàn huǐ zhōng de bào shì wéi rèn shí yòng chù 'ér shì wéi rén xīn tòng kuài de yǐn de rén nǎi néng zhī duō de shì
    as the more close air, sucketh in the more open: and as in confession, the revealing is not for worldly use, but for the ease of a man's heart, so secret men come to the knowledge of many things, in that kind;
  • yùn shū gōng huì yán rén chēng: " men de chéng yuán néng bèi zhuāng bàn chéng zhǎn shì xìng gǎn de gōng yòu xiē shàng rén yuán jīng biǎo shìguò bào de zhì shì shì dehuì zēng jiā sāo rǎo shì jiàn de shēngróng zào chéng chéng qíng chōng dòng。 " gāi gōng huì bāo kuò mín háng tǒng de 44, 000 míng chéng yuán
    "Our members should not be dressed as sex objects," says a spokesman from the Transport and General Workers' Union, which has 44,000 members in the civil air transport section. "Some female stewards have voiced concern that a too-revealing uniform would be inappropriate and could lead to an increase in cases of harassment and 'air-rage' incidents."
  • zài hēi māo zhè zhōng , xíng róng hēixiū shì míng māo' .
    In `the black cat' the adjective `black' modifies the noun `cat'.
  • zhōng xíng róng zài shù xìng shàng míng zhì
    In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.
  • huān yàn cóng 4 diǎn zhōng jiù zhí jìn xíng zhezuì hòu ài nào de rén men yòu xíng liǎo jiǔ bèi rén wàng de dài jiǔ lìng lái
    The revel had lasted since four o'clock, and, at length… the frolicsome company had begun to practise the ancient and now forgotten pastime of high jinks.
  • duī cuò zōng luànyòu hǎo yòu huài de cái liào còu zài jiào zuò…… huí
    The confused and reveled mass of thread and thrum, yclepted.
  • zhè hái yòng gòu chéng xíng róng
    It is also used in adjectival compounds.
  • zài zhōng shuō chéng shì yīng xióng shí dài de míng bǎi zhàn yàn de shì gān huǒ wàng shèngshàng hàodòu tīng dào zhàn shēng jiù shǒu dǎo wén dào xuè xīng jiù xīn zuì shén
    Homer in the Iliad, represents Ares as the insatiable warrior of the heroic age, who, impelled by rage and lust of violence, exults in the noise of battle, revels in the horror of carnage.
  • xiàng xíng róng yàng xíng róng de fāng shì
    as an adjective; in an adjectival manner.
  • shì jiàn suǒ shǐ wèi liào de shì
    It was a revelation to me.
  • duì duō shù lái shuōài jiù shì zhǒng gǎn zhào
    To most women Amelia was a revelation and inspiration.
  • chā liǎng xiāng lín fēn de kǒng bìng men zài kuài
    inserts into holes in two adjacent pieces and holds them together.
  • chì zhe jiǎozhè zhǒng chì luǒ fǎn 'ér jìn xiǎn shì liǎo de měi
    Her feet are bare, and their bareness is only a revelation of greater beauty.
  • chì zhù jiǎo , zhè zhǒng chì luǒ fǎn 'ér jìn xiǎn shì liǎo de měi
    Her feet is bare, and their bareness is only a revelation of greater beauty.
  • wèi zhì xiāng jìn de rén huò shì jiē jìn rén huò wèi jìn de rén fāng huò shì
    A person, place, or thing adjacent to or located near another.
  • zhǒng rèn wéi suǒ yòu de zhī shí dōulái zuì chū de shén de shì bìng yóu kǒu chuán fāng shì chuán de
    A system holding that all knowledge is derived from original divine revelation and is transmitted by tradition.
  • rèn wéi qiē zhī shí yuán shén shì bìng yóu chuán tǒng liú chuán xià lái
    the doctrine that all knowledge was originally derived by divine revelation and that it is transmitted by traditions.
  • zhǒng shén xué : xiāng xìn yào shén zhǐ yào kào rén lèi tuī biàn rèn shí shén
    a theology that holds that knowledge of God can be acquired by human reason without the aid of divine revelation.
  • zhè xiè chū lái de shì shí dàn lìng gǎn dào zhèn jīngér qiě shǐ huái zhì jīn réng rán jìng zhòng de zhǎngzhě zhōng hái yòu duō shǎo shì wěi jūn
    The revelation not only shocked Jim, but made him wonder how many of his hitherto respected elders might be whited sepulchers.
  • lǐng dào xīn jiā jǐn wài biǎo qīng jié měi rén men de xīn líng shì měi hǎo
    That's the first revelation to me that Singapore is not only clean and beautiful but also full of people who have a heart of gold.
  • yīn què xìnduì xiē yòu yǎn jīng néng zhēn zhèng kàn jiàn de rén lái shuōměi tiān de míng dìng shì zhǒng měi de yǒng héng xīn zhǎn
    For I am sure that, for those who have eyes which really see, the dawn of each day must be a perpetually new revelation of beauty.
  • zhè jīn róng fēng bào gěi men de shìjiù shì shì chǎng yào shìdàng de guī fàn miǎn dài lái huài xìng de chōng
    The current financial turmoil has come as a revelation to us. We have realised that proper regulation of the market is needed in order to protect us against any devastating attack.
  • qiáo tóu qiáo de duān xiāng lín de
    The area immediately adjacent to the end of a bridge.
  • chuān kǒng piàn shàng xiāng lín de liè
    A group of adjacent card columns on a punch card.
  • lín jiē lín zài duān huò biān xiāng línwèi zhì lín de
    To touch at one end or side; lie adjacent.
  • men zǒu jìn liǎo jiān zhāng guà zhe wéi de fáng jiān zhèng yào gēn zhe jìn de dāng 'ér men què jīhū shàng xiào zhe tuì liǎo chū láifǎng duì zhè xīn de liè gǎn dào hài sào dǎo fǎn 'ér gèng xiǎng jìn kàn jiū jìng
    They went into a bedroom hung with Persian fabrics and I was about to go in after them, when they came out again almost immediately, smiling and as it were put to shame by this latest revelation. The effect was to make me even keener to see inside.
  • zhù yào gēn shén duì rén lèi zhǒng shì de zhǒng zōng jiào
    a religion founded primarily on the revelations of God to humankind.
  • líng hún shì zài shòu dào huān yíng de shí gēn xiàn zài yàng zài yīng lán fēng xíng shí
    Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period, a sat this.
  • jiā tíng de fáng lín zhàn yòu de
    the home and adjacent grounds occupied by a family.
  • wèn dàoduì diàn huà duān de yǒu hǎo shēng rén suǒ de qiē gǎn dào xiāng dāng zhèn jīng
    I asked,fairly stunned at these revelations from this friendly stranger on the end of the line.